

The next day dawned with a mixture of excitement and frustration lingering in the air. Yesterday's date had been absolutely incredible, but Jiyon's interference had dampened the mood. Determined to set things straight, I decided to call him and get some answers.

As I dialed his number, my emotions boiled over, and I couldn't help but shout, "Hey, it's Ally! Why did you have to ruin my date yesterday, huh?"

Jiyon, not one to back down, coolly replied, "Ally, isn't it too early to be shouting at me? As for your date, I had to interfere. What if something bad had happened to you? Besides, I know the guy inside out."

Frustration seeped into my voice as I retorted, "Whether you know him or not, it's none of your business to interfere in my love life!"

Unyielding, Jiyon simply stated, "Your business is my business. End of discussion," and promptly ended the call.

Fueled by anger, I grumbled and threw my phone onto the bed. Jiyon's consistent interference whenever I went on dates was getting tiresome. I hated him for being so salty.

Dejected, I sat down on the bed with my arms crossed, when suddenly, Munch wanted to video call me. Rushing to get ready, I quickly changed my clothes and applied makeup.

With a tinge of awkwardness in my voice, I greeted Munch, "Hi, hello."

Munch chuckled softly before asking, "Hi Ally, good morning. Did you sleep well last night?"

Nodding, I replied, "Yes, I did. Thank you for asking. How about you? Did you sleep well?"

"I also slept well, especially when I dreamt about you," he said, slyly winking at me.

My heart melted at his sweet words, even early in the morning. "You really know how to make a smooth move," I remarked. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"No, I haven't actually," He shook hie head slightly as he responded. "Speaking of breakfast, I was wondering if we could go on a breakfast date?" He then awaits my response.

"Like right now?" I questioned, surprised.

"Yeah, like right now," he affirmed.

"That sounds amazing," I agreed, unable to contain my excitement.

"Great!" Munch exclaimed, sounding genuinely happy.

Realizing our class schedules, I voiced my concern, "But don't we have classes? I don't want to be late and all."

"Don't worry, I'll come pick you up so we won't be late for school and breakfast," Munch reassured me.

Feeling reassured, I gladly accepted his offer and ended the call, buzzing with excitement for our breakfast date.

Few minutes later, I heard my mom calling me downstairs, notifying me that he had already arrived. With a burst of excitement, I quickly finished my makeup while shouting back, "I'll be down in a minute!"

Adorned and all dolled up, I glided downstairs and caught sight of him seated on the sofa, patiently waiting for me. Oh, gosh, he looked absolutely stunning in his semi-formal outfit.

With a wave and a smile, I approached him and said, "Hi, you look amazing as always hehe," unable to contain my giggles.

Returning the compliment, he grinned and replied, "Same goes to you. Look beautiful. No words can describe how stunning you are."

As we prepared to leave, my brother Junji leaned against the doorway, fixing his gaze upon us. His protective nature surfaced as he declared, "I know that you've only just met my sister, but I won't go easy on you. You better take care of her, because I don't want to see a single tear fall from her eyes."

Munch, firmly and sincerely, responded, "Yes, of course. I'll take good care of her," agreeing wholeheartedly with my brother's concerns.

Having conveyed his message, Junji moved out of the doorway, shooting a glare at Munch before letting us continue on our way.

Finally, the long-awaited moment had arrived. The time when we could finally leave the confines of our house. To be honest, I had started to believe that we would never escape, from my brother. The wait was over, and a sense of excitement filled the air.

As we made our way towards his car, Munch, being the gentleman that he is, graciously opened the door for me. With a mischievous grin, he motioned for me to go first, declaring, "Ladies first!" His warm smile and heartfelt reminder to wear my seat belt for safety melted my heart. I stepped inside the car, feeling all the more eager for this date awaiting us.

Once settled, Munch hopped into the driver's seat. The engine roared to life as he expertly maneuvered the car, setting it in motion towards our much-anticipated destination. He had a surprise in store for me - a restaurant that held a special place in his heart. It was a place his mom always took him, and now he wanted to share the experience with me.

As we cruised down the road, anticipation filled the spaces between our conversations. I couldn't help but wonder what made this restaurant so special. What exquisite flavors awaited our taste buds? What stories were hidden within its walls? The thrill of the unknown only added to the excitement.

