
My Forever Love For You:Rebirth for Love

He was separated from his love a thousand years ago,After she was reborn,he decided to get her no matter what comes his way. She is beautiful,the goddess of beautiful flower,the second princess of human realms ,Dreaming to marry a prince but one day on her wedding,the demon king adopted her claiming her to be his his fated lover.what will she do? I hate you , “ Yu Xuan ji shouted all her lungs out” And I love you “Xueying said calmly “ my love for you is true and no one not even the heavens will separate you from me in this lifetime .

Floral_Rhea · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

A visit to kunlun sect 2

Yuxuan woke up early in the morning and sneaked out without telling anyone where she is going

Da yun hall

Cheng wu and zhi loa arrived at Da yun hall to check on everyone but find out Yuxuan was missing then Cheng wu started blaming Hao tan for been careless about his sisters

Do you think you can be a king of the human realms,when you can't take care of your three sisters then you are useless "Cheng wu was pacin g around while lecturing Hao tan but Ling Long make it worst by laughing "

Father,don't worry about Yu'er,she can protect herself "Ling Long sat down "

Uncle,she is carefree girl , I am she roaming around Xixuan sect "Feibai said and Ling Long glared at him" I won't spare you Cousin Feibai,you snatched Zi xu from me "she whispered at him"

What are you two saying "Ah cy shouted at them"

Mother,it's nothing Ling Long and I are just talking "he held her hand,Feibai was laughing like a fool then he looked at Ling Long and whispered to her "let's use this opportunity to run away from here,don't worry I am sure Hao tan and Xuanxuan will escape from here too "Ling Long also wants to leave her parents because if Hao tan is scolded by their father then it means everyone including her foolish cousin Feibai will also be punished "it will be better if we talk outside so we won't disturb,let's go "they ran out "

Father,we will look for Yuxuan "Hao tan said holding Xuanxuan hand" we will take our leave now "Hao tan left with Xuanxuan then Fengluo entered "

What is wrong "feng asked" well,Yuxuan went out again without telling anyone "Ah cy said " don't worry dear Ah cy ,she will be fine " he said and look at the king" your majesty

What's with the formality we are family Fengluo,Ah cy is my sister so don't be formal "Cheng wu said but zhi loa rolled her eyes at him"

I want to inform you all that I will be out for sometime

Is it important "Ah cy asked " Yes,A very powerful demon escape the heavenly formulation so I will be going with Oracle "he said"

But why ?I mean immortal Xiang Chen isn't going "Cheng wu asked" Yes , but have you told Feibai ,Xuanxuan,Hao tan and Ling Long "Ah cy asked "

Yes,i have,I will have to go now "he said and left in a blink of an eye "

Dong Xueying is free now,so interesting,I think my good time are coming for me and my children,I have to think of a way to separate Hao tan and Ling Long from Rong'Er children before anything bad happens "zhi loa thought to herself and left the hall in an hurry"

Kunlun sect

Ziyang palace

Cha hall

Yuxuan arrived at kunlun sect,and a lady was escorting her to go Cha hall

I wonder what Yinfeng expression will look like if he sees me here "Yuxuan said and the door open when Yuxuan entered the door closed then she walked in farther and saw Yinfeng meditating" wow, he has high cultivating skills,he is the right person to protect sister.

Who is it? "Yinfeng asked while his eyes are still closed "

I guess my visit to kunlun sect isn't in vain,Yinfeng "Yuxuan said and he opened his eyes and look at her in surprise "

Miss Yuxuan,you are here but….

Yeyyy,stop calling me that call me Yuxuan "she said and look at his face which has a deep frown"or you call me sister in law.

No no no,Yuxuan is okay

Yinfeng are you blushing,Your face is red "Yuxuan started teasing him but Yinfeng put on his cold expression on but Yuxuan didn't care she sat down and saw a painting on the table,she took it and turned it around but Yinfeng quickly collected it " may I know what brings Yuxuan here.

Yes,I came here to make a deal with you, A deal ? Yes,the deal is you will have to take care of my sister after my marriage.

What , "Yinfeng look at her eyes as if trying to know if she's lying" I am telling the truth,after my marriage no one will be able to take care of my sister so I am leaving her safety to you.

Are you serious,you have your aunt,uncle,father and elder brother right ,Why me ?

My father,doesn't follow a father instinct but he follows the instinct of a king and the elders decision is final and my aunt is always in changfeng academy so she hardly comes to Xinhuo palace and Xixuan sect and Hao tan is a crown prince ,he doesn't have a minute to spend with the woman he loves how can he even protect his three younger sisters so I came to ask you for help.

And how am I suppose to help you

My sister is weak in martial arts and according to people,she should be engaged by now but men are too stupid to reject her and she said after her marriage she wants to look for someone suitable for her so I want you to help her.

In looking for a groom


But she has her master to protect her "Yinfeng said in low voice,Yuxuan was about to talk when she felt someone peeping through the bookshelf " someone is hiding behind the shelf.

Come out,Wei young "Yinfeng said and a cat came out and turned to a lady"

Are you from the breast realms "Yuxuan asked astonished of how cute she is "

She is Yuxuan the second princess of the human realms "Yinfeng said and Wei young greeted her "she is a maid of princess cai hong in the breast realms .

I heard princess cai hong is very rude and bad person "Yuxuan whispered in Yinfeng ear"

Lord Yinfeng,princess cai hong said I should deliver this letter to you "she said "

Okay,you can go "Yinfeng said and she left"

I hope I see her again "Yuxuan thought to herself "