
My Forever Love For You:Rebirth for Love

He was separated from his love a thousand years ago,After she was reborn,he decided to get her no matter what comes his way. She is beautiful,the goddess of beautiful flower,the second princess of human realms ,Dreaming to marry a prince but one day on her wedding,the demon king adopted her claiming her to be his his fated lover.what will she do? I hate you , “ Yu Xuan ji shouted all her lungs out” And I love you “Xueying said calmly “ my love for you is true and no one not even the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime .

Floral_Rhea · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Wangling city

Xinhuo palace

Min de,Ling Long,Feibai,jiang feng and Zi xu are looking at Xuanxuan who is sitting beside the peach blooming tree lot in thought and Feibai sighed in sadness.

I don't like these at all ,No one is doing anything on how to get Yuxuan from that demon, "Feibai said in anger"

And that Jin houchi he said he loves Yuxuan but he went back to wangling territory without saying goodbye "Jiang feng said"

But why did the demon took Yuxuan with him "Zi xu said "

I don't know and I don't wanna know,all I know is that if I see that demon again I will kill hom for sure "Ling Long said remembering how Xuanxuan look when Yuxuan was taken away "

Min de,why are you so silent now,are you fine ,did you and Hao tan fight again "Jiang feng teased her and everyone rolled their eyes at his bad idea of making them laugh "

I am thinking of something, but before I tell you let me speak to Hao tan about it "Min de said and left before anyone could understand what she is saying "

I am really feeling bad for Xuanxuan,Master Rou Lin left her for another mission and Yuxuan isn't here what do we do to help her feel better "Zi xu said sadly and everyone sighed then a middle age man came running and was breathing heavily "

Young master Jiang feng,Lady Zi xu, Young master Feibai,Last Princess Ling Long and First Princess Xuan yi ,The king has summoned you all to the sword pavilion in Tianxuan palace "he said and left in an hurry leaving the children in shock "

He didn't even tell us what the problem was "Jiang feng said in shock " sister let's go father has summoned us "Ling Long said and went to her side and their all went to Tianxuan palace with Feibai teleport power"

Tianxuan palace

Sword pavilion

Immortal Xiang Chen do you think the children are the only hope for us "The Oracle said looking at immortal Chen with hatred but Xiang Chen just smile at him"

Yes,they might be childish but I am sure they know what is right from wrong ,I am sure the disciplines of Kunlun sect and Xixuan sect are the future of the immortal world and they will also bring peace to the world and kill all the evil demons "Xiang Chen said and the door open"

Heee, Hao tan is here, "jiang feng hugged is friend but Hao tan didn't smile then he looked around and saw frowning faces then he composed himself "

I have called you here for a reason "Xiang Chen said and look at Cheng wu who urged him to go on"The demons are attacking many cities and territories and if these goes on then innocent mortal will be dead for nothing,that's why the immortal king decided to make you all go around the territories to investigate about the demons and that's the reason you were summoned,so get ready for this new adventure "he said"

But I am not going, "Ling Long said and everyone started whispering "

If Ling Long isn't going then I am not going "Jiang feng said and the rest follows suit"

You are all bunch of useless fools,are you that weak in martial arts that you can't do any tasks,I have told you their won't do it because the Xixuan sect aren't capable but the kunlun sect are more capable so let's...."Oracle was about to complete his words when Zhi loa talked "

Ling Long,why aren't you going and Haotan,As the future king of the human realms you are supposed to be thinking about the people safety and now you are backing out ,why ? "She asked "

Mother,I am sorry if l hurt you and father but we have make a promise to ourselves that we will always be together and destroy the demons together "Hao tan said with a small smile on his face "

And father we will also roam around the martial arts worlds together but without Yuxuan we can't ,we are sorry "Ling Long said and look down "

But for us to find Yuxuan we will have to do these so we can track her "Xuanxuan said" Brother tan,I know we made a promise to each other but we also promise to protect each other so we will have to do these for Yuxuan "Xuanxuan said with courage and that was all their needs to smile with courage with their head held high and they nodded in agreement "

Ok,that is great, "Xiang Chen said with a smile on his face "

I don't see,your discipline around Xiang Chen "Oracle said "

Yinfeng went on his own journey to get information on some matters,it might take months before he gets back "Xiang Chen said and gave a sword to Xuanxuan "

Xuanxuan,I was told you are very intelligent,I hope this intelligent will be of a good help to you,your friends and siblings "Xiang Chen said and smiled at her"

I won't disappoint anyone but this sword "Xuanxuan look at the sword name"Chinying sword

"She said and everyone gasp for air"

This is the ancient second sword used by the Bird named the blue swallow "Xiang Chen said " the first sword was destroyed by the lonely star now I am giving you the second one I hope you can keep it safe "he said and left"

Get your stuffs ready,you will move tomorrow "Cheng wu said and look at his children proudly telling them that they will succeed and his three children smile at him happily as he left"

Why is it Xuanxuan and Yuxuan that get all the attention and my useless son and daughter are also favoring them "Zhi loa said inwardly and left without saying a word to her children "


We are going on our first mission but Yuxuan isn't with us "Min de said and Hao tan patted her back but she quickly move away"

I think we should focus on which city we would first go "Xuanxuan said looking at the map in her hand "

Wangling city "Hao tan and Min de said in unison and everyone chuckled "

Ok tomorrow we are going to wangling city "Xuanxuan said but look at the both of them with a frown "why will the both of them choose wangling city,are they hiding something from us,if that is it then we must go to wangling city to find out "Xuanxuan thought to herself "