

"MY EX BOWS TO HIM" is a captivating tale that unfolds in the glamorous yet cutthroat world of the entertainment industry. Alexander Gareth Hilmpton, a stoic billionaire CEO with a heart of ice, crosses paths with the stunning but underrated star, Kim Mun Ho, at a party. Their encounter sparks a whirlwind of rumors, fueled by a mysterious incident the night before, leaving Alexander clueless about a supposed lover. As the truth unravels, Kim Mun Ho grapples with the consequences of his intimate encounter with Alexander. Faced with the daunting reality of Alexander's influential background, Kim must decide whether to confront the powerful CEO or conceal their connection. The story explores themes of love, secrecy, and the unexpected twists that life in the spotlight can bring.

Beverly_Spare · LGBT+
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115 Chs

1. #1 Hot Trending


'Buzzzz' 'Buzzzz '


He woke up groaning from the insane sound coming from his phone as he flipped it over without looking at it, adjusting back in a comfortable pose when the second sound aired.

'brrrrrrg' 'brrrrrrg'

This time, It was the alarm. Judging from his place of lay, it wasn't far from his bed and arm, so it was pretty much easy to toss it, sending it flying, and shattering it into a million pieces.


Now it was quiet... Now he could finally get that early morning extra time in bed without interruptions.

He arranged the cushions once more and tried that comfortable pose once again as he laid on it but the next sound that came, came with total electrocution; it was more like a screech and irons piercing into one another, it was hell.

His senses of hearing were on fire.

Where the hell was that one coming from now?

"Make it stop." He mumbled into the sheets, grabbing cushions to shield his eardrums from exploding from the terrible noise but it was all futile. it was getting louder in seconds and coming from the ceiling. "mrghhhh."


"I'm up... I'm up." He grunted, sitting down on the bed, struggling to fight the ache in his head when his phone began buzzing again. The sound that came from the ceiling had stopped.

With a frown, he picked it up, placing his back softly on the headboard with his slightly ruffled hair.

"Have you seen the news?" The waspy voice of the lady pierced through the phone accompanied by rolled orbs and his nonchalant behavior scattered everywhere.

"Have I ever been a fan of the news?" The frustration was evident in his voice as he responded, passing his fingers through his hair and relaxing his head backward. He couldn't remember a single incident of the previous night, he was completely wasted.

"You are trending #1 hottest in a hundred and fifty different countries, how did that happen?"

Gently, that strain in his head was finally settling and he was finally able to open his eyes when he took his legs down and pushed them into his soft slippers. Her words didn't matter to him as his left brow rose to them.

"Urrgh...How am I supposed to understand a single word you just said when they make no sense?" His deep baritone centered on the air.

He could hear her soft gasps of frustration but he didn't give two fucks about it, as a matter of fact, none of her words interested him. In a blink, he was up on his feet, strolling towards the direction of the bathroom with a hand in the pocket of his baggy dark blue pajama.

"I leave you for ten minutes... Ten minutes! and you go and do the worst thing you could possibly do... C'mon" She sighed, veins popping from the sides of her face but the shock on her face came from his unbelievable actions. She heard the water running from the other end of the call. He wasn't listening anymore, he had abandoned the call and was now showering while she grumbled to herself.

"Hello?... Alexander?" She called, her voice in utter frustration when she couldn't hear a single sound from him. "Alexander?... Arrrrgh"

'Beep' The call ended.

As the soft classical music filled the air, the warm water sipped into his scalp and every pore in his body, soothing and easing every tense muscle. His eyes were closed and his palms, placed on the glass wall that served as a demarcation between his place of shower and the entire washroom. He absorbed all the warmth and comfort it gave. This is the only thing that keeps him going after a hard night of having to be in the midst of people he didn't want to be with and talking to people he didn't want to talk to. Being the center of attention as the CEO of the biggest Entertainment industry in the world, he is wanted by all.

Everyone wanted his influence and everyone reached out to him because the media rotated in the palm of his hands, he ran it all. As a matter of fact, a single flick of the camera with him is capable of raising an average career to decades of fame and even more, not to talk of being seen with him, that is a lifeline of fame— that, that is the kind of power he possesses.

It took a while, but he was out of the shower anyway, after he had freshened up and wasn't feeling like shit anymore, taking gentle steps towards the house-sized closet that lit up when he strode in. The robe that covered that godlike build of his was on the floor in a blink, exposing his firm buns. Taking a deep breath, his eyes snuck a glimpse of himself as there were mirrors everywhere, opposite and adjacent to each other, like a glass house but a glass closet built to have countless shelves for clothes and different accessories— It was like a mall in there.

With skin like that, the body of an angel amounted to worthless compared to his. A man who glowed everywhere and screamed perfection with any pose he took, he was art.

Hey lovelies, this book is on the competition, please do well to support me and you won't be disappointed.

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