With each passing mile, the world outside the car seemed to blur, becoming a mere backdrop to our own personal journey. The air was filled with laughter, shared anecdotes, and the sound of music creating the soundtrack to our memorable moment together.

As we neared our destination, it became clear that this day was about more than just leaving the house. It was a celebration of newfound freedom, relishing the joy of being out in the real world once again. I couldn't have asked for a better companion to embark on this adventure with than Munch. Together, we were ready to explore, savor, and create lasting memories at this restaurant that held such significance for him.

And so, with excitement coursing through our veins, we arrived at our destination. The car came to a stop, and we both exchanged eager glances. It was time to step out, embrace the experience, and indulge in the flavors that awaited us within the walls of this treasured restaurant.

We've finally arrived at the restaurant, and let me tell you, the moment I laid eyes on it, it felt like stepping into a whole new world. The architecture and the breathtaking views had me in awe, and I couldn't wait to experience what awaited us inside.

Just as I was about to reach for the door, Munch, the absolute sweetheart that he is, took the lead and said those magical words, "Don't move, I'll open the door for you." My heart melted, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for his thoughtfulness.

With a graceful bow, he swung the door open, revealing a world of culinary delights waiting to be explored. I couldn't contain my excitement, and I expressed my gratitude with a heartfelt thank you. Munch always manages to surprise me with his chivalry.

But the surprises didn't stop there. As I stood there, my heart fluttering with happiness, he extended his arm towards me, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Shall we?" he asked, with a charming smile.

Without hesitation, I nodded eagerly, feeling my cheeks fill with a joyous blush. I then happily linked my arm with his, intertwining our fingers, and together we stepped into the restaurant, ready to indulge in a night of enchantment. A radiant smile danced upon my lips as I embarked on this magical journey with the person who filled my world with wonder and excitement.

As soon as we stepped into the restaurant, the receptionist offered us a table for VIPs, and I was taken aback. Munch gave my hand a reassuring tap, assuring me that it was alright. After we were seated, the lady handed us the menus, and as I glanced at the prices, my jaw dropped. Everything on the menu seemed ridiculously expensive. Should I really order something this pricey? Maybe I should reconsider.

"Ally, are you okay?" Munch asked, his eyes filled with concern.

I nodded and replied, "Yeah, I'm alright, but don't you think everything is a bit too expensive?"

"Don't worry about the price," Munch reassured me, a warm smile on his face. "You can order anything you want. Let's just enjoy our breakfast date, okay?"

I nodded back, trying to shake off my worries. I focused my attention on the menu, contemplating my choices. Before long, the waiter arrived to take our orders.

After finishing their delightful breakfast date, the two lovebirds wasted no time and hurried themselves to school, determined to make it before the bell rang. With just a minute to spare, they arrived at the school gate, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through their veins.

Parking his car in the bustling school parking lot, he gallantly opened the door for her, an act of chivalry that still managed to make her heart flutter. Thankful for the delicious breakfast and his kind gesture, she bid him farewell with a smile before making her way towards her classroom.

As she entered the classroom, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The day seemed to hold promises of new possibilities and unexpected adventures. Perhaps, she thought, she could incorporate this exhilarating experience into the story she was writing, allowing her character to experience the same electrifying moments she was living.

The thought of intertwining her real-life experiences with her imaginative world sent her imagination soaring. She envisioned her character embarking on incredible quests, filled with anticipation and the thrill of the unknown. The line between reality and fiction seemed to blur, igniting her creativity in ways she had never imagined.

Oh, the excitement of merging her everyday existence with her fantastical realm! How enthralling it would be to live vicariously through her beloved character, experiencing both the ordinary and extraordinary in equal measure. With renewed vigor, she delved into her day, fueled by the vivid possibilities that lay ahead.

Little did she know that this time skip, this seemingly ordinary day infused with newfound energy, would forever shape her perception of reality and inspire countless stories yet to be written. The excitement in her voice as she narrated her life's adventures echoed with the potential of a world that was waiting to be explored.

"So, how did your breakfast date go hmm?" Cyra asked, her voice filled with playful anticipation, as she nudged my elbow.

"It was great actually," I replied, my excitement evident in my voice. "The restaurant we went to had such a special meaning to him. It's where he used to go with his mother."

Cyra raised her eyebrows, a hint of intrigue in her eyes. "So, it has a sentimental value to him, huh?"

