
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Journey Begins-The first catch and the First companions

The day for setting approached as I finished my preparations for setting out. I had been able to complete the Pokedex hardware and the Pokedex made was something that looked like a flip-screen smartphone. That aside, Jenny had to leave before me. She had been able to secure entry to the preparatory Academy for Pokemon Rangers in Hoenn region, where the basics of their job would be taught. She left about 3 days earlier than me.

Jenny-"I made it to the Pokemon Ranger Academy. Now it's your turn to become a champion."

Me-"I'll give it my best shot. You can count on it..."

After that, we stood in silence for a bit, not knowing what to talk about, until she poked her hand into the bag I had, and took out the Ho-oh feather necklace I had prepared for her.

Jenny (wearing the necklace)-"I'll make sure to treasure it and count days until you visit Hoenn."

Me-"I'll come to the Hoenn region a bit later, so you may ha.."

Jenny- "I'll wait for your arrival. Then I'll be the one to accompany you. Robin, take care of yourself and try to hold him back a bit, so he learns to practice restraint."

Robin-" Don't worry. I will. Make sure to kick some shit when you're at the academy. Oh yeah! Take this."

Robin gave her a Pokeball, that surprised Jenny when opened, for it had a Sylveon.

Jenny gave her a quick hug and then proceeded to give me a short hug, while whispering to me, "Don't you dare forget me, Ash! Or I'll chase you to the ends of the world."

After that, she waved us goodbye before getting onto Officer Jenny's bike as they had a ferry from the Pallet Town pier.

During the last week of my stay in Pallet town, I discovered the reasons that humans could not be allowed to train in the time chamber. It had to do something with the physical laws as the absorption rate of aura and psychic for humans is constant and nature allows humans to absorb aura at a constant rate only. The rate may increase slowly over the span of time but it wouldn't allow something like a time chamber to siphon out the aura requirements of one month into one day only. So, not even my clone could enter the time chamber. And, it would remain impossible to surpass the physical laws that govern the universe. I guess Arceus did try to make a balanced out system of life, pokemon, who, normally wouldn't advance in knowledge, without giving up on their strength and humans who couldn't become stronger than pokemon but had knowledge of advancement to back them up. Anyway, I also discovered why the pokemon with legacy crystals could only have a toned-down version of the time chamber, the reason being the same as humans, but being pokemon they could enjoy the bit of luxury they had. So it stood almost guaranteed that further advancements in time chamber for me or pokemon with legacy crystal would be impossible. I had become quite OP anyway so I didn't care much. Secondly, I exchanged a video clip containing all of the moves developed by Robin in the anime and took notes about it. I had given the notes to Robin a while back. I had to get those as it was discovered that the way Robin could use psychic was limited. She could only do what her devil fruit could and thus I took it upon myself to get her a training path.

My use of psychics was strong enough for telekinesis and a bit of defense. I stood far behind Sabrina in terms of psychic power as she was an expert in it, while I was just a practitioner. I couldn't perform transfiguration as she did, none at all, not even like one bit. Let's forget about aura for now as I had faith that I probably won't encounter anyone with aura in Indigo league, probably. Robin had decided to accompany me, as her desire to study history had finally kicked in. She was quite interested in the ruins, so her journey would be something like her One Piece journey, except all the negatives and she would actually be rewarded on discovering something.

Finally, on the day of our departure, we went out late, the same as the anime, except not so same. The only similarity was that we left the house late, not because I slept in, but because mom slept in. I didn't mind one bit though. As we left the house, we were almost ready for setting out. I was wearing the same clothes as the anime except, I was taller, like way taller than the original one, almost as tall as my mom. My height had been quite a worry factor for me as I knew that the Ash from anime was shorter than all, I mean all the girls he had traveled with. I didn't have any concerns with the anime itself, but for myself, I preferred a tall physique for myself and after all the efforts I had put in it, I had reaped good results. Secondly, Robin had an outfit similar to that of Officer jenny, just a different color and she did have her signature cowboy hat with sunglasses. Btw, Robin idolized Officer Jenny a lot, I mean compared to Akainu, she was almost a holy deity. Anyway, we reached Professor Oak's lab to get our Pokedex and Pokeballs, as they would serve as our identities now. Gary didn't get any starter as he had gotten a Squirtle after our research results and had evolved it to a Wartortle. His cockiness started to show up as he battled the new trainers who got their first pokemon straightaway and quite expectedly, won against them. He then proceeded to challenge me as well but-

"I still haven't received my Pokedex and Pokeballs, so I'm still not officially a trainer yet, and I want your first official defeat, to belong to me!", I grinned as I said.

