
Chapter 8

Sara spent the next thirty minutes following Dawn's instructions. She traced a large circle with mysterious symbols. Within the earthen lines was another small circle for the dybbuk box. Sara's eyes rarely left Liam.

Twenty minutes of preparation kept a certain amount of tension in the air. The trio knew the inevitable conclusion of their actions but also recognized the necessity. Liam's choice warmed her heart but left her worried about the future.

Before they cast the spell, Sara felt it prudent to give the area one last look. Not a soul for miles. Satisfied they wouldn't be disturbed, Dawn began the ritual.

Liam knelt in front of the dybbuk box and waited. Dawn's voice spoke a language more ancient than the earth itself. A shadowy being emerged from the faded wood and pewter. The eyes glowed bright blue.

"Why have you awakened me?" the demon shouted loud enough to scare birds from trees. "I am tired of the endless conflict. No one wins in the end, and I still end up in the damn crate."

"What if I'm asking you to save people..."

The amorphous mass of smoke and shadow laughed, "Have you forgotten what I am? Humans are of little consequence to me." The demon hung above the box. "I don't want your soul either."

Sara almost broke the circle. The demon flashed by Liam and slammed into the invisible barrier, "An eldritch wolf? I thought your kind went extinct a long time ago."

The demon's eyes undressed her, and Sara could almost sense the perverted thoughts of the ancient creature. "If I help you will I get to spend time with the eldritch half breed?"

Liam moved, "Yes, but you have to possess me..."

"Let's talk timeshare, " A dark blue slit ran across the demon's face. "I want one date per capture I do. I may come before Lucifer, but I am far from invulnerable."

Why would the demon want to spend time with her? Sara shook her head, "How do we know this isn't a trick?"

"How about you ask the real question, why you?" The demon's grin widened. "Even I need a little fun once in a while."

Demons lie or distort the truth. Sara still didn't trust the evil shadow. "That sounds too simple for a creature who requires a body."

Dawn's outstretched hands shook, "I suggest you three come to an understanding soon, or it's going to choose for you."

It didn't take Liam long to decide for them, "No sex, and Sara chooses the activities and time." His eyes rested on her with care and affection he hadn't shown before.

The demon laughed, "I can live with that. I am allowed to watch you, even in your most private moments."

Sara stomped her foot, "No, you'll see everything Liam sees..."

"Precisely." The demon replied, "When the job is over, I return to the box and leave your precious Liam unharmed."

"It's probably the best deal he has," Liam's eyes watched Dawn's slender form wobble in exhaustion. "If we push the negotiations any further, we'll lose our advantage."

"Fine. Do what you need to." The defeat in Sara's tone earned her a laugh from the demon. "Feel lucky, Eldritch Wolf. The body I truly wanted was yours. Oh, the things we could do together."

Liam held his arms up and stood in front of Sara. The demon tried to stretch around him. The Silent Fang blocked its view again. "You'll have your time soon enough. Now let's seal the deal."

"You mortal creatures haven't learned an ounce of patience, have you?" The demon sneered while its eyes longingly watched Sara. It turned and pressed a hand against Liam's chest. "Do you accept the terms we agreed on?"

The skin started to bubble and burn under the demon's touch. Black lines and symbols slowly etched themselves into the flesh, "Yes," Liam fell to his knees, the bright green moss curved around them. He spoke between clenched teeth. "Do you promise to lend your strength when required?"

"Are you trying to change the deal at the last minute, demented puppy?" The demon pressed harder, and the stench of burned flesh and hair filled the clearing.

"Liam," Sara tried to enter the circle, but she slammed into the invisible barrier. "Please, stop. He's a good person..."

"Hello, I am a demon. I may find you endlessly fascinating, but I have no emotional attachments to you." The unholy creature pressed harder. "If you want to borrow my strength, you will grant me a favor, no questions asked. I choose the time and place to call it in."

The symbols turned black, then purple. Liam's eyes started to roll back in his head. He tried to speak, but nothing came from his mouth at first. "Y-yes," he stammered.

When the final symbol turned dark purple, the demon thrust a limb down Liam's throat. "If you break the deal, the circle will punish you until you comply. I promise you the pain you feel now is nothing compared to the real hell I can bring you."

Tears filled Sara's eyes while the living shadow slowly crawled into Liam. His throat threatened to burst, and his breaths were shallow. "Hurry up already. You're killing him."

"He's no good to me dead. He'll live. If I go easy on him, he won't respect or honor the deal."

Dawn collapsed from exhaustion. Sara watched the demon and then shifted her gaze to Dawn, who failed to regain her feet. She hated how the wretched being had compromised Liam so easily.

"He did it for you." The demon said before he thrust the rest of himself into Liam. "Rays of sickly purple light shone from every orifice. The light lasted for twenty seconds and then faded.

Liam's body smoked and smoldered as his body dropped to the soft moss below. Sara couldn't decide who needed help more. "Demon, will you help us now?"

"I have little choice. A light like that is bound to attract all the wrong attention." He controlled Liam's body, "As we are spending time together, this fulfills his end of the promise."

"Have you a name? I think calling you demon will tire us both."

"Istrath," The demon helped Dawn to her feet, "I have another name, my true name, but that is not for you."

"Why not call you by that name?"

"You'd control me. I'll kill Liam if you try to find it. Do not test me." Istrath's voice grew low and deadly.

"I assume that's a promise, not a threat?" Sara asked.

"Yes, the demon replied."


Thankfully the trio managed to escape the area. The incident in the woods made the Local news. "Strange lights in the woods were seen earlier today. Local authorities suspect a cult is operating out in the woods."

Dawn shook her head, "I will never be a fan of religion..."

"Don't you represent an eldritch god."

"No, I represent humanity. Daenerys doesn't care who lives or dies. She watches to see what crazy thing you do next. We exist to keep the experiment going." Dawn's indifferent tone irritated Sara to no end.

"What's the point in serving a god that doesn't care?" Sara yelled.

"Do you care if your politicians are incompetent? Does it matter if your boss is cruel to certain people? You probably don't because you understand these are things you can't change. What matters is what you do. Just because those in power don't try to make the world a better place doesn't mean we shouldn't try."

Sara held her silence as Dawn's words poured into her ear and slowly absorbed into her mind. "That doesn't sound like you..."

"You've known me for a few days and presume to know everything about me. After what I revealed at dinner yesterday, did any of that count for anything?"

Shame spread across Sara like wildfire. Dawn was right, "It counted for a lot. Maybe I'm the one who needs to change."

"You have a lot of growing up to do. Perhaps you'll find it in yourself tomorrow when we go after the hellbender. Now, I must prepare for our quarry will not go down easy. I need privacy."

"I'm sorry..."

"Words are cheap, Sarah. Deeds have the power to shout across the world."

Sara left the room and entered the one she now shared with a possessed Liam. The demon retained control for the moment. The glowing eyes followed her. "I heard everything. The old bird is something else."

"What is your fascination with me, Istrath?" Sara demanded.

Istrath grinned and snickered, "You are clueless. You have no idea what you're doing. You haven't even asked the obvious quesion." He rolled over and patted the spot next to him. "Care to join me?"

"Not in your wildest dreams. Who knows what new horror we'll unleash on the world," Sara lit a smoke and blew a thick cloud in Istraths face. She took another long drag.

"What if it's the only thing we haven't tried to end the problem?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. I'd love to talk more. but it's time for Liam to return."

Sara swore, "Next time, I'll have my answers."