I nodded, a smile creeping up on my face. "Not only that, but the view was absolutely amazing too! I couldn't resist capturing the moment, so I took some pictures. Wanna see?" I asked, taking out my phone and showing her the mesmerizing snapshots.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the photos. "Wow, it's really mesmerizing," she said, genuinely impressed.

"It really is," I added, a sense of wonder in my voice. The memories of that morning were etched in my mind.

As our conversation continued, she inquired about my writing progress amidst the excitement of the breakfast date. "By the way, how's your book going?" she asked.

A hint of frustration seeped into my voice as I responded, "I've been experiencing writer's block recently, but I know that as soon as I find the motivation I need, the words will flow effortlessly onto the page."

Cyra nodded in understanding, her eyes filled with encouragement. "I have no doubt that your inspiration will come to you soon. Just keep chasing after those amazing moments that make your heart race, like that breakfast date."

Her words ignited a fire of determination within me. "You're right," I replied, a newfound excitement in my voice. "I won't let this writer's block hold me back. There are so many stories waiting to be told, and I won't let them go untold."

With that renewed vigor, I felt a sense of purpose. And as Cyra and I continued to share stories and laughter, I knew that my words, just like the mesmerizing view from that breakfast date, would captivate readers and take them on unforgettable journeys.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and uncertainty as Julius and I walked together, exchanging smiles and glances. I found myself questioning the nature of our relationship. Was he serious about us? Did he have genuine feelings for me?

Those thoughts swirled in my mind, making it difficult to decipher the true nature of our connection. I longed for clarity, desperately seeking reassurance that Julius harbored romantic feelings for me.

But then, he surprised me with an invitation. "Wanna hang out at the court for awhile? If that's okay with you, since class is already over," he asked, his voice laced with genuine enthusiasm.

Internally flustered, I managed to stammer out a hesitant, "Su-sure."

His laugh, accompanied by that infectious smile, put me at ease. He seemed genuinely excited, like a child receiving a cherished toy. I couldn't help but smile back as we made our way towards the parking lot.

As we reached his motorbike, he handed me a spare helmet, and I gratefully accepted it. I struggled to put it on, and he noticed. Without hesitation, he leaned closer, his tall frame gracefully leaning in to assist me with the helmet. The proximity sent a flurry of butterflies through my stomach.

Once we were both protective gear, he confidently said, "Are you okay with riding a motorbike?"

I stuttered, trying to hide my nerves. "Ye-yeah, I'm okay."

His voice exuded assurance as he responded, "If you're scared, just hang on to me, okay?"

The tenderness in his words melted my uncertainties away. "O-okay, thanks," I managed to say, my voice filled with gratitude.

With that, he put on his helmet, settling it comfortably on his head, and helped me hop onto the motorbike. The engine roared to life, and my heart raced in tandem.

"Hold on tight, we're going now," he declared, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation.

I clung to him, feeling a sense of exhilaration mixed with trust as the bike sped away. The wind whipped through my hair, and we embarked on an adventure, leaving my doubts behind.

In that moment, I couldn't deny the excitement in both our voices and the genuine connection we shared. Perhaps, amidst the uncertainty, there was a budding romance ready to bloom. Only time would tell, but for now, I would enjoy the thrill of riding on the back of his motorbike, holding on tight to the possibility of something more.

After a long motorbike ride, we finally arrived at the court my friend Julius had told me about earlier. He parked his motorbike, and I unclung from him, ready to get off. But to my surprise, he held out his hand to help me down. I thanked him and gently put down my helmet, mimicking his actions.

As we stood there, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. There were a lot of guys at the court, and I couldn't help but notice them all looking our way. Julius, sensing my unease, asked if I was okay. I gulped and assured him that I was fine. However, that didn't seem to satisfy him, as he then offered his hand, suggesting that I hold it for support. Instead, I found myself grabbing onto his shirt and hiding behind him.

Chuckling, he asked playfully, "Why are you hiding, Ally?"

I blushed a little and admitted, "I never realized there was going to be so many people here."

Julius smiled reassuringly and explained, "Well, it's a court, so naturally, there would be a lot of people. But don't worry, I know some of them here. Let's go."

With his encouragement, we walked into the court, and I could feel the eyes of those around us on me. It made me feel self-conscious, but I tried to focus on the reason I was here. We found an empty bench, and I sat down to watch Julius play.