Well, he got quite worked up and forced Professor Oak to give me the Pokedex quickly. As soon as I got my Pokedex, I accepted my first ever official pokemon battle.

Gary-"Wartortle! You're up."

Me-"Skyreon! It's time to soar!"

I took out Skyreon from my newly received Pokeballs, which no one noticed.

Gary-"Water gun!"

Me-"Air punch"

The water gun got shattered by the powerful air punch.

Me-"My turn! Sonic tackle."

And Gary's Wartortle was out.

Really, my second move and you're out.

I stared at Gary blankly, wondering if he really trained Wartortle or not.

The entire atmosphere felt weird until Robin started laughing, loudly at that. It helped to disperse the mood a bit and I walked up to Gary, "Next time let's battle with trained Pokemon. I hope yu're up for the challenge Gary!"

Gary-"What do you know! I'll beat you in no time. Just wait."

Embarrassed over his own antics, he jumped into the car, along with his cheerleaders, and quickly escaped. All of us had a good laugh at that.

After that I recalled Skyreon and we went back home for once, as, officially all of my pokemon still stayed at the house. I took Onix, Naga, Skyreon, Spookeon, and Mewtwo in Pokeballs, while Pikachu, stayed at my shoulder. We then bade goodbye to our family.

Me-"Goodbye mom. I'll often come back home." Yup, that's all I said. I hugged my mom, received her love and blessing filled kiss on my forehead, " Good luck honey! Take care. I will always wait for you to return home. If you wanna relax, come back."

And then I 'took out the beautiful red bike' I had exchanged 4 years ago. No one was surprised or shocked by this, owing to the spatial technology this world had.

Robin-"Goodbye mom! Goodbye, Aunt Delia! I'm definitely going to discover something awesome. Just wait for my news." She was quite hyped up for the journey I guess, which ain't a bad thing.

Olivia gave a silent hug to Robin, before patting her head and turning her face from Robin.

She was quite tense I think. Maybe it was because of her memories from One Piece world, but I assured her of visiting home quite often. Robin was bringing with her 6 of the Eevee evolutions, Drageon, Sylveon, Toxeon, Metalion, Laveon, and Aereon apart from my two gifts of Skyreon and Cosmeon. She climbed up onto Arcanine and both of us took off before getting sentimental. We ran for quite some time before telling her, " I want to catch my first pokemon for the gym battles from this forest itself. Let's go inside to see if any interests me. You can also try to catch one. While I was careful to check out the pokemon, Robin did what Ash in the anime did throwing a Pokeball on a Spearow before battling and defeating it, hence angering it and then the cliche event happened, being chased in the forest by a huge bunch of angry Spearows, led by not a single, but a bunch of Fearows. She really was a greenhorn at battling, She took out all her Pokemon and just kept running. Ma'am, you need to tell the pokemon what to do. As she was about to get bitten I decided to take things into my hands to show what needed to be done,

Me-"Laveon embers, Skyreon, wind blow!"

The combined attack of embers and wind did quite a number, but it only affected the Spearows.

"Aereon quick attack, Metalion follow by rock throw. Drageon dragon breath on the Fearows."

The dragon breath did good work and finally dispersed the group. I then had to reprimand Robin.

"You can't just throw Pokeballs and catch a pokemon. It's not so easy to catch a pokemon. You need to defeat it before attempting to catch it. Well, you were always holed up in research and didn't roam out a lot. So no wonder you don't know the basics of pokemon training and capturing."

I sighed as I decided on teaching her stuff before allowing her to train. We stored the bike and walked deeper into the forest, before finding us on the banks of a river, where an orange-haired lady sat fishing. I recognized her as Misty. I had a crush on her when I was a kid myself and seeing the person herself, I found her quite a beauty, not like ethereal or special kind of beauty, but a natural one, like someone whose emotions flow out of the face. Anyhow, I couldn't just barge into her and claim friendship or anything. I greeted her casually and then proceeded to find a place to take my clothes off and jumped into the river. I wanted to find my first water type pokemon. I could go for Magikarp, which would evolve to a Gyarados, but I planned to catch a Dratini later, and simply Gyarados was a declared strong pokemon, I wanted to raise a water type into a strong pokemon. Searching the waters I didn't find anything initially while I swam the river. After about 15 minutes, just by chance, I spied upon a Feebas hiding behind a bunch of weeds. I immediately planned on catching it and swam towards it. Perhaps overconfident with her camouflage, she didn't take me seriously until I punched her out of the water, where she floated and looked at me a bit angrily. I was a bit helpless at her expression, but I couldn't fight her underwater.

