

"Oh shit I lost again,I can't believe this,this level is almost impossible".A black haired teenager,pointed nose,freckles and and wearing a designer shirt and joggers.

He was playing one of the latest video games on his gaming console . 

"Hey bro wassup?" A familiar figure approached him. He wore a black head warmer and had a headphone hung around his neck.

His white hair which had black strands in it was just below his ear ,he had jade green eyes which shone as bright as the moonlight, had a smooth jawline and had the kind of freckles that seemed to increase his beauty, in plain terms he was every girls dream.

"How are you bro ?"Leo asked without shifting his gaze from his gaming screen. 

"I'm ok , I was wondering if we could go to Ryan's coffee palace? "Drake said.

"Not now, I'm busy e".Leo stood up and went to grab a drink fromthe refrigerator.

"Have you heard the news ?" Drake said,His emotion changed from happiness to that of great sadness. 

"No,what is it ?" He still didn't move his gaze from the screen. 

Drake picks up the TV remote and turned on the news

"Jake Garfield and Amanda Garfield died mysteriously in a car accident which left the police with no clue......."

 Tap,the TV set went off and now the air that filled the room was heavy and sad. 

The two people on the news were his parents,and he was now an orphan.

He had to go to the three years compulsory military academy,he was to leave tomorrow.

Tears just flowed out of his eyes and he forgot about the game he was playing,

Drake consoled him and tried to beg him to stop crying.

"I want to be left alone please"Leo said

"Ok but if you need any help, just let me know",Drake said and stood up slowly and went out....

**10 minutes later**

Leo was on the bed crying, suddenly a bright red crystal was in the room were he was and it started moving towards him , he moved backwards and adjusted himself on the bed.

The crystal started spinning and everythingin the room started to fly about because of the wind generated, the crystal moved towards him and went to his chest then entered. His head started spinning and he felt dizzy,his eyes started feeling heavy ,he fell on the bed and closed his eyes slowly, but before he fainted , he saw a notification screen pop up.....



 Leo couldn't fight it and fainted........