
Meet Levi


JUST like I intended, I rode a bus to get home. It’s because if I ride in his car, I know that Eijun will pull a prank on me due to what happened this morning. It’s better to be safe than sorry. When I get home, after changing into normal clothing, I cooked and ate dinner. Of course, Eijun does also have his share of food since I still have my conscience. However, an hour passed but Eijun is still nowhere in sight.

Where did that man go?

Actually, I’m gone home about one hour later than our supposed dismissal time. It’s because I still need to wait for the schedule of the bus and go all the trouble to walk from the bus stop. Compared to Eijun that can get home in just thirty minutes using his car, he should be home earlier than me.

But where the hell is he? It’s already dark outside. Has he not had any plans to go home? It’s not that I’m concern or something, but of course, we are living in the same roof. At least let me know if he’s going off to somewhere and would be arriving late.

Anyway, I continued doing what I planned to do that night. I cleaned the house but not to the point that I will get dirty. I’ve copied Happy’s notes that she lends me, and such.

It was 10 PM when I heard a noise coming from his car and the opening of the gate. I was currently sitting on the sofa in the living room and reading a book when he entered. When he saw me, there was a look of shock on his face. Maybe he didn't think I was still awake. That’s why it completely caught him off guard. However, that reaction lasted only a minute.

"Why are you still awake? Can't sleep because your fiancé isn't here? Are you worried, honey?" he said while smiling. He used the smile I dislike most. It’s his teasing smile. The way he called me ‘honey’ is irritating as well.

Instead of being swayed by his annoying question, I held my chin up and let my pride kick in.

"No, I'm just worried for myself. What if some burglar break in and I didn’t notice because I’m sleeping. I will be killed while my sloppy fiancé was away. To prevent that, I better wait for the arrival of my so called ‘fiancé’," I answered which is partly true. What if that would happen while I’m sleeping? Just thinking about it, it scares me. On that of that, while that might happen, my useless fiancé would be away and happily doing what he might be doing. For all I know, he might be seeing some other women the reason why he came home late.

"I think the burglars are the one that need to worry if ever they went inside. It's a good thing that they didn't come in.”

And he’s such a jerk, indeed.

"So what you are trying to say is that I’m scarier than they are?"

He shrugged. “You’re the one that said that.”

Out of annoyance for this man, I threw the book at him. It’s just unfortunate because he caught it. It would have been better if it hit his annoying face.

"Whoa, you got bored waiting that’s why you are reading a book. Oh, don't you worry, honey. I'm already here," he teased again while emphasizing the word ‘honey’. Ugh! Disgusting!

"Shut up, jerk!”

Because I was so annoyed, I stood up and walked out on him. I went straight for the stairs. However, I stopped on the first step when I remembered something.

"The food is on the table,” I said angrily. “But note that that next time you come home late, I will never let you in!”

Tsk! be thankful, jerk, that I'm really kind. Next time you come home late, I would never prepare or spare foods for you. I’ll starve you to death, jerk!


THE next day I woke up late again because of that same dream. I thought I was done with that kind of thing. Why the heck it is coming back after all through these years? That’s why I woke up in the wrong side of the bed.

It’s a good thing that Eijun had already prepared breakfast. The reason why when I went down to the kitchen, there is a delicious smell of food that greeted me and improved my mood. I never thought that this jerk would be helpful in some ways.

However, there is no sign of Eijun. What I just saw is the food that is still hot. It seems like it wasn’t long when it was left behind by that man. But then, I saw a note beside the food.

"This is a peace offering. I assured you that it's delicious. Of course, it’s because I’m the cook. Though got things to do at school and can’t wait for you so just commute," I read in the note he left.

I’m a bit surprised. Aside from being useful in some ways, he’s also a bit thoughtful once in a while. Anyway, it’s just right that he offers a peace offering, since he really did annoy me last night.

I’m not late when I got to school but I was surprised because Mariana, Marina and Happy were not sitting in our supposed chairs. Instead of being seated together, they are scattered in different rows and columns.

What's the hell is happening...??

"Okay, C-Cindy. You're going to seat there next to Miss Legazpi," our adviser said as if she was still hesitant to say it. “We are arranging seats today. I-I’m just doing my j-job as our adviser so—“

I didn’t need let her finish. I already nodded as recognition of what she is trying to say. Yesterday, I told them that I don’t want special treatment and she understood that very well. That’s why she’s dedicated to do her job well today.

But wait, Karen?

I look at Karen. Her arms are crossed while looking in the other direction. Her frowned is evident and I can even hear the murmuring from her mouth. Why all of people in this room? Why it has to be Karen?

"Are there no other seats available?"

"W-Why? Is there a problem?"

If answered yes and let the seat be changed, that’s mean I’m demanding a special treatment, right? Tsk! I can’t take back those words now.

"Nothing. Never mind."

There’s nothing I could do but to sit beside her and be her seatmate. We are located in the third row which is in the middle. I’m on her left while she’s on my right.

"What a coincidence or ... a very bad luck," Karen whispered as I sit beside her, still looking at the other direction.

