
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Traversal Part 2

Seeing the man who stood in front of me, whose every part of being, including his ambience shouted ' I'm the man', I lost my bearing and feel down on my butt. Being a doctor did help in these situations. Calming down my still nerves, which I knew no more existed but still for the effect, I very very politely asked the person

Me-"Please don't share me like that, Sir Reaper"

Reaper-"So you know I'm a reaper?"

Me-"I don't know but I'm assuming so."

Reaper-"If you're assuming that why still calm? Reapers are harbingers of death you know!"

Me-" Reapers are what we see them to be. As the saying goes life is a beautiful lie and death is an ugly truth, I as a doctor have seen death bring peace as well. So to me reapers are harbingers of peace and judgement. Also I still feel kind of unreal and I'm still not on terms with the fact that I died so it's still an assumption and maybe this is all a dream. If it's a dream it won't matter when I wake up. If it's real, it still won't matter as I'm a soul and reapers don't kill souls, they aide the traversal of souls if I'm not wrong. Also, I may not have been a saint, but I ain't a demon either so I definitely know I'm not going to be purged in hell."

Reaper-"How do you guys even train your nerves so much? You're the 300th doctor to fall to this epidemic you know! None of you and I mean not a single one of you were even a tiny bit scared! I expect such fortitude from battle hardened soldiers but how you doctors? Someone who saves lives how can you guys have such nerves?"

Me-"Think a little bit sir. The place you picked me from was nothing less then a battlefield. We were fighting the epidemic on the frontlines. Secondly, don't underestimate any profession, every profession gives you training to harden your nerves, every human carries a weight of an entire society's existence."

Reaper- " Ok....!, guess I'll take some time off and study humans again for a while. It's been around 3000 years since I was last surprised by human behaviour. BTW you really died and this ain't a dream"

Me- "What about me now? When are we leaving?"

Reaper- "So eager to leave! Aren't you worried about your family? Don't you wanna meet them?"

Me (😠)- " You want me to meet my family being a dead person now! Do you want my family to die with me as well? Yes I'm worried about my family but can I do anything about it! Nothing!"

RP- "whoa! calm down kid! Yes you can do something about your family. All those frontline workers who died in the epidemic were allowed wishes for their work, being the symbol of alive humanity in this decaying world. You got some extra wishes because you were sick and you shouldn't have worked in your condition. Returning after a break has earned you the extra results of good Karma. So you can do something for your family and you can ask for something for yourself also if you want! Keep in mind you can't ask for any global wish like eradicating the epidemic or removing pollution or anything like that. The previous dudes raised hell to demand such wishes. Keep in mind the these blocks are steps for evolution. So only personal requests for your family and you can't ask anything breaking the laws of the world like over the top magic or anything. Just small wishes to compensate the loss. "

Me-" I won't be polite then. Make my family free from any disease and healthy so they live a long and healthy life. Also my brother's dream was to be a professional Basketball player. Can I ask the abilities of those guys from Kuroko No Basuke for him?"

Reaper-"Family stuff is easy but your brother...hmmm. I can't give them all but I can give him the abilities of that zone skill, perfect copy, perfect shooting and game memory from all those. Misdirection and emperor eye are kinda supernatural, so not possible! Anything else for them?"

Me-" Yeah, Can you give my brother a good physique, I mean tall physique so he can compete against NBA players. Also, make him an expert in sports science so he can keep the prefix Dr for himself when he becomes a professor. Also please compensate my family so that they aren't under any financial burden because of my death"

Reaper-"Quite a family guy aren't ya? OK"

Me- "Now what's in store for me?"

Reaper- "You get to state your wish. Nothing too OP mind you!"

Me-"You mean any wish? Like those isekai novels or fanfic reincarnation novels?"

Reaper-"Yeah! Yeah! some of the earlier ones went that way too. To Harry Potter, Marvel, DC and so many more!"

Me- " This may sound cliche but those worlds exist?"

Reaper- " Yes and no. They're created as per the requirements of the person traveling to it and the information is derived from the original source of the art. For example if you go to Marvel world an entirely different Marvel world will be created for you. The difference is that these created worlds cannot have independent timelines but that doesn't effect you does it? Further none of two reincarnated personnel go to the same world. These worlds are a compensation to those who sacrificed their dreams in this world for greater good to live their fictional dreams. It's entirely your choice though, you can re-enter the cycle of rebirth in this world with some compensation as well, but you'll lose your memories"

Me-" Like I'd wish to remove my memories!"

Reaper-" Some people did that you know."

Me-" Well I'm me so I'll take this chance to live one of my dreams. I had always wanted to go to Fairy Tail or Naruto or One Piece world but now I think that's a bad idea. I wanna go to a world a bit similar but also different from mine. I wanna go to the Pokemon world"