
Chapter 7: Getting to Know you more (Part 2)

Beatrix POV:

It was another day ahead of you as you slowly opened your eyes and got out of bed you remembered the talk that you and Leo had yesterday.....

Omg i need to get ready for the picnic today!

You immediately prepared and went down stairs as soon as you could but as you opened the door you saw Leo already standing there waiting for you....


Hi there Beatrix I see you are ready to go so~ shall we get going?..

*He extended one of his hands and you smiled and grabbed them and said*

Yes I'm ready!....

Okay then...

After grabbing your hands he immediately teleported both of you to the picnic place..

Wow you did this?...

The place was filled with many beautiful trees and plants and in the middle of it all is a small like that is

I hope you like it....

This is amazing!.....

Of course it is i did it all by myself after all!, So~ shall we sit then?

Yes!, I would loved to....

*You both sit down besides each other as the wind blows around you and the  beautiful scenery that makes this moment as perfect as it could be or so you thought*

So ~mmm how's the food?...

It's delicious!... did you cook them?...

Yes I did....

I didn't know that you could cook!?...

Well you didn't ask!...

Fair point.....

And what about your injury?...

Oh there getting better I think one more day and everything will be fine...

Well that's good to hear....

I know right!...

Okay so~since you said yesterday that it's better for both of us to know more about one another.... Can I ask one question?....

Sure go ahead!?....

What would you gain from all of this?...

Eh!!!...What do you mean by that?....

I mean i threaten your life and i basically kidnap you so how are you so calm right now?.....

(I mean he is right, So why I'm i doing this? do i really need a reason for everything? or maybe because I'm willing to give him a chance?) Well you see you are right about that part where you did threaten my life and you did kidnap me but is there anything that i would lose? You saved me back there you could have let me die but you didn't and the fact that you didn't hurt me just yet even if you could gives me enough reason to give you a chance.....

Chance for what?....

To be reall friends?....


I know it's to much bu....

Why do you want to be friends with someone like me? I'm a demon and your a human do you know what you are saying!?....

I do know what I'm saying but I do believe that monsters are not born there made and sometimes humans are more evil then the devil himself to be honest with you and besides i judge people not by appearance or race or what there are i judge by how they act and a person personally is more important for me to be honest.....

After saying those words Leo was in a state of shock from what you have said but you can't help but notice a smile from his face after hearing that....

You are truly an amazing human being Beatrix do you know that!....

What do you mean by that?...

Well you see you are not just beautiful outside but also inside and i can see you going to heaven once you pass away to be honest you are kind, amazing, and talented....

*He stands up and you also stand as well he grabbed you by the arm and leads you to another area of the garden you saw beautiful flowers and trees around a small lake and as the wind blows gently around you he sadly says*

This place reminds me of you.....

*Still shocked by his words you reply*This place is beautiful but why does this remind you of me?

Because of its beautiful nature.....

Mmm... Whisper: You're not so bad after all....

Ehh! What do you mean by that!?....

Forget what I have said it was nothing...

What ever....


Why are you laughing now?....

Sorry....sorry it's just because of how you react!...

*He smiled at you*What ever you say.....

Silent peels the air after that little chat of yours you both didn't mind it but actually like that little post for a moment it was like the world stopped moving and there you are standing beside one another not caring for the world that surrounds you it was beautiful and heart taking you both may not admit it but that little time you both spent was enough to feel something but not really knowing what it is....

Leo POV:

(What the hell is this feeling!?,Every time that I'm with her I'm calm and happy like i don't want this moment to end,My be I think of her is more of mare mortal maybe a friend? yes it could be a friend and could not be more than that or else.... All hell breaks lost)

*The silent that sounds you a moment a go finally was cut off by Beatrix speaking*

Thank you.....

For what?....

For this day and for treating me a lot kinder....

Yo.. your welcome....

So~mmm friends?....


It's okay if yo...


For real?....

Yes for real....

Thank you!.....

(Is she really that happy to know that where finally friends?and why do I feel a little bit upset because of this!?)We should go back inside now i have a lot of work to do so~ I hope you don't mind!?....

It's okay i don't really mind and thank you again....

For what this time?....

For your time!....

It was nothing so let's go?...

Yeah let's go!.....

*Grabs her hand and teleports inside of the palace*

See you later?....

Yeah see you later....

And also Beatrix.....


I enjoyed your company today and thank you....

*Beatrix has a shock expression on her face but still replies to you anyway* Your welcome....

*And after that you teleported towards your office and started doing your paper work*

























Author Message:

Welcome everyone to chapter 7 of My Forbidden Romance I hope you all enjoyed the read and It looks like Beatrix and Leo are getting closer and closer to one another let's hope things go smoothly for both of them but anyways that's all for this chapter and see you all in the next one good bye!....

=As their love grows stronger for one another could they fight what faith decided for the two love birds=

Total Words:1,113