
My Fucked Demon System

Damian was born without an ability which leads to a life of getting bullied until he strikes a deal which might not get him what he wants or it might get him exactly what he wants. With the power in his hands now Damian just needs to choose what he will do with it and why he wants to do it. This novel will/might be viewable on royalroad under the same title but with the author name of Shadow_flippy. :D

flippy_flop · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chapter 14: Jack Wight

 When he got home, he was about to knock on the door but suddenly heard a crash. Damian rushed inside, thinking something had happened, just to see his little sister Lily on the ground, tearing up while a smashed cake was in front of her. He quickly rushed over to her and checked her hands "Morning Lily, are you OK? ". She nodded in response and then apologised for the cake. "Don't worry about the cake, I'll still have some later. I'm sure it's delicious, it's alright, c'mon, take a seat with me on the couch. "Damian helped her up, then went over to the couch. Both of them started watching some movies while waiting for their parents to come home. Damian heard a knock on the door, so he got up and checked who it was through the doorhole. He didn't recognise who it was, though. It was a man with blond hair slicked back, a navy blue suit on, carrying a briefcase. 

He opened the door and stood in the doorway, asking, "Who are you? "The man in the suit responded, "My name is Jack Wight. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lucke. I'm from the Rankers Union, and here to talk to you about the benefits of your SS rank potential. "Damian looked him up and down and allowed him into the house.

They sat across from each other at the table, and Jack cut right to the chase. Laying out the benefits: "If you are to join the Rankers Union, you will be granted the SS potential badge, giving you the same authority as a low elder. We will provide you with 500,000 a month, relocate your family to a better and safer home with 24-hour security with 5 S-Rank guards, any skill book you would like from our library, and exclusive contacts with all the craftsmen you need. This is all we can offer due to your recent awakening. A C-rank ". Damian thought about it and wondered what the catch was about such a good deal. "What's the catch about it all ". 

Jack wasn't surprised by his question, as it was common for good deals to have an underlying feature that could make or break the deal. "The requirements or catch, as you said, are that you must take the test for Verdient Academy next week and make it into the top 10; if you do make it in, then you must live in the capital, you must attend the tournaments that the academy is a part of and suit your year, and reach B-rank by the time you get into the academy if you pass the test. You will not receive any benefits if you don't meet all the requirements. ". 

Damian thought there were that many requirements for the benefits he would receive but wanted more information first: "Can you tell me more about the academy and the rankings, please, Jack ". Jack didn't tell the young man, "Of course I can, Mr Locke; there are 3 levels in the academy: 1st years, 2nd years and 3rd years. Of course, there are requirements to go into your next year of education. For example, to become a second year, you must either bring back an A-Rank monster's body or create your own Skill and implement it into the library, with a minimum of C-Rank. The 1st years are generally B or A-rank, and the 2nd year is typically A or S-rank. And 3rd years, as you might have guessed, are S or SS-ranks. Usually, we don't have many SS-Rank graduates due to the difference in power between the S-Rank and the SS-Rank. "

Damian was blown away by the ranks of the students and then thought it through. It was definitely a good idea. Still, he was worried about Alice and Isabella being unable to join him. And he didn't want Lily to transfer schools right after transferring schools. {Don't worry, Host, I'll help you :D }

{ New Mission }

{ Enter the Verdient Academy entrance test and show your might }

{ Get 1st place in the entrance test for Verdient Academy by a landslide; Alice Greenwood must get 2nd in the test }

{ Rewards: 10,000 Exp, Flame Kings cloak, +100 increase in all stats, }

{ Punishment: -500 decrease to all stats permanently, Alice will be removed from your house and no longer be your slave }

Damian looked through the mission and proceeded to scream every slur he had ever heard or said before at the system until he stared at Jack, who was waiting for his response, "Where is the test located ". Jack smiled, knowing where this was going. "It's located in the capital. If you agree, we can fly you out today and your family ". He still needed to clarify some things: "Can I bring people with me, and how long is the flight ". Jack thought for a moment about getting people. "It depends if you could bring a person if they are your teacher or mentor, and you can bring one other person if they are your significant other, and the flight would take around 4 hours. ". Damian smiled. "That's perfect. I'll be bringing 2 people, and also, could I request to be flown out in 6 days as I still have some stuff I want to do here ".

They both shook hands, agreeing to the deal that Damian would be flown out with his family and 2 others on the 28th of August, where Damian would take place in the test on the 29th of August. As Jack left the house, he stated, "By the way, you only get the benefits after joining the academy ". When Jack was gone, Damian suddenly jumped on by Lily, who clings to his back. "You're so cool, big brother. Also, I know you were worrying about me, but don't worry, it'll be acceptable at a new school in the capital. Hey brother, don't you think you should've spoken to mum and dad about this though ". At the words of his little sister, Damian thought about his parents being told that they were randomly moving and went pale. "Hey Lily, I'll give you a lot of ice cream if you explain it to mum and dad ". Lily giggled and then just hugged his back.

* I'm coming to Isabella's house. Be there, both of you *

* I have some stuff to talk about *

After he had sent those messages to the group chat. Damian decided to relax in the bath while he scrolled through the store again. 'I need something for Lily as she is pretty weak, and I don't have the best feeling about schools in the capital '. He kept on scrolling, but everything good was either priced in the billions or would be stolen by other students. { I have an idea, Host. You could awaken your sister's talent }. 

