
The God Paladin

Cain smiled, looking at the stones with amazement, "Let's get this to her quickly," He disappeared from the snow and appeared back in Lilia's lab. ALPHA, standing beside him.

"ALPHA and GAIA got the crystals with zero deaths." Cain approached Lilia, who was still operating on her new body.

"Thanks, put it on the desk. I'm almost finished here." Lilia replied as she sewed the wounds on her new body, "I finished changing the bones and rewiring all the nerves using Tarra as an example. I also took the liberty of including some of your blood. I hope you don't mind."

Cain smiled, "I won't mind. It's looking beautiful?"

Lilia giggled, "The look or something else."

"I'm talking about the craft, how you remodeled a whole clone." Cain patted Lilia's head as she finished, "You did a great job. What potential are you expecting from this body?"

"Since my magic is linked directly to my mind, I focused on improving the physical capabilities of this new body." Lilia approached the new body.