Just as I was getting comfortable, a guy approached Julius, and it was clear they knew each other. I didn't pay much attention to their conversation, assuming it was just a friendly exchange. However, I couldn't shake the feeling when I saw them walking towards me.

"Wait, Ally, don't jump to conclusions," I told myself quietly. "They might just be coming to sit down or something."

But as they got closer, my heart raced with uncertainty. I needed something to distract myself, and that's when I remembered my phone. Quickly, I reached into my pocket and pulled it out, pretending to be engrossed in whatever was on the screen.

Just as I thought they were about to pass by, Julius spoke up and said, "Hey, Ally, I'd like you to meet someone. This is Nicholas K, my lifelong friend. We're practically brothers at this point."

I looked up, and my eyes widened seeing Nicholas. He was just as tall as Julius, and for a moment, I struggled to find my voice. But then I managed to reply, "Yes, hi. I'm Ally, nice to meet you as well."

The excitement in my voice tried to mask the nerves, but deep down, I couldn't help but wonder what this meeting would bring.

"Oh, that's fantastic!" I replied, my voice brimming with excitement. "Meeting another writer is always such a joy. It's like finding a kindred soul amidst the chaos of the court."

Nicholas chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Appearances can be deceiving, my friend. While I do enjoy sports, my heart truly lies in the realm of writing."

Julius joined in with a hearty laugh. "You wouldn't believe it, but ever since we were kids, Nicholas has always been mistaken for a basketball player. Little did everyone know, his true passion lies in the world of literature."

I couldn't help but laugh along. "That's amazing! It's always fascinating to see how people defy stereotypes and embrace their passions fully. Nicholas, it's an honor to meet a fellow literature enthusiast."

Nicholas smiled warmly. "Likewise, my friend. Writing has always been my escape, my way of exploring different worlds and expressing myself. I'm thrilled to now share this connection with you."

As we continued our conversation, I felt a newfound excitement fill the air. Here we were, two writers brought together under unexpected circumstances, ready to embark on a journey of creativity and inspiration.

"So what school do you go to?" I asked, intrigued by the conversation.

"Actually, we go to the same school and I don't know if you notice this but our classroom is right next to each other," he replied.

"Oh, really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

"Yeah, Julius sometimes even visit my classroom just to hang and the ladies in my class goes nuts whenever his there" he added, while nodding.

"Who wouldn't go crazy with that face and body proportion" I said, giggling.

"Yeah, for real but he doesn't like to brag about that. Isn't that right, Julius" he said while nudging his elbow.

"Yeah, yeah. Are we going to play or not?" Julius agreed in a sarcastic voice while asking.

"We're playing, of course. Just get ready on the court, I'll be with you in a minute," Nicholas said.

"Alright, I'll go first. Follow me after, okay? Ally, you okay waiting?" He said, turning to ask me.

I nodded enthusiastically, saying, "Yeah, I'm okay with it."

"If something bad happens or if any guy approaches you, just call us, okay?" He added with concern, and then headed off to the court.

After he left, Nicholas chimed in, "I've never seen Julius be this gentlemanly and protective for a girl. I guess you're special, Ally. Anyways, gotta go." He completed his statement and left.

What he said made me start overthinking. What could it mean?

The excitement bubbled up within me as I pondered Nicholas' words. Did Julius's behavior towards me indicate something more than just friendship? Maybe there was a possibility that he saw me as more than just a teammate or a friend. The idea sent a thrilling sensation through my veins.

But then again, maybe I was reading too much into it. Perhaps Julius was simply being caring and attentive, without any romantic intentions. It was easy to misinterpret simple acts of kindness, especially when mixed with heightened emotions and anticipation.

Trying to calm my racing thoughts, I decided to focus on the present moment. Remembering our upcoming game, I reminded myself to stay focused and enjoy the game. It was important not to let my thoughts wander and distract me from the competition ahead.

With renewed determination, I joined Julius and Nicholas on the court, leaving my unanswered questions behind for now. There would be time to address them later, but for now, it was time to play and have fun.

As the game progressed, I couldn't help but steal glances at Julius, wondering if there was something more between us. Whether it was a friendly connection or a potential romance, I knew that this game was just the beginning. Whatever the future held, I was ready to embrace it with open arms and an open heart.

Thanks for reading this far, I hoped you liked chapter IV. Now, stay tuned for chapter V.