
29 SIS (3)

Amelia walked over to Anna and kissed her on her forehead and asked: "is there where we can talk discreetly". Anna nodded she held her sister's hand brought her to the rock were Anna would come to comfort her self. Anna turned around and blurted out "I have missed my best friend so much". Amelia smiled and said "to me the day you left it was like someone had taken my heart and ripped it out there' was avoid until I saw you yesterday it filled itself"." Same here it's the first night I've slept without having a nightmare" smiled Anna. Amelia hugged Anna and asked," are you still having them". Anna nodded in Amelia embrace it was warm and cosy it was home for Anna whenever she had a nightmare. Anna asked about her grandmother Aunties, Uncles cousins. Amelia looked at Anna "well that like a really long story I fill you in on bits for now later I'll tell you in details, Auntie Izzy and Uncle Jimmy and Att moved out into their house because of every time Auntie Izzy would see grandad they kick off about what happened to you Auntie Izzy got very ill when you left after you had your triplets and she spoke to my our mother in law she settle down.

When you left it was like everyone fell apart sixth uncle jack left for the USA he hasn't spoken to granddad"!!. Anna looked at Amelia in horror all because of her she caused it Anna felt very awful. Amelia continued "Granddad was angry with everyone he and Grandma moved to the cottage" everyone only met in the training grounds second, third, fourth, fifth, uncles and Aunties wouldn't speak to me or acknowledge me I stayed with Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Izzy in the training grounds Att would protect me from the family they called us mother and daughters the curse of family I couldn't believe underneath all this false love this was their true natures. They really showed their true colours. They are all fighting to take leadership of the underworld but failing miserably. Anna just looked at Amelia "I so sorry for leaving you behind to endure all of this". Amelia replied "if I didn't then how would we have seen their true nature the vile people hiding behind their veils". Anna agreed "that's true but I already told Granddad that we had a mole when we almost failed the last few mission". "Hum true may there was the reason for Granddad hid your identity about you been the blue-eyed beast I found from Att they looking for him? whether for good or bad we don't know".

Anna asked:" Jade your not angry with me for everything that happened to you"? Amelia laughed "you of all, people know me better than anyone, not even my husband". Anna breathed a sigh of relief, then Anna asked: "so how did you meet your husband and how long have you been married". Amelia answered:" ah! I met Ju when I and Att were visiting the sixth Uncle Jack. Ju saw me at the banquet held by one of Uncle Jack partners." Ju then approaches Uncle Jack which then led to my marriage being arranged. I didn't like Ju at first but over the years I've grown to love and adore him he has been patient and gentle with me we've been married four years". Anna smiled at her sister she was happy that her sister was in a good relationship.

Amelia spoke "your triplets are gorgeous I can't believe that rebellious teenager, is a Mummy and fantastic one". Anna giggled "I don't know about being fantastic but I try very hard every day and I can't take all the credit there's a lot of people involved in caring for the triplets. Amelia asked "how're the in-laws "? "Em touchy subject my father in law is fantastic mother-in-law! we have had our moments but we have smoothed most of the crinkles out" replied Anna. "What about your in-laws," asked Anna. "Same father in law is a good mother in law has a poison tongue but nothing I can't cope with" answered Amelia.

"Blue rose I need to discuss something very important with you and I don't have the patience to wait on ceremony so here goes I want to find papa I have followed the clues to Beijing I established that he is living here low key. But now I've hit a dead-end I know that if anyone can you can find him will you please help me". Anna's mouth opened and closed like a fish but words wouldn't come out she didn't know what to say she hadn't thought about it in years. But seeing the look on Amelia face she was never able to say no." Okay, I will help what do you need me to do". Amelia grinned from ear to ear "I need to reacquainted with the shadow guards". Anna chuckled they love to see you again they missed their member was only missing Uncle Jack, Att. It is a full house".

Amelia looked at blue rose "those we're the days eh". "Sure was jade" replied Anna. Without realising Anna, Amelia and Anna were leaning on each other back facing the opposite ways while talking away without realising that the three men had been listening for a while now. Anna told Amelia that she met Jain Hung and his family then they laughed about when they were lost in the forest then how she broke his nose. Amelia asked:" I remember that you took a bullet for that weasel didn't you instead of granddad rewarding you he punished you we would sneak food in and Uncle Jack would stay with you through the night in the locked room". Anna retorted " don't remind that's the day I decided that I was going to train to become the best of the best I don't know what I did to always earn granddads anger somehow I always manage to get trouble he never once said that I did well it was never good enough I remember that we had to fight with some thugs I took them all out but I reprimanded for not being quick enough after that I use to sneak in to learn all granddad moves". Mu zain, Mu yazhe and Ting Ju listen quietly Mu zain and Mu yazhe heart ached for Anna. Ting Ju wanted to know more about his wife he realised he knew very little about her growing up. "Hey, Anna, I noticed you still wear your lenses why did you not take them out when you moved here? Asked Amelia. Anna replied "be honest I really don't know why huh".

The children become thirsty they came to look for mummy running over they yelled we need a drink Mummy, please. Anna looked up "okay I'm coming she replied. Then she noticed the men stood there she nudge Amelia, Amelia looked up she was also surprised to see them stood there she asked "how long have you been stood there". Ting Ju replied quickly" we just got here I was coming to get you we will be heading home now". Anna looked "so quick it hasn't been that long". My dear sis in law it's almost 5 on the afternoon mum needs to have medication but don't worry we settling here so you can see each other all the time". Replied Ting Ju. They all walked them to the door Anna hugged and said their byes she waited until you couldn't see them any more before heading indoors. She then made tea for everyone they all sat down to eat and talk about the day's events. Anna found out that her sister and her husband would settle in Beijing and her inlaws would go back to America to wrap all the business then move back permanently. She was very happy. The children, on the other hand, had a lot of questions. "So Mummy Auntie is your sister how come we never seen her before". Anna explained "that she first lived in England then, over to America so that's why". So why what other relative do you have that we've never seen. "I'll tell at bedtime okay" answered Anna.

At bedtime, Anna had to tell the triplets about her family in England. Then had to tell them about growing up in England. When the triplets finally went to sleep. Anna went to find Mu zain she needs to tell him about finding her father. She didn't need his help but it best to inform him rather than him finding out through other sources.". On the way to the study, she dialled a number Ed answer it "hello gov" Ed was a from the south of England so his way of addressing was different. Anna spoke I got some news and also I need you to find someone discreetly. "Ok gov go-ahead," Ed asked: "firstly Amelia is here she will meet with you lot very soon secondly I need help, in finding my papa". The other side was silent then Ed spoke:" okay give we start our search right away".