
My Extraordinary CEO Wife

Awakening to a life that has undergone a complete transformation, I find myself surrounded by opulence – a luxurious mansion, high-end cars, and, behind all this extravagance, a stunning CEO beauty who has become my wife. However, the tranquility of this paradise is shattered by an unexpected event, as someone dares to covet my wife and my family. I step forward, fists clenched in anger, and thunderous palms declare a resolute vow – whoever dares to touch my woman must face a devastating fate. This is not merely a confrontation but a proclamation of love, responsibility, and steadfastness. "My Extraordinary CEO Wife" is a story full of passion and determination, exploring the complexities of family, love, and courage. In this pinnacle of life, I will demonstrate how to protect everything I hold dear, fearlessly defending this precious happiness.

Satanlee · Urbain
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33 Chs

Chapter 31: Little Bell's Hidden Attribute

After half an hour of persuasion from Qin Hai and Xiao Lingling, Qiao Wei, who had cried like rain, finally stopped crying. She promised them that she would not contemplate suicide again and appeared to have stabilized. However, she still wore a sad and desperate expression, with red eyes, making people feel sympathetic.

The atmosphere in the private room became somewhat heavy and suppressed. No one spoke anymore; they just sat there in silence. Suddenly, two crisp sounds came from Xiao Lingling's side. The noise was clear and distinct in the quiet room, prompting Qin Hai and Qiao Wei to instinctively turn their heads towards Xiao Lingling's belly.

Xiao Lingling quickly covered her stomach, looking embarrassed, and said, "It's not me; it's not my stomach making noise!"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, two more sounds came from her belly. Xiao Lingling was instantly embarrassed and wished she could find a hole to hide in.

This time, not only did Qin Hai burst into laughter, but even Qiao Wei, who had been immersed in sadness, couldn't help but smile.

"Never mind, I'm fine now. Let's eat." Qiao Wei said, taking a sigh and actively sitting back at the dining table, picking up her chopsticks.

Seeing that Qiao Wei's emotions had stabilized, Qin Hai quickly called the waiter to take the dishes away for reheating.

After finishing the meal, the three of them left the Sea Sky Restaurant. The night had already fallen, and the streets were filled with blinking neon lights.

"Sis Qiao, where do you live? We'll take you home," Qin Hai hailed a taxi, inviting Qiao Wei and Xiao Lingling to get in.

"I really am fine; you don't need to accompany me. Xiao Qin, it's still early. You and Lingling can go and have fun. I can go home by myself," Qiao Wei smiled, trying to hide the lingering bitterness in her heart. All her smiles were just to prevent Qin Hai and Xiao Lingling from worrying about her.

Xiao Lingling, holding onto Qiao Wei's arm, complained, "Wei Wei Jie, we've known each other for so long, and I haven't been to your house. Today is a good opportunity to find my way there. I'll come over often in the future, and you won't refuse, right?"

Qin Hai teased, "Little Bell, I've discovered your hidden attribute today. You're definitely a standard foodie."

"Hmph, so what if I'm a foodie? I won't gain weight no matter how much I eat. Don't accept it? Bite me!" Xiao Lingling pouted and said.

"Alright, this is what you said. I'll really bite you... Hey hey hey, why are you dodging!" Qin Hai pretended to bite, and Xiao Lingling screamed, dodging around Qiao Wei.

Watching these two mischief-makers start teasing each other again, Qiao Wei couldn't help but laugh genuinely.

"Of course, you're welcome. Okay, Lingling, stop spinning around. I'm getting dizzy!" she said with a smile.

With her laughter, Qin Hai and Xiao Lingling also exchanged smiles, quickly ushering Qiao Wei into the taxi.

However, as soon as they got into the car, Xiao Lingling's phone rang. After answering, in just three seconds, the previously cheerful Xiao Lingling complained to her phone, "Got it, I'm coming back now."

"Sis Qiao, I can't go to your house today. My sister called and asked me to go back," Xiao Lingling said to Qiao Wei. Then, she threatened Qin Hai, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, "Qin Hai, you must safely escort Qiao Wei home. If anything happens to Qiao Wei, be careful; I'll settle the score with you tomorrow!"

"Hurry up and go; it's even better that you don't come. So you won't cause trouble at Sis Qiao's house," Qin Hai turned around, smiling, and said to Xiao Lingling.

Xiao Lingling was so angry that her mouth twisted, but there was nothing she could do. In the end, she had to get out of the car, hail another taxi, and drive in the opposite direction.

After more than twenty minutes, the taxi quickly brought Qin Hai and Qiao Wei to the outskirts of a community.

The entire community had about seven or eight buildings, and from the appearance of the houses, it was an old community that had been around for quite some time. The environment inside was poor, completely incomparable to the newly built neighborhoods in recent years. The inside was dimly lit, almost pitch dark, with barely a few lights on in the buildings. It seemed that most people had already moved out.

"This is the residential building of the City Watch Factory. After the factory closed down, no one took care of it. My father-in-law used to work at the watch factory, and after marrying Guo Wei, we never bought a new house, always living with the old couple."

Perhaps noticing Qin Hai's confusion, Qiao Wei briefly explained to him. Then, somewhat embarrassed, she said, "The house is small and a bit messy. Please don't laugh when you see it."

Qin Hai laughed, "Sis Qiao, you're overthinking. You know what I used to do before. I've experienced all kinds of hardships on the construction site. Even in the worst conditions, having a room of my own was my biggest dream. I don't mind if it's a bit shabby."

Qiao Wei nodded, knowing that Qin Hai was speaking the truth. With a light sigh, she said, "You've also been through a lot, suffering so much at a young age."

"Hehe, I think it's good to suffer a bit. The more you suffer, the more you appreciate things, and it gives you more motivation. Life becomes sweeter and more comfortable as time goes by. What do you think, Sis Qiao?"

Qiao Wei smiled, "Well said. It seems I should learn from you."

The two of them chatted and laughed as they walked into the community. Although the road was pitch black, Qiao Wei was familiar with the place, and the darkness had no effect on her. Qin Hai didn't mind either, with his abnormal vision, even without Qiao Wei guiding him, he could freely move in and out.

Just as they turned a corner, Qin Hai suddenly reached out to stop Qiao Wei. Surprised, Qiao Wei asked, "Xiao Qin, what's wrong?"

"Something's not right."

After saying that, Qin Hai coldly snorted towards the front, "Come out, don't hide. Do you want to be a turtle with a shrunken head?"

After a few seconds, several people suddenly rushed out from the shadows in front. There were seven or eight men with cigarettes in their mouths and sticks in their hands, swaggering out. It was evident that they were not good people. A woman followed them. Although her face couldn't be clearly seen, her figure seemed somewhat familiar.

Seeing that woman, Qin Hai grinned, "Miss Xiao, didn't expect to meet so soon again. What, are you here to thank me for revealing your husband's little secret to you?"

The woman took

 a few steps forward, standing in the light. It was unmistakably Xiao Hong. However, compared to how she looked in the evening, she now not only had disheveled hair but also wore messy clothes. It was as if she had been maltreated by a dozen or so men, and her face was somewhat swollen, appearing extremely miserable.

Xiao Hong glared at Qin Hai with a cold and resentful look.