"I agreed. It's indeed a very bad luck. I'm very unlucky today," I shot back and I emphasized the word ‘I’m’.

"What do you mean by that?" She looked at me and glared at me.

"It meant what it meant. There’s no need for explanations, right? Especially that it’s self-explanatory statement."

She was obviously annoyed by what I said but she just held it back.

"It seems like your best friend is far away and talking to somebody new. Aren’t you scared that she might leave you? You know, betrayal is a trend these days. You might be its victim next time."

I just shrugged. What she said didn’t scare me even for a little bit. Happy and betrayal? Sorry, but those two are contradicting.

"Am I the one that should be afraid? How about you?” I casually asked her. “Where are your tails? Be careful. Unlike me and my best friend, we can go far away from each other but our relationship will not change. But you and your tails, it is very dangerous for you to separate. It’s because when your tails find another better dog to tail, they will forget the existence of the old and ugly dog like you. "

I fake a concern expression at her. Just in time the teacher started her lesson so Karen’s reactions or annoyance was keep in her. Though you can guess through her stumping action that she didn’t like how I just made her speechless and defeated. I bet she’s thinking of some kind of revenge. Well, whatever. I’m not even a little bit scared of what that might be.


WHEN I got out of our classroom, I sigh in relief. I excused myself that I’m going to the restroom but honestly, it’s literally an excuse for me to be able to escape our supposed quiz in Mathematics. Damn, that subject. Who the hell invented it anyways? It’s a pain in my beautiful butt.

I really hate it when it comes to calculation. How they able to solve the problem always made me wonder. It’s also amazing how they expanded the problem and exaggerated it as if it’s the end of the world if they can’t solve it. On the other hand, it made my head aches. It’s just the numbers and letters are dancing together and laughing at me that am why I ended up being irritated than become motivated to solve them. As if they knew that I can’t solve them that are why they are mocking me.

So yes, I escaped the predicament and let it solve itself. I don’t care if I would receive a zero score in my quiz. As long as I’m still thinking straight, that’s what matters, right? Yes, I’m right.

The restroom is located it at the end of the hallway before turning right. I was about to turn right from the hallway to get to the CR when I heard a voice. I immediately backed away.

Well, who would not be? Who would continue walking after hearing these words?

"Hannah, please, give me a second chance," a man said and he is seriously pleading.

"That’s enough! I'm tired of hearing those words from you over and over again. I already told you my answer. Why can’t you just accept it? Just forget about me and move on! It’s just easy right? Since you are popular and all,” the woman harshly said.

Hey, it looks like I witness a movie like situation right here. Who might be these people that have a dramatic and tragic love story?

"Did you think it was that easy? We've been together for a long time, Hannah, so please… Whatever that went wrong, I promise I'll correct it. I’ll do better this time."

"Didn't you understand the word ‘I’m over you’? It means were finish and I was just playing with you."

It’s becoming more cliché. I continued listening.

"But you're not that kind of person, Hannah."

"You just don’t know me well enough, Levi."

My body froze when the woman said the name 'Levi'. Does she mean Levi Gonie Legazpi? What the hell? What is this? Eijun's rival has a heartbreaking story! Who would have thought! Now, this is becoming more interesting.

"Is it because of Warross?" The man's voice changed into a deadly one. He is obviously angry but to whom?

Whoa, wait! Warross? Does he mean Eijun Warross? Seriously? What does he did this time that his name is mentioned in this kind of situation? Whenever I encounter people, his name is always in the conversation. Is that guy some kind of diseases that’s widely spreading all throughout the campus?

"Maybe or... yes."

"You like him now? You’re going to dispose me and try to win over that Warross? You’re just going to waste your time on him, Hannah. He doesn’t know you and I bet he don’t even know how to love someone. He’ll just play with you.”

"You’ll never know unless you try, right? Don’t lecture me about the time and all. You don’t have the right to say those things," that’s the last thing that the Hannah girl said. Later, I just heard the noise of the woman's heels that are walking away.

What a mess. They even choose a great setting for their dramatic encounter and all. But it’s really a shock. Who would have thought that the infamous Levi have harsh heartbreak from his ex-girlfriend? What more is that her girlfriend said that he’ll replace him with his rival? I can imagine how painful that is.

It’s indeed never easy to be the second best.

Anyway, they might be gone by now. Although it’s just an excuse that I need to go to the restroom but I really need to go now. I just can’t go back now when I’m almost there. It’s a waste of time.

I peeked to see if the man is still there and…

Sadly, he is still there! Worst, our gaze connected to each other! I immediately back off and hide myself again. I counted until thirty, wishing that he didn’t notice me or he didn’t realized I’ve been eavesdropping on them.

Unfortunately, when I peeked again, he was right in front of me and glaring at me! I am frozen in where I am standing. He is really scary, especially if it’s up close. His forehead ceased and I can imagine black feathers surrounding me at that moment.

I tried backing away. As if I’m dealing with some wild animals, I keep looking at him and didn’t turn on my back. But in the back of my mind, I’m imagining countless scenarios on how I can run away from him. While backing away, he also keeps walking towards me.

