
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Bodhi- The Divine Elephant

After having Pichu and Growlith join our family, I started a tad bit more focused and heavy training, like physically as well as psychic. Though I still took care of the fact that I still keep my lifestyle as normal and joyous as possible. After mom would go to the restaurant, I'd train with Pichu and Growlith inside the space allowing them to enjoy their training as well. I don't know why but those two when they saw Bodhi (the elephant) for the first time they instantly became something like siblings or friends to her (as I found out she was a female) and would approach Bodhi to sit on her or around her and talk to her on hours. At first, I felt that maybe they were just playing around and thinking of her like some new kind of toy, but later I realized that they had some sort of respect for her. They'd clean any leaf falling on Bodhi instantly and would always bow down deeply while meeting or leaving her. Not that it was something wrong anyway. We started to train mainly agility and stamina for both of them. Pichu, as we all know, was a speedster and a visible growth in its speed was visible. I could observe growth in its stamina as well, but that truly wasn't as remarkable. However, its strength really was increasing, which was a surprise.

Growlith was a surprise package, like a very awesome surprise package. While training speed I sometimes saw tailwinds near its feet. Getting curious I started to observe him carefully and I discovered something I had never in any pokemon episode, he was using wind subconsciously. The wind would make his body a bit lighter and cushioned his contact to land. Now I understood why he had shades of green on its stripes, it wasn't just a fire pokemon, it had wind element as well. Anyone scientifically sound knows that wind and fire, when controlled properly together can wield power beyond both of them individually. I remembered a certain anime in which a couple of people prevented the entry of God of Hell onto earth just by combining the powers of fire and wind. I decided that after I unlock my aura and start exchanging resources from the earth, I would start training him to master both the elements and combine their power. My sole desire was to see Growlith throw a blue flame flamethrower which would look like the flames of a gas welding machine.

The farm had reached level 30 just based on the plants of the pokemon world and the ranch I realized didn't have levels at all. I had accumulated quite a sum of space currency as well as quite a certain amount of food as well. I had particularly collected a very big amount of sugarcane as I loved it and I hoped that Bodhi would also love it when she wakes up. Apart from that, I had a synthesis machine that came as a reward for reaching level 30. I often used it to make pokeblocks for Pichu and Growlith.

2 years passed by the same way and I had accumulated quite a bit of power under my physique. I had grown a bit taller than my peers and also stronger than them. My psychic practice had been progressing quite well as I was able to project thoughts to pokemon in form of video information and was able to converse properly with them as well. Pokemon communication gap was something I had been worried about ever since I was reborn and I practiced to remove this barrier between me and pokemon. Since I was able to converse with the pokemon I also discovered the personalities of all the pokemon of our household. Like the playful and attention-seeking trait of Pichu, Growlith's desire for getting pats and a belly rub, the mature, loving and spoiling nature of the miltanks who would often feed their milk to Pichu and Growlith at the end of the day, the caring nature of Chanseys who were given different names by my mom and who would often come back home even during the restaurant hours to check up on me and make sure that I didn't even try breaking out to the forest and finally the perfect family butler-like character of the Mr Mimes. The Mr Mimes had maintained the house as well as the restaurant like they were mansions and had made a name for themselves as very famous pokemon chefs from Kanto. Using psychic I showed them various food items and cuisines I knew of from my previous world and those became our restaurant specialties, as no one in this world had access to the ingredients from my farm. Chanseys, being the fairy pokemon served the customers in restaurants like real fairies and the service attitude, combined with the unique delicious food items made our restaurant very famous in Kanto and it was even labeled by the media as "THE FAIRY FOOD COURT". I immediately asked my mom to legally buy that name and told her we could use the name in the future. I planned to open up my own industrial empire after becoming the champion and the name "Fairy Industries" had a nice ring to it.

My psychic strength had brown enough to have a head-on brawl with that Ursaring and come out on top at the end, at least I believed so. Pichu and Growlith had grown up quite well and both have them had become larger than normal species. Pichu was almost double the size of his original, while Growlith had grown up to the size of a Tibetan Mastiff, almost 75 centimeters in height, and could lick my face without even climbing onto me. But habits are habits, I would often be tackled to the ground to accept a Growlith drool facial treatment followed by a Pichu ear massage, like Pichu massaging my hair with his quite big but soft ears. Both of them only trained in space and had access to pokeblocks made by the synthesizer and finally had the fortune of being healed by the energy surrounding Bodhi as the energies fed them and saturated their bodies with aura, psychic and other kinds of energies I still didn't know about. I had a feeling that the pokemon could keep getting stronger under those energies without evolving and they also won't be a case where the pokemon miss their perfect timing for evolution.

Finally, the day for my 6th birthday came and I was given a surprise by my mom as a party in the now "THE FAIRY FOOD COURT" and could see different guests as well. Not that I remembered all of them, but I did know a few of them. Firstly Professor Oak, who not only was a regular at the restaurant but also an invitee to our house as he had often helped us with pokemon related legal processes and was also the grandfather of my friend Gary, who was also present in the party along with his sister Daisy, whom I had often met during my times playing with Gary and who had taken some kind of liking to me. Whenever she saw me, it was hugging and cuddling time for me with Gary's sister, which I didn't hate and enjoyed being spoiled by an elder sister. Being an elder brother in my previous life I knew the burden of being born elder and often indulged myself in spoiling my brother and other nephews or nieces. Both me and Gary were adored by her as her brothers/underling/partners in crime.

