Stella Rain is the daughter of the king and queen of Blood Stone pack. Her parents are different species, making her older brother unable to rule. This forces her to become queen, but before she agrees she and a few others sneak out of the packs to explore the outside before Stella is Bound to the packs for the rest of her life.
I was overwhelmed with anxiety , the noises and lights were already enough, but the amount of people made my ears pound into my skull. The flashes of anger, happiness, fear, passion, love, regret spin my head in never ending tornadoes that cascade further into my mind. I close my eyes, the urgent sway of my body pushing me down into a tunnel of infinite darkness until it swallowed me whole.
"Angel, are you finally awake?" I feel a cold cloth pressing my head, but that was not what worried me, it was the strange voice. I feel like I've heard it before, but at the same time, I don't know who it belongs to. It terrifies me, because I knew I was no longer with my pack, I was with some strangers in the city.
I can't recall how I got here, and I don't remember why I am not with the others. I was full of so much, nothing, my brain was a smoky cloud, and my body felt like I was hit by 5 warrior wolves at once.
It disturbed me that there was a mixture of fear and hope, but at least it was Sky who was so full of hope. Although, this terrified me even further, Sky acts territorial and full of fury at even the scent of strangers, let alone one less than 20 feet away.
I don't want to open my eyes; I don't want to see who was there. I force myself to take small breaths, I want them to think I am still asleep, I need a bit of time to calm down and try to get a sense of where I am. I can feel that my bag is still with me, and I catch myself before I let out a sigh of relief.
I try my senses to figure out my surroundings, but it is all too unfamiliar to recall any idea where I could be. The only thing I know is that I am still in the city, and there are four with me, but it was not my pack.
The guy left me and went into another room.
I can pick up there conversation though, they were not too far from me. There were three guys and a girl.
"Where the hell did you find her Micah?"
"More like how did you find one that hot?"
"I swear I will tear your limbs apart motherfuckers."
"You two know he could do that in the time it takes you to say, 'I want my mommy'."
"Holy crap, I didn't know you wanted her to yourself dude."
"Dammit man, that makes her much more desirable. You know she is something if the Micah Woods himself is looking to fuck her."
"Go to hell man, it is not like that."
"All three of you knock it off! And watch your language!"
"Okay Rose."
"Sorry Beautiful."
"I have nothing to be sorry for, the little shits asked for it."
I hear footsteps coming closer towards me. I keep my composure and still force my eyes closed.
"Get your ass back here brother!"
A door slams and I can smell someone less than 10 feet from me. A wood and must scent washes over me, and I give everything I have not to let Sky take control. It was too late before I realized I am stirring; a warm hand caresses my cheek. My body tenses, I don't like affection, never have, and whoever this was must have realized.
"Sorry Angel didn't mean to startle you. You have been asleep for almost 2 days. I wanted to see if you were okay."
The voice was from the guy again, and he sighs.
"I bet you can't even hear me, but I feel drawn to you. It must just be because I have not met anyone new in three years. Oh who am I kidding? I am talking to a sleeping girl, so foolish of me."
I feel his warmth fade and the door opens and closes; I was left alone once again.
Two days?! I have been asleep for two days? How could this be, how has my pack not found me yet. We are in a city, that guy is not the only foolish one.
I thought it was just a night, that it would be easy to track down Ash and the rest of them, but I couldn't scent a trace of any of them. It has been that long; it makes sense why I am starving.
I am too scared to death to get up, I have no idea what is outside this room. Something in the pit of my stomach tells me to, that I should get up and figure out who I am stuck with and what happened.
I am very experienced with gut feelings, and I know it is idiotic to ignore them. So, with all the bravery I've got, I open my eyes.
The room is small and dark, the walls are a dark blue, with only a small humidifier lighting the room. I am on a queen bed with grey satin sheets, the space around me is quite plain, with a few pictures along the wall and a small side table. There were just three pictures, one of a cat, another a girl and the last a house. It does not give me much of a base as to who these people are.
I can hear voices from outside, it was from a TV, they were watching football. I could also hear clacks of pans, they were making dinner I believe, as football is normally on in the evening.
"Go out there Stella. Go to him." Sky was getting inpatient.
"Who, who is 'him'?" Sky tries to make me move, but I keep still.
"He is your mate. Midnight is my mate. He is Midnight."
"Midnight? Sky I have never heard of a Midnight, the only one I know is-no that can't be…"
"Midnight is my mate, Stella. That is why I have been waiting for you. Midnight and I had to wait for the prophecy. We had to wait for you and Micah."
"I-I am supposed to fulfill the prophecy? I am going to be queen?"
I let Sky make myself get out of the bed and I walk towards the door, but before I touched the handle it flies open.
So much for always being aware of your surroundings Stella.
The fact that someone opened the door without me knowing they were close startled me, but the fact that I knew the face of the person gave me a heart attack.