
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

The Meeting of Destiny

After Bodhi's awakening, the excitement I held calmed down and I started to check if I could really utilize the legacy crystals for strengthening my pokemon and I discovered that Pichu and Growlithe were compatible with only a few of them, and also the crystals rejected them outright when they tried the merge the crystals with them. The space farm notified me that the legacy crystals had requirements and unfortunately Pichu and Growlithe didn't meet them yet. I didn't mind it though. That just meant that both of them would receive greater benefits when merging with the crystals.

Well, after that day, the training went up a notch as I would use shadow clones to guide both Pichu and Growlithe to utilize their strengths in a better way. I guided them through the physical laws regarding wind, fire, and electricity. The progress was very slow as it was like teaching highschool physics to a toddler. However, using telekinesis, I would project videos of physical phenomena and theory directly to their minds. Though they were confused about the knowledge at first, they accepted it after confirming with Bodhi. Somehow, those two trusted Bodhi more than me.

I'm not jealous...not jealous.....

Anyway, I also started training Bodhi in using psychic and aura simultaneously and making constructs from the aura. I gave Bodhi books about weapon arts and she began using aura to construct weapons and using psychic to utilize them. She was only able to swing once before the weapon would disappear or go out of control as the training required focus, both on the aura and psychic control, that too to a very fine level. I ignored all other types of energy she had and decided to focus only on the aura and psychic.

Bodhi-"It's hard big bro. It's too difficult using telekinesis to control something made from the aura."

Me-" That's to be expected, you jumped up directly to advanced training. Start with the easiest of processes. Just try to accumulate aura in different parts of your body one by one, for example, try to accumulate aura into your trunk tip. Keep accumulating until you can control it no more and then keep it there for as long as you can. After you accumulate all your aura in your trunk, we'll move to the next step."

Bodhi-"But what about psychic"

Me-"We'll go there later. Just focus on aura control until you become proficient enough to do it subconsciously. By the end of this week, I expect you to be able to focus all your aura into one part of your body. If you're able to do that, I'd give you a treat of all-you-can-eat mango buffet."

Bodhi-"Really? You Promise? If you don't give me mangoes I'll shower you down every time I see you!"

Me-"Yes..Yes...! But you'll only get mangoes if you give the results."

Happy with my proposal Bodhi lifted me with her trunk, tossed me in air 2-3 times, and then went under the tree to train, leaving me baffled with what happened. Well, all's well that ends well. At least she got the motivation to work hard. I know that I had received someone who could reach the level of Arceus himself, but also that such a feat was possible only if she trained hard enough. A higher starting point meant a good chance to become great, but that greatness comes to those who work for it.

I started visiting Professor Oak after that, in the name of visiting Gary to play. Well, playing we did, but I also took the opportunity to visit the farm of Professor Oak as well as his library. I wanted the background technological knowledge of the pokemon world so that I could come up with research that would enable me to become a pokemon researcher before setting on my journey to become a trainer. The pokemon world had very advanced technology in some fields, particularly space technology. The Pokeball, Pokemon transfer machines and trainers backpack were examples that prove the level of technology regarding space. Although Pokeballs are made from the fruits of that particular tree whose name I don't remember, making Pokeballs out of them and categorize them to give certain effects, does imply a sound technological advancement.

I started working on preferences of food for pokemon and their effects on the growth of pokemon. I started collecting data from Professor's farm about the kind and flavor of the food the pokemon would take and their reactions to their food, indicting whether they liked it or not. I know that study of eevolution was easier and would yield results more quickly, but I wanted to wait for that subject. The reason is known only to me. Mom was quite happy with my visits to Professor Oak, as it kept me away from the forest which I would often try to visit before being caught and lectured by mom's favorite Chansey.

On one such visit, I discovered a pamphlet about a pokemon camp, which surprisingly even Gary didn't know about. As it turned out, Gary would be leaving in a few days to meet his Daisy who wasn't in Kanto at that time. Made sense as he won't be able to attend so knowing about made no sense. After inquiring Professor about it, he told me that he had given the details of the camp to mom when he went to the restaurant for lunch and I would have received the invitation the coming night. Well, I was excited as it had been too long since my last sleepover, which I had in my previous life.

