
Challenger Slot

"Oh, hello!", Michael greeted the red-haired girl he'd often seen running in the mornings at school.

The girl in question removed her headphones and gave him a small smile. "I haven't seen you running on this course before, though you don't quite seem dressed for it at the moment."

Michael shook his head. "I was over at Greyscale Books. I'm heading back from there now," he explained while scratching the back of his head and looking out towards the river in a motion that he thought looked particularly cool and mysterious.

His movement caused him to miss the fact that his casual comment caused a flicker of caution to cross the girl's face. "I see. Are you acquainted with the owner?", she asked cautiously.

"Well, he's the Librarian at school, of course. But I guess I'm also his...", Michael hesitated when trying to describe his relationship with Mr. Maddox. He was his assistant at school, but now Mr. Maddox was also his client? And also his tutor? It turned out that without him noticing, their relationship had become a bit complicated.

"I guess you could call me his assistant," Michael finally decided to say.

"...I see. I didn't realize that you were 'His'... assistant," she said, her face a bit strange.

"It's a rather new development," Michael replied, chuckling. He seemed oblivious to the change in the girl's expression. "Anyway, I won't keep you from your run. Maybe I'll see you on the track again sometime!", he called, waving as he departed.

"That's right, Michael. Play it cool. Don't seem too interested," he murmured internally as he walked away. Michael felt that there was something particularly interesting about this girl, though he couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe it was due to the fact that they only knew each other through a shared physical activity, they didn't know each other's names, and only interacted when Michael's blood was pumping. There was a certain mystique about the whole thing that he found sort of thrilling. "Wait, why didn't I even get her name?"


"System, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing at all."


The girl stared at Michael's quickly retreating form, a frown on her face. "Of course, wherever I look, that world rears its ugly head," she lamented as she shook her head and put her headphones back on.


Michael opened up the door to the cafe and saw Ben working behind the counter. He waved at him, and Ben returned the greeting with a grin. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't starting til next week."

"I'm actually looking for Jeremy, is he around?", Michael asked as he walked up to the desk.

Ben shrugged helplessly and motioned with his head. "He's at his usual spot. I swear, that kid doesn't even seem to be aware that he owns a business."

Michael chuckled awkwardly and walked over to the centre row of computers, waving his thanks as he went. Soon he could hear the mutterings of his target from the other side of the nearest partition.

"Come on, hold aggro! I can't be the damage dealer and tank at the same time! Ugh, freaking noobs," Jeremy grumbled.

"Not having a great time today? Where's Valeria?", Michael said as he walked around the side.

"Hey, man!", Jeremy exclaimed as he spun his chair around. "Val had stuff at home today, so I'm stuck with a pickup group. This tank is terrible. You gonna play?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you had time to show me that gym you mentioned. I want to get some archery practice in."

"Sure! Not going to get anywhere with this bunch of clowns, anyway. Let's go!"

Jeremy quickly logged off and ran up to the front desk to grab his coat before pulling Michael out the door to the sound of an exasperated sigh from Ben.


Jeremy quickly led Michael across the street and down a couple of blocks towards a large complex that spanned almost an entire city block.

"So, how long have you been using this gym? Is it really okay for you to bring me over?", Michael asked as they waited at a traffic light.

Jeremy chuckled. "Actually, my family is one of the primary shareholders of this chain. Since we're sort of partners, now, I suppose it's okay that you know that. My family has their fingers in a lot of different industries, including security. So, having an available training centre is very helpful."

Michael quietly absorbed that information, as he realized that Jeremy's background was a lot more complicated than he thought. A question that he really wanted to ask sat at the tip of his tongue, but he ultimately held himself back from asking it. He followed Jeremy across the street as the light changed.

"Still, that doesn't have a lot to do with me right now," Jeremy continued. "Until I grow up, while I have a few privileges related to the family businesses, the only ones in my control are those I start myself, like the cafe Ben and I have set up."

"So, are you two equal partners, then? Where does... Ben's sister come into play?", Michael asked, shying away from calling the beautiful lady by her name at the last minute. Despite his recent attempts to amend it, he was still way too nervous around the fairer sex.

"Ben and Rebecca are my cousins, but their parents... let's just say they're not in the direct line of inheritance. So while they're both ambitious, especially Ben, most of the money is coming from me. Still, it's like 60/40 between me and Ben. Rebecca is only working their to help us out, but she's not a partner. She doesn't plan on being there long. Why, you curious?", Jeremy teased.

Michael blushed. "Just trying to understand who I'm get-- how I everything is laid out. It's important I know who is ultimately paying the bills, after all. I'm shocked it's you, in the end! We're the same age, but you're so much further ahead than I am."

"Enh," Jeremy waved off his friend's comment. "I'm just lucky to come from a well off family. If the cafe works out, then I'll be happy. I'll finally have something I built by myself. Until then, I'm just a rich kid who lives of his family."

Michael couldn't respond to that, so he simply followed his friend into the entrance of the large complex. The building loomed like a massive block of marble, uniform and imposing, other than the relief of a massive man holding a globe over his head above the doors, with block letters spelling out 'ATLAS TRAINING CENTER' between the image and the door-frame. The whole aesthetic was austere and imposing.

As they stepped inside, the cool air, sparse furnishings, and glossy white marble decor gave Michael the impression that he'd stepped into some combination of a laboratory and an art gallery. Their footsteps were incredibly audible as they made their way towards the reception desk at the far end of the hall. A sculpture of the same figure jutted out from above the desk where a woman was currently focused on her work terminal. As Michael and Jeremy made their way up to the front desk, she looked up, her blank expression turning to a smile as she recognized Michael's friend.

"Ah, young master Jeremy. Are you here for training? I don't have you listed for a session at the moment," she inquired graciously.

"Hi, Rachel. Actually, I'm here to add someone to my list and provide him a tour. This is Michael, a new partner at Benjamin and mine's venture. He's also a good friend. I hope you'll take care of him."

The woman's brow creased slightly. "I see. A partner and friend? What level of care-"

"The best," Jeremy interrupted. "Michael is a key resource in the new venture, and is also training for the upcoming games."

The woman's crease deepened. "Young master Jeremy, I'm afraid we only have so many slots, as you know, and there aren't any premium level slots available. The best I can offer is Silver at the moment."

Jeremy looked indignant, while Michael shifted uncomfortably. "Jeremy, if this is too much trouble..."

"Don't be ridiculous. This is going to be my company, soon enough, after all. You should at least have a Platinum slot available. Didn't I have one of those that I wasn't using?" Jeremy said curtly.

Rachel looked increasingly uncomfortable. "Actually, since you hadn't activated the Platinum slot, master Seth decided that it would be--"

Jeremy immediately starting cursing. "Where the hell does he get off! My grandfather is going to hear about this." His face started to redden and his chest started heaving before he quickly calmed himself down. "That's fine. I'll deal with this. Are there any Gold slots available?"

Rachel hesitated before entering some commands on her console before timidly responding. "The only slot currently available is one of your Challenger slots."

Jeremy's expression didn't soften as he snorted. "Fine. Register Michael for the Challenger slot, and I'll be giving him a tour. I assume my dear Uncle hasn't issued any policies around THAT, has he?"

The beleaguered Rachel shook her had. "No, sir, that should be fine. I'll make the arrangements."

My most sincere apologies to my readers. After my latest announcement regarding an upheaval in my day to day, things only worsened. I'll spare you the details, but after more professional upheaval, romantic breakups, and overall mental stress, I had to take a serious break from the novel and a number of other responsibilities. I'm going to slowly release more chapters, but I can't make any promises about the release schedule at this point.

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