I took out Skyreon again. I had been using Skyreon as it would serve as battle training for him. More so as I had discovered that pure wind type have a disadvantage against water type pokemon. Feebas fired a water gun which was quite strong compared to Wartortle's water gun.

"Air Punch"

The moves canceled out each other. Skyreon was being complacent on stopping the water gun until he was blasted by an aqua tail.

Feebas then gave quite a thrashing to Skyreon, which I allowed for a certain time, before interfering again,

"Agility and follow with wing slash"

Skyreon then showed up his speed, which was quite a lot, almost transonic and gave a powerful wing slash onto Feebas, who angered a bit, attacked with a very powerful water gun which Skyreon wasn't able to stop and got blasted again. Feebas proceeded to give him a second serving of water gun when-

"Agility again, and now iron fist"

This time Feebas' attack was countered quite well and both of them were evenly matched then. I had discovered quite a strong pokemon quite early.

"Now, Sky Dragon's roar"

The powerful roar broke through Feebas' water gun and shot her head-on. This time Feebas was down for good.....along with Skyreon who had taken the first beating of his life.

I threw a Pokeball to capture Feebas. The ball glowed for about 3 seconds until the glow died down and I realized, I had captured my first pokemon. Yes, my first capture as all the earlier ones were those who came along with me after getting attached. I did guts pose which earned me a giggling reaction from a pair of girls, Robin and Misty, who were somehow sitting together.

Third Person POV

As Ash jumped down the river to search for Pokemon, Misty looked at the girl who accompanied the boy who entered the river.

Misty decided to introduce herself, as she hadn't caught anything by her fishing rod yet and was quite bored.

"Hi! I'm Misty, a water-type Pokemon trainer from Cerulean City. Is this Pikachu and huge Arcanine yours?"

"Hello there! I'm Robin Nico, from Pallet Town, a Pokemon Research..."

Misty-"You're the prodigal researcher who proposed the Eevee evolution theory!!!!!!!"

Robin-"Okkkkkkkkk! Yes, I am. But it wasn't just my work though. Also, this Pikachu and Arcanine are Ash's friends. Oh! Ash is the boy who just went down and he was the one who initially proposed this theory. I and Gary Oak worked on it."

Misty-"Ca...Ca...Can I h..h..habe your autograph ma'am! Pwease."

She bit her tongue due to excitement.

Robin discovered something new about herself. She didn't know she was a celebrity. The feeling, it was nice! However, she found the girl more interesting as she had said herself to be a pokemon trainer.

Robin-"You don't need to act like that. As far as I can tell, Ash has always told me that I'm just a girl, maybe gifted in some field, but still human girl, so, I'm no one so great so I won't give you an autograph. However, I'd love to be friends with you! If you don't mind that is!"

Misty-"Really? I'd love to. Btw, if Pikachu and Arcanine are his pokemon, do you not have any pokemon?"

Robin-"I do. I have the entire Eevee evolution set. But I only brought 8 of them with me."

Misty-"8???? Trainers are allowed only 6 pokemon though??"

Robin-"You know I am a researcher by Profession, so mine and Ash's ceiling is 12 Pokemon."

Robin released her Pokemon and Misty was able to recognize all of them....almost. She wasn't able to recognize a greenish-blue one and one who looked like covered with the starry night sky.

Misty-"Ano...If you don't mind, who are these two?"

Robin-"Skyreon and Cosmeon. I don't know much about them except that Ash told me that they were Wind type and Cosmic type?"

Misty-"Wind type? Don't you mean flying type? And what's cosmic type?"

Robin-"Wind type is wind type, it's not flying type. Simple, it can't fly much. It can only jump higher and make temporary stands in the air, but it can't truly fly. That Arcanine is also Fire-wind dual-type you know. As for Cosmic type, I don't know anything except that they can use cosmic moves, which again I don't know much about."

Misty-"It's so much of information! Why didn't you publish it?"

Robin-"It's simple, we know nothing about them. And both of them were gifted to me by Ash, as he was the one who discovered them. We don't know their evolutionary conditions and if we would have disclosed them, we would have been pressurized by the community to do research on them. As they are wild and now both of us are independent trainers, we can take them out freely."


Robin was interested in the expressions showed by Misty and since she was alone with her, without Ash,

Robin-"Ummm.. Misty! Can I ask you something?"