Coming back home, I asked my mom about the camp and sought her permission, which she gladly granted, on a condition I won't try being a hero or something and try to enter the forest. Too bad for my mom, my initial reason for the camp was to go to the forest using the camp as an excuse. I gave my nod to her condition showing all my sincerity. My mom gave a small smile that sent chills down my spine.

"Ash Ketchum, what are you planning?"

Scary....Mom's scary...

"Nothing, just thinking if I should take Pichu and Growlithe with me."

"Oh! Take them along. They'd be alone in the house anyway."

Getting her approval I counted days to the camp. In the meantime, Bodhi was successful in localizing aura at a certain part of her body. Next, I decided to take control further, by controlling the amount of aura localized. The training was the same as chakra control training in Naruto. She had to stick masses to her body, starting with a leaf and going up till she could stick a log to any of her body parts. This time I gave her a target of 1 month and said that the number of mangoes she's gonna receive would depend on the extent of her training.

Pichu and Growlithe were able to control their moves very well. Pichu could control both the current and voltage of the shock, while Growlithe was able to increase the temperature of flames and could shoot out flames like a gas burner, still orange, but with high temperature and speed. Growlithe was also able to use air shots and blades, with limited power. Pichu had almost the same strength as a Pikachu and I could very confidently vouch that my Growlithe was the strongest Growlithe ever.

The day of the camp arrived and said my goodbyes to mom and took off to Professor Oak's ranch, from where transportation arranged by Professor would take the kids attending the camp to the camp located inside the forest near Pallet Town. At the location of the camp, I deboarded the bus to see if any of the kids I knew attended the camp. I was despondent that I was the lone kid I knew from Pallet Town. JB (Jenny Blues) couldn't come as she had gone off to get her Growlithe. I saw a blonde girl with wavy long hair standing alone as she was the lone person of her age group. I felt I had seen her somewhere before but I didn't know, so I did the most sensible thing I could think of.

"Hello there! I'm Ash from Pallet Town. I dream to be the greatest Pokemon Trainer. Nice to meet you!", I said with a smile.

"Hmph! Weak brats don't need to talk to me. Seriously! why did grandma send me to babysit kids?"

I was shocked by her response, but I really was a kid so I just shrugged it off and went to see if there are other kids who still haven't formed a group. As luck would have it, I found a nervous-looking girl standing alone and looking around. Like a hero of some kind, I extended my hand to her to give her a greeting with a soft smile.

"Hi! I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. Nice to meet you!"

Due to some reason, she was quite happy to grab onto my hand and exclaimed,

"Hi! I'm Serena from Vaniville Town. I came here because my mom pushed me to attend the camp. I don't have any friends here. I'm.....I'm....Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."

and she started sobbing. A group of girls from nearby came to us threw me to the side like a stone and comforted her.

"Damn the boys. Just met the girl and bullying her!"

I decided o let fate take its course and gave up on getting to know anyone else by myself. Seriously! who wants to be labelled a bully for reaching out to someone. I just went to Professor Oak and asked her about the older blonde, as I knew quite well about Serena. The reply shocked me.

"She's Cynthia from Celestic Town in Sinnoh region. She's quite a stubborn lady and is supposed to begin her journey in a few months. What happened? Did you anger her or something?"

I was shocked beyond belief. Wasn't Cynthia older than Ash's mom in the anime? Was the world adjusted a bit? And she definitely wasn't the same as Cynthia I had seen in the anime. But then some things made sense. It was mentioned in some backstories that Cynthia was initially the same as Paul. Basically, Paul was Cynthia 2.0 with a genderbending patch.

"No. I just introduced myself and she dissed me off as a weak brat. Seriously, she's nothing like Sis Daisy. Just a loudmouth."

???-" Who's a loudmouth?"

I turned around to see Cynthia glaring daggers at me. Although I flinched a bit. I stared into her eyes and exclaimed with a confident voice,

"Of course You, Miss Cynthia of Celestic Town. What strength do you have apart from being older than us and having the background of being the granddaughter of Professor Carolina? I admired Professor Carolina for her help to trainers with dragon-type pokemon, but I can definitely say that, either she ought to be disappointed with you or I ought to be disappointed with her. A measly 10-year-old trainer calling a 6-year-old a weak brat. Did your brain get fried or something? We are kids! We're supposed to be weak compared to you! Seriously! Behaving like a spoilt brat and calling me a brat. Do you need some more clarification Miss High-on-horse Loudmouth!"

