
My Evil Stepson System

Kevin Lannister was offered the chance to reincarnate by the goddess of Happiness for unknown reasons. He finally got to live a life of luxury in his new life but something totally unexpected occurred. His mother was kidnapped and his father fell into a coma. Now, it’s been three years and a twenty year old Kevin wanted to visit his dad in the hospital but a cannibal suddenly appears before him, killing him before he could see his dad. Was his life finally going to end without even finding out if his mother was still alive or not? But before he could release his last breath, a system notification sounded in his mind. [I am called Evil Stepson System. The goddess created and named me and my only purpose is to help you in seeking revenge, In other words, I’m here to make you the ultimate bad guy,] [But I didn’t expect to see a weak human. Aside from your physique, your strength and agility are average and not fitting of someone called my host,] “Parasite,” Kevin mutters. He has had enough of the system’s rudeness. It might have evil in its name but that doesn’t mean the system should act so rude to him. [Huh?] The system was shocked. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” An evil grin appeared on his face. Finally, the system was flabbergasted this time around. “You dwell in my head and you call me your host,” “ This means you need me to survive and that makes you a parasite cause I ain’t your damn Uber,” “You know what? I’m going to call you parasite as from now on,” [You wouldn’t dare,] “ I just did and I would again, a thousand times,” [Why you little!!] [Fine you win. What do I have to do to make you stop calling me that?] “Hmm, If you help me accomplish my mission of ending every single one of those who captured my mother. Maybe then, I’ll acknowledge the fact that you aren’t a parasite,” [Then I’ll definitely help you succeed,] [As a matter of fact, your first mission is ready. Would you like to see it?] “Yes,” [First Mission: Pop your cherry,] Kevin smirks and says. “You know what parasite, I think I’m beginning to like you,” [Hehe...me too,] “ You say what?” [Nothing,] Join Kevin as he tries to right the wrong of his previous world by making his family (especially mom) happy again. No NTR No Yuri Tags:- Milfs, Smut, Hardcore Intercourse, Virgins, Enemies Become Lovers.

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240 Chs

13. First Mission.

[And what do you think you're doing?] The system asked, trying to understand why Kevin would willingly risk losing the life the goddess had recently bestowed on him.

'Isn't it clear to you? I'm trying to take out the trash,' He replied.

[If you go in right now, the chances of you surviving is 3%.]

Hearing that, Kevin held his dagger a lot tighter. 'It doesn't matter,'

[To me, it does. The goddess saved you twice for a reason. Do not make her regret her decision.]

[You have to carefully think this through.]

[I understand that you have a lot on your mind right now, but we can't afford to lose any vital clues.]

'Clues? What do you mean?'

[Towards the end of the video, what did Drake and his friends talk about?]

'They talked about receiving a reward for successfully destroying Dad's marital life.'

[And what does that tell you?]

Kevin relaxed his mind and thought carefully, then furrowed his brows in rage. "There's a mastermind behind all this." Kevin came to a huge realization.


[So, do you still want to go?]

[If you do, there's a 65% chance you will get killed by Drake and a 20% chance that both Vanessa and Drake kill you. There's also a 6% chance of you dying by Vanessa's hands, a 6% chance that you will all die and a 3% chance that you will succeed.]

One of the scenarios where Drake succeeds could be, Kevin running into the room with the dagger in hand, and Drake sacrificing his arm to get stabbed by Kevin's blade.

Drake would then pull it out to kill Kevin, before informing the police that it had all been done in self-defence against a madman/boy.

[And if you get killed, you lose your chance of having revenge on the remaining four people in the video.]

One way or another, all six of them had a role to play in tearing down Kevin's once-happy family.

Kevin understood what the parasite was trying to say. For now, he was weak, and so his chances of making it out alive were very slim.

He also didn't want to risk letting the others go scot-free.

He needed to act with caution and most importantly patience.

[What will it be?]

[Irrespective of your choice, I'm going to support you.]

[You've got a messed up family. The least I can do is support you.]

"Those two aren't my family," Just as Kevin muttered those words, he heard the sound of a toilet being flushed, not too far from where he stood.

'It must be Dahlia. She must have been using the toilet, long before I got here.'

Kevin watched as the doorknob slowly turned before Dahlia stepped out.

By the time she came out, there was no one standing in the passageway.


'Fuck!!' Kevin cussed, banging his head on the door while he leaned against his door.

He was back in his room and he hated how helpless he was.

He wanted to hurt at least one of them before dawn tomorrow, but the parasite had a point.

He locked his door and slowly sat on his bed.

Lying on his bed as he stared at the ceiling, Kevin began to devise several ways to make the lives of the gold diggers a living hell.

With a determined mind and an enraged heart, Kevin boldly declared. "I promise to end all three men and make the ladies suffer as well."

[Congratulations!! Conditions for your first mission have now been set. Would you like to see it?]

The parasite's notification initially came as a surprise, but an emotion of joy soon blossomed in his heart as Kevin couldn't wait to discover his first mission.

If it would help him in ending his enemies, then Kevin would be glad to know what it was.

"Yes." He replied.

[First Mission (Main Quest): Pop your cherry (Inactive).]

[Main Reward: 500 evil points.]

[Skill (Locked) Reward: Sensitive Touch, Erotic Gas.]

[Time frame: 3 days.]

[Side Quest: Choose your first target (Inactive).]

[Reward: 200 evil points.]

[Time frame: 24 hours.]

[Skills unlocked will be added to the shop with their info and price described in detail.]

[Failure to fulfil task equals system removal.]

"My first mission is to pop my Cherry!!" Kevin exclaimed in shock.

He wanted to ask the system why, but then he recalled that to obtain evil points, he needed to engage in lustful acts.

Furthermore, he would have to get close to other females in the future to get his hands on his future targets.

So, he will need to understand a woman's body and how to please a woman, and the first step is to ensure that he wasn't a virgin anymore.

Kevin asked, still gazing at the ceiling. "What's up with the missions being inactive?"

[As long as you haven't decided to carry out a quest, the quest will remain inactive, but once you decide to make it active, the countdown will begin instantly.]

[If a quest is fulfilled without you activating it, it will be rendered useless and no reward will be awarded.]

Kevin pondered on the new information. He had two targets downstairs but he had to carry out his revenge on only one.

He knew he had to be extra careful in making his first choice.

'I will decide after getting a good night's sleep,' He concluded.

But before he went to sleep he asked. "Yo! Parasite, Will all my main quests be rewarded with skills?"

[No, they won't. Some main quests will be rewarded with skills while others will reward you with evil points, experience points or new features,]

"New features?"

[Yes, but do not worry. Just like the skills, you'll surely love the new features. All that is required is for you to become the ultimate bad guy and for you to stop calling me a parasite.]

"Me? The ultimate bad guy?" Kevin began to imagine it becoming a reality.

[Indeed, and I'll play my part in accomplishing this mission,]

Kevin felt touched by the parasite's words and steadfast support.

A grin appeared on his face as his eyes closed steadily. Before falling asleep he said. "You know what parasite? I think I'm beginning to like you,"


A/N:- If you're curious about how Vanessa has a higher chance than Kevin of succeeding. Imagine Kevin trying to harm Drake with the dagger which has been knocked onto the floor and the two of them are preoccupied with grabbing it when a cold steel suddenly pierces Kevin from behind. It's still a 2 vs 1 fight.