'What do you mean by my sister's talent? Her current ability is a C-Rank ice ability, and she has no unique talents; not trying to be mean. {Host, please gain the wisdom to understand the word awaken; your sister possesses an immense talent for the sword but just hasn't been awakened }. Damian was very excited about this news. 'What do I need to do? '. { You can either awaken her talent by bathing in the water of the frozen goddess, which is impossible for you right now or feed her a Space breaking pill }. 'Those both sound out of my reach right now, system. Are you giving me a carrot on a stick right now 'he responded, trying not to be angry about this smartass system. {I'll take smartass as a compliment, And I'm just trying to help }

{ New Mission }

{ The demons descent }

{ Kill 1,000 humans and 100 rankers by 6am tomorrow }

{ Rewards: Space-breaking pill, Skill}

{ Punishment: Lily Locke will never awaken her talent }

Damian smiled at this mission. 'One of our interests aligned. That's very nice. Are humans and rankers of a different race, or is it just a clarification thing? I'll find out later; I want to acquire an intelligent slave, maybe like a researcher or scientist, for these questions. '. He got out of the bath, dried himself, and put on his clothes before going into the living room. His parents were in the living room, seated beside each other. His dad asked him to sit beside them next to Lily, who was smiling the whole time. "Before you say anything, son, We are very proud of you, and you are definitely allowed to make your own decisions, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ask us beforehand about these matters. We have heard everything from your sister and want you to know that we fully support your decision. Of course, we don't mind moving into the capital, but we are worried about your sister's safety at her new school. We have decided she will attend Opius School, a wealthy private school that we are assigning her to. Don't worry about the fund; you seem to love to worry about our money."

Listening to all this, Damian almost had the urge to cry in response to his parent's love and trust in him. "Mother, Father, don't worry about Lily, I'll help her tomorrow. By the way, I'll be out again tonight. I'm assuming you heard about the benefits from Lily from the Rankers Union, so I'll be busy for the next few days. I might not come home for a while ". His father was suddenly angry and hit his head. "YOU WILL BE HERE TOMORROW AFTERNOON ". He was confused about what caused his outrage and remembered his sister's birthday was tomorrow, and they were celebrating. Lily quickly chimed in, "It's OK, Father. Brother will be busy with training for the test. I don't mind him not being there ". 

Damian hugged his little sister. "It's alright. I'll be here tomorrow. The test is essential, but so are you. "After the whole ordeal, he headed out to Isabella's house and noticed it was starting to turn dark. 'I'll be needing those answers about now. 'Sir?, Sir? We have arrived. "Damian didn't even notice that he had fallen asleep on the way to the house. He paid his fare, then got out and walked towards the door.

 He opened the door and saw his girls sitting on the couch waiting for him. He grabbed a glass of water, then walked over and sat down. "First thing, do you both have your answer about tonight's mission? "They both nodded and said, "We will help you tonight, master "he smiled and then pat them both on the head. "Good girls. Also, I have something else to ask both of you. First, Alice, what did you plan to do after school was finished ". Alice got worried. "I-I'm sorry, Master, but my father wants me to join the school and work as an instructor so I can go through college. May I ask why, master ".

"Do you want to join Verdient Academy? "Alice stared at her Master with a face full of surprise and a hint of pride. "Of course I do, master, but I have mediocre talent. The only reason I got to B-Rank was the help of potions and pills from my father and mother. I wouldn't be able to advance more than I already have, and if I did, my limit would be around A-Rank. I do have a rare ability, but it's only B-Rank ". 

Damian was slightly angry: "As my slave, you should at least hold a little hope and don't ever doubt yourself again. You will be attending the Verdient Academy test with me in around four days. I'll help you get stronger, and in return, you must get 2nd place in the test, or you can forget being my slave. "

Alice started to cry, thinking about not being his slave. Suddenly, Isabella stood up. "Master, please don't threaten her with that. I know how much she treasures that position ". Damian looked at her and said one word: "Sit ". Immediately, Isabella sat back down and sat up straight.

"Alright, 2nd Isabella, is your family set up in the capital? "While in the capital, Damina wanted to help Isabella with her family problem. "Yes, Master, my family is set up in the capital in the inner region. ". 

"OK, good, I'll help you with your family problem after the test finishes. Lastly, Alice, in public, you will be my girlfriend, and Isabella will be my teacher. I can bring you both to the capital with these conditions ". Alice suddenly hugged him. "Even if it's not accurate, I still get to call you my boyfriend, hehe ". Damian couldn't bring himself to be angry looking at how cute she was. Suddenly, he turned towards Isabella. "Did you bring me the money I asked for? ".

Isabella shivered momentarily before holding out, "I-I didn't know how much you needed, but I got 50K. I hope it's enough, Master. "Damian got up, took the money, and kissed her on the forehead, "Good job. "She turned bright red at the kiss and looked over to see a pouting Alice.

'System, please purchase 3 crimson cloaks and put them on the table.'

30K disappeared from Damian's hands, and then three cloaks appeared on the table. Damian told both the girls to grab one and put it on. After putting it on, they ran into the city centre, jumping from building to building.