Then I realized that I made a very terrible mistake.


And I had made the second girl cry as well, who ran away covering her face with the hands, sobbing. Luckily, it was Professor's room we were talking in so no one saw it or I would have definitely been labeled a bully.

The camp started with us being assigned rooms and instruction to assemble in the open area. I met my roommates, who were from Pewter and Viridian cities. Decent guys.

We went to the open area, where I saw all the children I had seen before except Cynthia. I asked one of the instructors about her whereabouts but he denied seeing her after the first meeting. I thought she went to the forest to calm herself down. We were then given a lecture about pokemon types and their respective strengths. It was a good lecture considering the age of children and we were allowed freehand after that as there would be a forest trip the next day. I was just relaxing under a tree slightly into the forest with a few grass and bug pokemon lying beside me when I saw a group of girls in a very haggard shape running out of the forest, screaming. I recognized them as the girls who took Serena in their group. I confronted them and asked them about Serena as I didn't see her with them, which caused them to break down crying. Helpless in the situation I decided to read a bit of their mind. What had happened was actually worse than what happened in anime. The group was attacked by a group of Beedrills and was chased about for quite some time, before stumbling upon a family of Ivysaurs who didn't welcome their guests and the group separated. All of them somehow made back and regrouped before realizing the absence of Serena.

"Go report to any of the instructors and tell what happened to you very clearly. Don't worry about getting scolded. It's just your luck wasn't good today."

Having seen the location of the Ivysaurs from their mind I chased to the location and saw a Venusaur reprimanding the Ivysaurs. Presumably, the Venusaur wasn't happy with their conduct of humans. I approached him and asked him if they knew about any girl who didn't go towards the forest exit. I was told that a girl was sitting about a hundred meters away and he couldn't rescue her as she was quite scared as well as injured. I thanked the Venusaur, gave his family a bunch of berries as thanks, and ran off to Serena's direction. I saw her crouching behind a bush, cowering in fear. I gently called out to her to which she looked up and I could see her dried up tears and snot along with the injuries she had received. Although she was quite roughed up, the only big injury she had was a cut on her knee. I cleaned the wound and tied it up using my handkerchief as I couldn't utilize the space right now. As I tied the handkerchief, she clung to me and started sobbing again. I could feel that this trip could lead to an emotional trauma so I gave her a piggyback ride to the group of Ivysaurs, that she was quite scared to see until the Venusaur came up and tried to talk to her.

"He's saying sorry for the behavior of his children."

She was quite surprised to hear that. After that, the Venusaur gave her a few wild berries that brightened her mood and she eventually opened up to the pokemon.

I told her, "Those Ivysaurs are kids too. The way you broke into their territories they were quite unhappy about it, so they attacked you. Don't mind their initial aggression. Try giving them a few berries."

She followed my advice and in just a few minutes, she was laughing with a Bulbasaur sitting on her head. After playing for some time we took our leave from the grass pokemon and started walking out, to be exact, I carried Serena until a few minutes later I saw a Draco-meteor in the third side of the forest. I stopped and asked Serena while having a bad hunch, " You know the older blonde girl in the camp, right? Did she have any pokemon with her?"

"Yes! She had a small pokemon with a very big mouth and red belly. But she was very rude to it."

And my hunch was confirmed, Cynthia was battling deep inside the forest. The Professor and other people may not know but, I, being a regular visitor to the forest knew that the area the Draco-meteor showed up, was the territory of a very powerful pair of Scizors and a Gible was definitely not a match for it. Knowing that Serena can't walk back I told her to hold on tightly and I ran through the forest. I utilized my parkour skills to the maximum and swiftly ran to the location I expected the battle to happen. From a distance, I was able to see the battle not going in the favor of Cynthia. Gible fired 2 Draco-meteors but failed in his third one. Scizors were quite old and strong so dodging the Draco-meteors was child's play for them and Cynthia kicked the Gible while cursing, due to the failed Draco-meteor. I was quite pissed at her attitude, but she was still a kid, older than me but a kid nonetheless, so I couldn't abandon her. As she kicked Gible one of the Scizors attacked her while the other one attacked Gible. Gible was injured in a pretty bad way, with visible deep cuts on his back and belly, while Cynthia was simply knocked out in one attack. Serena, who was on my back and saw the ordeal passed out right away. The Gible, badly injured was still trying to protect her by being a meat shield. As I approached the location I took out Growlithe and Pichu from space and commanded

"Growlithe, full power flamethrower to left one. Pichu, full power shock to right one."

