
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantaisie
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103 Chs

My Unique Dungeon System

Viru's mind raced as he considered the possibilities of what the voice had promised—a unique system tailored to his choices, something one-of-a-kind. The idea was intriguing, almost too good to be true.

"Is it truly a one-of-a-kind system?" he mused aloud, his curiosity piqued. The prospect thrilled him; it wasn't just any system, but something unique, something that could potentially elevate him beyond his wildest dreams in this new world.

"I was half expecting to have an engineering system with manual workers according to the statements that I've provided. But thank god!"

He couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The unknown variables of the system excited him, offering endless opportunities. With his ability to create and control subordinates and the aid of a smart AI, the system might become his greatest ally in Revara. It could be his ticket to understanding this world and carving out a place for himself within it.

Viru's senses sharpened as he scrutinized the rectangular sign floating before him—a black panel framed with a golden border that gleamed even in the middle of the dusky hues of the dense jungle around him. The craftsmanship was exquisite, resembling the royal design meant for high-level personnel, signaling both authority and arcane mystery. Its message,

"Unique System: Dungeon,"

gleamed in golden letters.

At the bottom, an instruction prompted him to focus on the next slide for further details on skills, stats, and abilities.

With an anticipatory thought, Viro scrolled through the information with his mind, eager to understand the parameters of his newfound power.


Name: Viru

System: **Dungeon (unique)**

Stage: 1

Race : Human (Evolvable?)


HP: 20

Strength: 3

Agility: 3

Stamina: 2

Mana : 3

Defense : 3


AI (unnamed)

->Synergic empowerment

->Dungeon layout

->Summon Scanned Dungeon subordinate(0/1)

->Create Dungeon subordinate

***Equipment and artifacts:

Dungeon core(Lv 1)

Wooden box (camouflage)

***Total number of subordinates: 0/2



*** The Dungeon system stage will increase when the required experience is achieved ***

Viru's eyes looked at the stats again, a frown covered his forehead as he tried to understand what the numbers represented. Were they a measure of strength or a glaring sign of weakness? The numbers stared back at him, indifferent to his inner confusion. The 'Mana' stat particularly caught his attention; it seemed to hint at a reservoir of magic power, an element of this world he had yet to understand or tap into.

He knew intuitively that he was at the bottom of the pecking order in terms of strength. With the jungle around him teeming with unseen threats and the darkness intensifying the sense of vulnerability, Viru felt an urgency to grasp the significance of these numbers. The 'Mana' stat was a mystery, a potential key to unseen powers, yet without a spell or skill to utilize it, it felt like an untapped well.

With no one to guide him through this, no point of reference, and no way to judge his capabilities against this world's standards, he was in the dark—a novice trying to make sense of a game where he didn't yet understand the rules.

His gaze, however, lit up with intrigue upon discovering his skills—particularly 'Summon Dungeon Subordinate'—which flickered a flame of excitement within him.

The mention of an AI, yet unnamed, drew a sudden realization. An AI could be his trustworthy companion in this vast, unforgiving wilderness.

"Hey AI, are you there?" he called out instinctively. His vision changed with a new shade of gold, a voice materialized in his mind, clear and oddly comforting despite its mechanical timbre.

"Hello Dungeon Master, I am your AI," it responded, with subtitles appearing before only his eyes.

'Please give me a name before we explore further' requested the AI.

Mesmerised by its pleasant voice, viru started to brainstorm for a name.

'What should it be?'

'Should I name it Peace, since it sounds so pleasingly peaceful'

'Kinda of cheesy actually'

He thought for a moment and uttered

'From now on your name would be **Albus**'

(Author note: named after our beloved wizard)

'Albus greets Dungeon master Viru '

'It's going to be you and me all the way from now on Albus, take care of me' said Viru

'With atmost pleasure, Master'

As the introductions concluded, Viru proceeded to explore his skills.

'Albus, tell me more about my skill 'Summon Scanned Dungeon subordinate''

'The skill 'Summon Scanned Dungeon subordinate' enables you to summon a subordinate of level 1. You can summon a subordinate out of nothing. But it unfortunately has a prerequisite. The race of the subordinate that you wish to summon must be fully scanned by me before you can use it to create your subordinate.'

***Current scanned races: Nil***

That hit Viru with a great disappointment.

'It's going to be a pain in the ass doing it alone' worried Viru

'Okay, tell me about the scanning process of the race, Albus'

'Master or his subordinate should engage in a fight against the desired race for at least 30 seconds or defeat the being. This would allow me to scan the race details completely'

'Huh, what a bother' exalted Viru.

He then asked Albus about the next skill 'Dungeon Layout'

'The current level of dungeon layout enables you to instantly place your core inside a summoned wooden box that has a decent defense.'

Explained Albus.

'Is there anything more to it?' Questioned viru.

'Yes, after placing the core inside this wooden box, a circular area about 3m in Radius becomes your sensitive field. Any enemy that comes into this field can be slowed down depending on it's strength. Lower the level of enemy, higher the chance of slowing it down. I can estimate it when you encounter a hostile target'

Viru revealed a glad expression after finally hearing a good thing.

'But be aware master, if the enemy destroys the core, you die. And you can't take back your core once it has been placed. You can only take it back when the enemy leaves the field or is defeated by you.'

'Whaaaaat!!' Screamed Viru with a bizarre expression on his face.

'Being level one really sucks' wined viru.

'Being so unmotivated is displeasing. Not the time to wine.' said Albus in a quirky tone.

'You are mean albus!' Complained viru.