Robin-"Actually, I wanted to ask about Pokemon trainers. You see, I was almost always in the lab and knew nothing about Pokemon training. And just before we met you, we had been chased by Spearows and Fearows because....."

Robin proceeded to tell her the entirety of her ordeal and looked quite disappointed until she heard a stifled giggle, which very soon changed to a peal of laughter. Misty had a good laugh, rolling on the ground, trying to hold her stomach.

Robin-"You meanie....." and pouted, which earned another peal of laughter from Misty.

Misty-"ha....ha...ha....Are you trying to kill me with laughter?"

Robin-"Would I have told you if I knew you would laugh?"

Misty-"Awwww... The genius Professor is embarrassed. So cute!"

The girls then discussed about the way of catching and training Pokemon and a few other girl talks until Misty asked her,

"You're a Researcher, so why are you out with a trainer?"

Robin-"Because I want to study Pokemon ruins. I may be a Pokemon researcher, but my favorite area of work is History. I'm on my journey to visit the ruins. I accompanied Ash as it feels safe around him, and also, my mom and I live with Ash."

Misty-"Ummm... Would you find if.."

Ash"Oh yeah! I caught my first pokemon! A Feebas!"

Ash POV:

As I gave a victory cry, I saw Robin and Misty enjoying their chat. I released Feebas, who looked at me blankly, and asked her, "Hey there missy! I'm sorry for suddenly battling you, but I wanted to ask if you wanna join my family? I can't say that I'll make you the strongest pokemon ever, but I can definitely help you to become stronger than Gyarados and stand as one of the most beautiful water pokemon."

I knew that normally Feebas have a complex about their looks, but we all know, even the all-powerful Gyarados evolves from Magikarp, who's often treated like trash. Feebas took her time and finally nodded her head, or, her body and pressed the button of the Pokeball, and joined my team.

Misty, who still doesn't know much about the world, just stated, "There's no way a pokemon as ugly as this one could ever even fight Gyarados. It's the strongest water-type Pokemon you now. If you would take my advice, let this one go and get a Goldeen or a Poliwag. They're at least decent."

Ash-"You committed a few of the biggest taboos of Pokemon training, never look down on anyone, don't judge a book by its cover and finally, never ever claim as any pokemon to be the strongest."

Misty-"But I think I was stating facts! Do you think otherwise?"

I was impressed by her. Although her outlook had been limited, she was open to knowledge.

Ash-"Have you ever heard of Kyogre, Manaphee, or Milotic?"

Misty-"Who are they? I don't think I've ever heard of them?"

Ash-"Before, I tell you more. I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. May I know the lady's name?"

Misty (blushing a bit) -"I'm Misty from Cerulean City, a water-type pokemon trainer"

Ash-"Are you perhaps, one of the girls of the Cerulean City Gym? I'm sorry if you're trying to hide your identity or anything!", I added the last part when I saw that her face darkened when I mentioned the gym.

Misty-"It's not that. Btw, I'm one of the girls of Cerulean City Gym. Now, you were saying.."

Ash-"Ah! Ok! Kyogre is the guardian of the oceans, Manaphy the Prince of the oceans, and Milotic one of the most beautiful water types. All of them do quite a work on Gyarados but mind it, all of them need to be trained to get strong. The pokemon I caught, the one you called ugly is the one who evolves into Milotic."

Misty was wide-eyed by the revelation.

Ash-"You should go on a journey to broaden your horizons and check out different water-type pokemon from different regions. Let me say this, there is no strongest pokemon in the world, there are only strong and stronger ones."

As I said it in quite a theatrical way, Misty grabbed my hand, "Can I travel with you guys?"

Ash-"I'm Ok with more companions. Yeah, it'll be more fun. What's your thought about it, Robin?"

Robin-"That'd be awesome. I myself wanted to ask her to join us."

Ash-"That settles it then. So, Wanna join our team, Misty? I promise to show you the absolute diversity and beauty of this world!"

Misty-"Hell! Yeah!"

Deciding on joining us she packed up her stuff and we all started walking with Misty walking with her bike.

We were walking casually until a small disaster happened, the herd of wild Spearows and Fearows came back to attack us again. This time it was an even bigger group and it attacked all of us. I decided on not taking any chances and ordered,

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt and Arcanine, flame tornado."

Pikachu rolled out a thunderbolt that changed the weather and it was supported by Arcanine's flame tornado.

The herd dispersed very well this time, but I knew that a bigger disaster had struck.


followed by an angrier and louder roar,


Next Time

Battle of Thunder- Thunder Dragon vs Thunder Beast