When his pace increases, I suddenly panicked and turn around and run. But too late, I just suddenly felt something pulling me and pushed me to the wall. I hit my back against the wall and he trapped me between his long and strong arms.

He looked at me as if he was going to eat me alive.

"What are you doing here? Or should I ask, who are you?" he asked seriously.

"There's no need to introduce myself, it's just an accident as I had to go to restroom when I heard your voice so I backed away," I answered proudly even though it was true, I was nervous.

"You heard everything?"

"Not everything but I heard you say 'please'?"

He suddenly brought his face closer to mine. Our bodies are so close to each other. That's a wrong move, Cindy, wrong answer.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Well, I know your name but I don't know you personally. Can you just let me go to the restroom? You know, the nature is calling me." I tried walking through him but he didn’t budge. He stayed still at his place.

All of a sudden he moved. I thought he would follow what I just said but instead, he brought his face even closer to mine. My eyes went wide and suddenly, my heart raced like hell. Now, faces are almost touching. Worst, I can already feel his breathe.

But I admit it; his face became brighter to me when it’s up close. Okay, I admit it also. Yes, he is handsome. His face has a unique structure. Pointy nose and perfect jaw line but his thick eyebrows add appeal to his face. He has an Indian kind of eyes. The parts on his face are perfectly aligned. As if it was handmade by the Creator itself.

"Do you think, after hearing our conversation, I will just let you go?" he is trying to intimidate me in order to scare me off.

"Do you think I would still beg if I knew you would?" That came out from my mouth very unexpectedly. Maybe, because of Eijun’s influences I developed a habit to shot back whenever someone is asking an obvious question. Unluckily, his question can be considered as an obvious one.

“Such nerve you got right there,” he said. "Are you informed that I can hurt a woman?"

He is really trying to intimidate me. Somehow, he is succeeding but his obvious questions are so annoying! It’s reminding me of someone I know. That’s why I can’t help but talk back.

"Probably not, because I just met you in person?"

His forehead furrowed even more. He stared at me for a minute as if I’m some kind of mosaic art but thank heavens because he finally took his face away. Then he backed away.

"Just make sure you don't show up in front of me again," he threatened. Just by that he left me.

Weird. I thought he was really going to hurt me. Good thing he’s just bluffing. Now, look at the time. I need to go back now or those people are going to be suspicious on me. I totally forgot that I need to go to the restroom. Anyway, the nature is already gone now and surely, will come back after class.

I was about to walk back to the classroom when I saw Karen looking at me.

"What did you do? I thought you were with Eijun? The nerve of you to even flirt with my older brother!" she’s definitely angry.

But it can’t be compared to the dangerous situation I just overcome. It didn’t affect me much.

"Tell that to the woman named 'Hannah' and not to me," instead, I said. Then I went back.


I WENT back to the classroom and no one was surprised that I took so long. The quiz was over when I arrived. Am I bothered with that? Not one bit. I’m sure that I can pass that subject just fine, especially that I’m with Happy.

Before the class was dismissed, it was announce that we don’t have classes in the afternoon. It means that we are free to go to wherever we want. I’m thinking that I can just laze around at home but that would be boring. I decided then that I would invite Marina, Mariana and Happy to hang-out in the Mall.

I smiled. That would be fun.

"Class dismissed!" our teacher said before walking out.

I was about to get up from my chair when Karen spoke. Remember that she’s my seatmate in our new seating arrangement.

"How do you know Hannah?" she asked in a strange tone. Her voice has the combination of shame and sadness?


"You mentioned Hannah earlier," she explained.

That’s when I get that she’s referring to. She seems to know Hannah, the girl who rejected her twin brother.

"I overheard their conversation," I replied flatly.


"She rejected your older brother, harshly."

Her eyes widened. "What?!"

Well, this woman doesn't seem to know what’s really going on. Based on her reaction, she doesn’t know just yet how cruel Hannah treated his brother. But it’s none of my business. I don’t need to explain further.

"Just ask your brother, he’ll surely give you the full detail."

So then, I left her there and approached Happy, Marina and Mariana. Who are waiting for me in the entrance of the classroom.

"What did she want this time?" Mariana asked as soon as I got closer. She’s referring to Karen and why she’s talking to me.

"No, it’s not a big deal." I looked at the three of them. There was a look of concern on their faces. "What up with faces? We’re going to the Mall so drop that kind of expression."

The three of them smiled instantly. I succeeded in breaking the ice around us.

“Then Mall here we go!” Marina said.

"But first we’ll eat food, I'm hungry." That’s Happy, gluttonous as always.

We laughed at her.

I miss this kind of moments; the life that you are carefree and trouble less with problems. I miss being just a child that would do the things that she wants without worries of what would happen next. I miss being the girl who sees the world positively and have dreams for her future, rather than as someone who sees the world negatively and just hoping that things would turn out okay someday.

This tunnel of darkness is long and it’s a good thing that for the meantime, I can see light. Will it be temporary or permanent; we will leave it for tomorrow.



<3 Belle-flora <3