
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantaisie
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103 Chs


With the lich defeated, a sense of relief and triumph washed over Viru and his team. The dungeon core's influence which was a beacon of restorative power, began to work its magic on the fallen subordinates. One by one, those who had been lost in the battle were resurrected, their injuries healing under the core's nurturing energy. It was a moment of profound gratitude and renewed hope for everyone.

Viru, recognizing the strategic value of the lich, decided to turn the formidable foe into an ally. However, he was acutely aware of the risks involved in harboring such a dark entity. To ensure the safety and well-being of his team, Viru instructed Albus to modify the lich's personality.

"Albus, remove any ill or psychotic tendencies from the lich's mind," Viru commanded, his voice firm yet thoughtful. "We can't have that kind of instability within our ranks. But remember, don't strip away everything. Preserve his interests, his legitimate desires. We need him as an ally, not a puppet."

Albus, with its advanced AI capabilities, began the delicate process of altering the lich's psyche. It meticulously sifted through the lich's mind, eradicating the malevolent and unstable elements while carefully preserving his core personality traits and desires. This intricate procedure ensured that the lich while losing his harmful tendencies, retained his individuality and strategic value.

Once the process was complete, the lich stood before Viru and his team, his demeanor noticeably altered. The menacing aura of malevolence was replaced by a more tempered presence. He still possessed his formidable abilities and knowledge of necromancy, but now without the dangerous unpredictability that had previously defined him.

Viru observed the transformed lich, aware of the potential he had unlocked. This new subordinate could offer invaluable insight into dark magic and necromancy, further strengthening his team's capabilities. With the lich's transformation, Viru had not only gained a powerful ally but had also demonstrated his leadership's depth - balancing strategic understanding with a keen sense of morality and responsibility.

Finally, it was time for questions. Viru began to ask the most basic questions about his origin and his goal in the forest. The creature, once shrouded in dark mystery, introduced himself as Luro, a demihuman who had ventured far from his origins to seek power in the world of Revara.

Luro explained that his journey into necromancy was driven by a desire for strength and influence. He had roamed the vast forests to accumulate a legion of powerful subordinates and convert them into undead warriors under his command. His quest for power had led him down the path of necromancy, a choice that granted him formidable abilities but at a great personal cost.

As Luro spoke, his tone was a mix of remorse and reflection, a stark contrast to the menacing presence he once was. It became evident that Luro's ambitions, while initially rooted in a quest for dominance, were also a response to the harsh realities of a world where power often dictated survival.

Viru listened intently, aware of the complexities that drove beings like Luro to choose their paths. This revelation painted a picture of a world where the lines between right and wrong were often blurred, where survival sometimes demanded choices that led to unintended consequences.

Luro as a child exhibited a profound attribute to the darkness element. Having a dark element was a very rare thing in the realm of Revara. There were several powerful classes that could be unlocked using this unique element, just like the class of a Lich.

A lot of people with this element have played a significant part in the ancient history of Revara. Once called the element of misfortune was now a relatively acceptable element to have. But some still did not like the people who had a darkness attribute in them, just like the family of Luro.

The conversation with Luro was a reminder of the diverse and complex beings that inhabited the world of Revara. It reinforced Viru's resolve to lead with wisdom and compassion, understanding that each member of his team had their own story, motivations, and potential for growth. As they moved forward, Luro, now a part of Viru's team, would find a chance at redemption and a new purpose under Viru's leadership.

Luro's revelation about his origins painted a vivid picture of the demihuman kingdom from which he hailed. It was a place not governed by a singular monarch but by several noble clans, each holding sway over different aspects of the kingdom's governance.

Viru was surprised to hear that Luro's kingdom did not have a king or a queen.

This structure, while coordinated in theory, seemed to be covered with its own complexities and conflicts, as minor and major disputes among the clans were not uncommon.

The kingdom's noble clans, as Luro described, were akin to royalty, each upholding their own values, traditions, and areas of influence. Luro himself belonged to one of these esteemed clans – the Feline Clan, known for its distinct cat-like attributes and esteemed lineage.

However, Luro's path took a divergent turn from his clan's expectations. His innate darkness attribute, coupled with his pursuit of necromancy, set him apart from his clan's ideals. In the world of Revara, necromancy was not inherently taboo, but within the refined and purist views of the noble clans, particularly the Cat Clan, it was seen as impure and degrading.

This divergence led to Luro's eventual expulsion from his clan. He found himself ostracized, not for a lack of skill or potential, but for embracing a part of himself that his clan refused to accept. It was this exile that set him on his solitary path, seeking power and mastery over death in the depths of Revara's forests to have his revenge.

Viru listened to Luro's story with a growing understanding of the complexities that shaped the demihuman's life. It was a tale of ambition, isolation, and the struggle to find one's place in a world bound by rigid traditions and expectations.