
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Battle of Thunder- Thunder Dragon vs Thunder Beast


I saw lightning covered Raikou roaring at us. Arcanine, thinking that he was challenged gave out a roar filled with fury as well.


But, he was comically ignored by the Raikou, poor thing.

The Raikou was staring at Pikachu, who stared back at him. Tha's my boy, right there.

Raikou felt challenged by Pikachu's thunderbolt and felt angry with him. He kinda reminded me of Vegeta from Dragon Ball. Both of them royalty of their kind and pissed of by the strength of the so-called peasants. It was a bit interesting as Pikachu never had a serious battle before, as previous ones were all spars and I didn't get to witness his all-out battle against Ho-oh.

Pikachu leaked some sparks from his cheeks as he gave his serious battle cry,


and covered himself with lightening just like Raikou.

(Note-From this point on Ash would be the only one speaking so anything within quotes would be spoken by Ash only.)

"Arcanine! This battle belongs to Pikachu. Sorry, but you'll have to take care of Robin and Misty. Girls, stay on top of Arcanine!"

Arcanine didn't stop for their reply and picked both of them before running away, so as not to be affected by the battle.

"Ok, Buddy! The battlefield is all ours! Trust me and we'll win it!"

I gave Pikachu encouragement, to which he nodded, and the buildup of electricity by both of them had started to shake the ground until


Both Raikou and Pikachu disappeared from their positions and I saw them next with their heads bumped against each other, both of them growling and the lightning covering them dispersed a bit. They stayed like that for a bit, before being repelled. Raikou seemed in pain with electric sparks flashing now and then from his body, but Pikachu didn't fare that well either. He was repelled to a longer distance and his attempt to stop himself had dug up the ground with four straight lines visible on his path.


And then Pikachu and Raikou clashed again, this time with Thunderbolt. They were evenly matched at this time and then Pikachu started to back away a bit. His overall reserves were still not that much compared to Raikou, but

"Lightning Dragon's Feed"

Pikachu stopped his thunderbolt and opened his mouth, this time to do something crazy, eating up Raikou's thunder. Pikachu growled and not only did he eat Raikou's lightning, there started appearing lightning flashes from the clouds that had gathered previously and Pikachu had a refill.

"Now we got some fire in the belly!"

"Thunder dragon's iron fist!"

Pikachu and Raikou flashed again, but this time it was Pikachu's fist meeting Raikou's face.

"Iron tail"

Shocked by the Thunder Dragon's Iron fist, Raikou didn't have much time to ponder over it when Pikachu followed through with a powerful iron tail to his head, which didn't connect quite well and Raikou was visibly more angered than damaged.

He fired off an electro ball at Pikachu point-blank and no wonder Pikachu was hit. He was thrown off to a distance, but he too was angered now. The legacy crystal had affected him a bit, he was pissed off at getting hit.

"Calm down Pikachu! We got this."

He shook his head a bit and then nodded.

"Thunder Dragon wing slash!"

"Thunder Dragon talons!"

"Thunder Dragon Raging bolt!"

"Thunder Dragon iron fist!"

And began the exchange of blows between Pikachu and Raikou. It felt just like two great beasts fighting, with flashes of lightning being released at every collision. The fight was too high paced as well, both of them being the beings of thunder, showed immense speed, being visible only for a short time before flashing again. I had to use aura to observe the fight.

Raikou wasn't an easy opponent. His control over his electricity wasn't as good as Pikachu's, but he had a tiger's physique to hold him up. That and along with his speed, he was proving to be a tough opponent for Pikachu.

It was a good thing that now we were away from the depths of the forest and were on somewhat of an open area. Because there had been serious destruction. The hillock nearby had vanished and the entire area had now been broken up, not beyond repair, but yeah, quite terribly.

The fight progressed and both Pikachu and Raikou got deeper into the zone, none of them wasting any time. They had stopped giving outcries and as their battle progressed, their blows started showing more and more power.

Raikou's thunderbolt, electro ball, lightning tackle, and shockwave were powerful and showed that it was called legendary for a purpose.

I kept on trying different moves, combining Pikachu's original moves with Thunder Dragon Slayer moves and make combos to get maximum benefit.

After a while, both Raikou and Pikachu backed away a bit. Raikou started gathering energy for a powerful electro ball.

"Thunder Dragon's Roar!"

Pikachu charged up by inhaling a big breath and gathering lightning towards his mouth.

And then both of them released their moves.


This exchange was on a whole different level and the area of our battle got hollowed out like a crater.

But the Titans were yet to go down.

"Thunder Dragon Breakdown fist!"