The Scizors were stunned by the attacks and before they could get their bearings I gave them my full-powered psychic punch which knocked them out. I put some berries nearby them and proceeded to Cynthia and Gible. The Gible was standing stoic and upright and I was impressed by it, before realizing as I tried to pet its head, he had been unconscious for quite a while and he had been protecting Cynthia based on instincts alone. He had my full respect for his loyalty and bravery. I fed him a Senzu bean and I could see his wounds healing but the big scars were still there. I fished out Cynthia's backpack which was lying nearby and dressed up or rather mummified Gible. I put up Cynthia on Growlithe and asked him to carry us to the nearby cave. I didn't wish to fight the Scizors again and thus we got to a nearby cave we knew about, and the one which was away from Scizors territory. I fed a Senzu Bean to Cynthia as well and proceeded to bandage her. I put Serena down lying with her back supported by Growlithe and Gible lay in my lap with Pikachu.

Cynthia woke up after some time and seeing Gible in my arms, she, for the first time, showed an expression of fear, worry, and helplessness.

"So, He's only that strong. Quite pitiful isn't it. Had to be rescued by a brat. If only he was stronger.."

Me-"Sorry!...If only he was stronger? Do you hear what you're saying yourself? I was correct! You're nothing but a loudmouth."

Cynthia- "Am I not correct? If he was more powerful we won't get on that situation."

Me-"Excuse me! You were not in any situation because of him. He's in this situation because of you."

Cynthia-" What do you mean this situation?"

Me-" He almost died. He acted as a meat shield for you until I arrived. He had been protecting you even when you were unconscious. Quite a grateful trainer aren't you! I wish he would have died. At least he would be free from a crappy trainer like you."

Cynthia-"No! He can't die. He can't! He's my....."

She paused there. Realizing how she had treated Gible before. She tried to approach Gible and I stopped her.

Me- "You aren't eligible to be his trainer"

Cynthia looked at me with blank eyes and then slowly tears started forming in her eyes. She fell down on her knees, facing Gible, and started sobbing.

Cynthia-"Hic.....I'm...Hic...Sowwy....Pwease....Hic.....Don't weabe weee..."

She wept her heart out and bowed down her head and continued weeping until a paw was placed on her shoulders. she looked up to see the mummified Gible looking at her and as soon as she looked up, he gave her a hug.


Me-" He's saying he's not leaving his best friend. Now you get it, he's your friend, not a slave or tool. He treats you like one. You gotta return his feelings."

Cynthia hugged the Gible and they stayed in that position for a couple of minutes before she asked me, " Can you please help me up? I can't feel my legs anymore!" The entire atmosphere was destroyed by her request, but the change was a welcome one. I helped her up and she, being bigger than me in size, grabbed me into a hug and muttered, " Thank you for saving me, Gible, and my friendship with Gible. Since I didn't properly give a reply last time."

Cynthia-"I'm Cynthia from Celestic Town in the Sinnoh region. I aim to become the strongest Pokemon Champion"

Me-"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet town and my dream is to be the greatest Pokemon trainer."

Serena-" I'm Serena from Vaniville Town in Kalos region. My mom wants me to become a Ryhorn racer, but I don't want to be that.'

Serena had woken up a few minutes ago and seeing us giving introductions piped into the conversation.

Me-" Well, since Cynthia will be starting her journey in a few months, I believe when I come to Sinnoh for my journey, I'm able to battle Sinnoh Champion Cynthia"

Cynthia-"Ok! That's a promise."

We bumped our fists to signify the promise of a battle in the future.

This meeting changed the destiny of Cynthia, as she discovered the importance of bonds with the pokemon for training as she observed how strong Growlithe and Pichu were and how week Gible was, not because of him, but because of her.

Even now, when champion Cynthia remembers the meeting between her and Ash, she calls it, the "Meeting of Destiny".