Daisy-"Happy B'Day Ash!!!! Here, my gift for you"

Me-"Thanks a tonne sis"

Daisy-"You don't need to thank your sis! Now, what are you waiting for? Open it!!"

Opening the gift box, I found a beginner's pokemon grooming set, which had brushes, shampoos, nail clippers, and whatnot. I didn't understand much about grooming but I knew that the grooming set would help in taking better care of pokemon.

"It's awesome! I love it!", as I said that I saw her and could realize that she needed a better response. So I gave her a hug and a small speck on her cheek.

After that Gary gifted me a framed photograph of a Suicune, the legendary beast pokemon from Johto, along with the declaration, " One day, I'll catch this Suicune and beat you in a pokemon battle."

I bumped fists with him,"Sure! Lets battle as champions then!"

We shared a rivalry as well as brotherhood as, being sensitive to personalities due to psychic I felt his friendly attachment with me and mom.

Professor Oak-" Happy B'day little champ! Now I can't give something weak to the future champion can I! See it"

I opened the packet and found a pokemon egg incubator. It was somehow different from normal incubators I had seen.

Prof. Oak-" It's an incubator for any kind of pokemon egg. Normal incubators are biased towards a type and can be detrimental to the egg of an opposing type. This one is perfect for any egg."

Then came the next person who had helped our family lots of times and one who was my mom's best friend, Pallet Town's Officer Jenny along with her daughter Jenny. This was my first time meeting her daughter as Officer Jenny lived near the town center while our house and restaurant were on the outskirts of town.

Officer Jenny-"Happy Birthday little hero! Here, for the champ"

Her gift was a pair of sporty gloves with pokeball prints. I instantly wore them as they looked kinda cool and thanked her while curiously looking at the girl behind her legs.

Officer Jenny-"Oh! I almost forgot. Meet Jenny, my daughter, the first Jenny in the family who won't become a police officer"

Jenny's face became red due to embarrassment and after mumbling something he blurted out, " I'm Jenny Blues. I'll become the greatest pokemon ranger". Whew, that was loud, but commendable dream.

"Hi! I'm Ash Ketchum. I wanna be the greatest pokemon trainer. You have a great dream"

J.B.-"You mean it! Look, mom, I'm not the only one who thinks rangers are great. I'm not becoming a police officer"

Officer Jenny nodded her head with a smile and started a conversation with Professor Oak about something. Well, adult stuff, let'em take care of it. Finally, it was my mom who gave me a kinda big gift box.

Mom-" Happy Birthday Honey! Here, open it!"

I opened it and was amazed to discover two decent size pokemon eggs.

Mom-"I know you love pokemon and take good care of them, but still don't ignore these ok! Otherwise, mom will be hurt."

"How could I ignore anything from you mom? You know I love you right! I'll cherish them the same way I cherish everything you give me. I'll make sure to have the pokemon given by my mom to be the members of the team belonging to the champion."

I gave a big hug to my mom and received a kiss on my forehead.

After that, I played around with Gary and Jenny, who was initially shy, but as soon as Growlith joined us, she became like a tigress and snatched him from us and just stuck to it. Guess, the genes don't go away easily, Jenny's attachment to Growlith was as good as Jenny's family.

It was quite a task to separate her from Growlith at the end and she let go only after giving her a promise to visit her often along with Growlith and help her take care of her Growlith, when she'd get one.

After the party was over, I went to sleep with my mom as it was a special day for her as well.

The next morning, as mom went to the restaurant, I entered space and shifted to the ranch. The countdown timer on Bodhi had gone to 0 and a panel stood in front of me asking me to accept Bodhi as my partner for my adventures.

As soon as I selected Ok on the panel, all sorts of energies burst out of Bodhi and started bombarding me, Pichu as well as Growlith. I realized that not only was there aura but other energies as well entering me and the two as well as the eggs I had brought and just sat down and started deep breathing to calm down. I knew that the energies were helping me, increasing my aura as well as psychic energy, and improving my body as well. It took about 5 minutes until everything calmed down and Bodhi opened her eyes. She placed the fully bloomed lotus onto her head where it attached itself and changed shape to become a golden covering on her head. She stood up to her majestic 3-meter tall being, held up her trunk, and gave a loud trumpet that reverberated throughout the space and sounded like the sound of a conch being blown.

She then looked down towards me and saw me with her deep black eyes, which seemed to contain the infinite universe. She stared at me for about 10 seconds and then held me with her trunk and placed me on her head.

I received a psychic message

"Big-bro, Shall I pick those two little siblings up?"

"Is that you Bodhi?"

"Yes, so good to finally see you"

I had a brief chat with her and came to find that she was indeed a divine elephant with the base strength equal to a hundred elephants.

I allowed Pichu and Growlith, who had been shocked silly by the outburst of energy to calm down and have a chat with their eldest sibling.

I asked the farm if it could identify Bodhi and received a shocking response

"Bodhi, the divine elephant pokemon, gentle beast lords that serve as rides of Gods. A psychic, Fairy, Fighting, and Cosmic Pokemon. They avoid fights with others and prefer peace but angry fully grown Bodhi stand toe to toe with Arceus as they are not limited to the Universe."

That's a heck of an overpowered partner.

But I didn't yet realize, the surprises were still coming.


Sorry about the delay. Had some assignments pending. Next chapter in progress.