Pikachu held up his fist and lightning gathered around his hands and started transforming into a clenched fist of a dragon. Raikou, not bowing down, charged himself up with lightening. Both of them gathered energy to their max and waited for the other to charge up properly. It was now like seeing two Knights in a battle. Both of them wanted to defeat the other but by fighting strongest against the strongest, without pulling punches and without playing dirty either. It was a rivalry, which needed a result right now! No future battles or excuses or "Once more". It was all in this very first fight.

They both moved at the same time, flashing from their positions and Pikachu's breakdown fist met Raikou's volt tackle head-on. This time, for the very first time from the start of the battle, Pikachu overpowered Raikou, not like completely overpowering, but yeah, he was able to repel Raikou to a greater distance compared to himself. Now things got super hyped and I did what I had wanted to do for the longest time-

Flip my cap backwards, just like Ash in anime, a signal that things are going to get more serious now.

"Now! Thunder Dragon's Heavenwards Halberd!"

Raikou was caught off-guard as he probably hadn't imagined him to be repelled and got struck by it and he was visibly suffering from it. Pikachu was also breathing a bit heavily. However, taking the advantage I continued,

"Thunder Dragon's Jaw"

Pikachu flashed over still pained Raikou, joined his two fists, charged them up and brought the fists down onto Raikou, all in a split second.

Raikou fell down and I felt quite happy that Raikou was finally down and Pikachu had taken down a legendary all by himself. I was almost about to jump up in happiness again when Pikachu got slammed down onto the ground, just like Pikachu had done for Raichu, and I saw a bruised Raikou still roaring.


He then attacked Pikachu with an iron tail which connected and I felt worried now, seeing Pikachu lying on the ground.

But, similar to Raikou he stood up and gave a battle cry,


And, changes started to appear on Pikachu, hs red pouches on his cheeks got surrounded by a scaly pattern, His hands appeared to have a claw covering them, scaly patterns around his body and a longer tail. He had a small crown on his head, similar to Raikou but a different look. He had achieved Dragon Force, the first step in becoming a true dragon slayer.

Raikou charged up a thunderbolt.

"Thunder Dragon's ROAR!"

This clash was the biggest and the strongest till now. Everything got engulfed in the light generated from the clash and even I had to close my eyes for some time.

After the light died down, I was horrified to see the destruction caused by the battle. The crater was now big enough for the entire battlefield. It had even reached some trees of the forest, which didn't catch fire owing to Arcanine's quick thinking who starved the fire of air.

Pikachu and Raikou looked quite beaten up, both of them trying to get up. None of them wanted to go down before the other.

Both of them stood up almost together and stared down. Raikou started collecting the lightning from the weather and Pikachu did the same. Both of them were quite tired now, but this move was going to be the final.

Raikou covered himself in lightning again, this time concentrated on his head.

"Pikachu! Dragon Slayer's art, Roaring Thunder!!!"

Both of them collected the entirety of lightning from the clouds. Raikou's head was now covered by lightning that was shaped into a roaring tiger and Pikachu's collected fists were covered by a roaring dragon of lightning.

They both flashed for the final time before their moves connected. This exchange of moves far surpassed anything before. A powerful shockwave was released. There appeared a whole dragon and tiger pair made out of lightning, which clashed above the point where Pikachu and Raichu had clashed. This time a whole lot of lightning was released and the shockwave cleared the clouds from the sky, completely erasing them. I was a bit afraid now as this time the noise would definitely travel to the nearby cities.

The destructive energies died down and I saw both Pikachu and Raikou roughed up, breathing heavily and almost kneeling down. Both of them struggled to stand up again and they did.

They both stared at each other for a short while until Pikachu released his dragon force. I thought that Pikachu had finally lost until Both of them nodded to each other and fell down at the exact same time.

Wow! The stories of the east were indeed correct. Dragons and Tigers face off as equals.

Well now that Pikachu and most notably Raikou was down, I did the most sensible thing.






Threw a Pokeball to capture Raikou. Of course, I said that I wanted to train pokemon to make them strong, but it's a freaking legendary. Some of those strong smartasses may have passed off the opportunity, but I definitely won't. How the hell am I going to as badass as Tobias? By training legendaries of course!

The Pokeball glowed for about 3 seconds, during which, I definitely was nervous, but the glow died down, signaling that I had caught a legendary.

I fed Pikachu with a Senzu bean, for him to recover himself. He woke up after about 2 minutes.

"Congrats buddy! You brought down Raikou!"

Pikachu gave a yelp of happiness before looking around. He now saw the destruction caused by their battle and was taken aback by it.

"You see that! You're quite a bomb in a small package."

Pikachu tilted his head cutely.

"Btw, Pikachu, do you remember what happened when you were slammed down by Raikou?"

He thought for a bit, (with a cute looking expression of course) and shook his head. I showed him what I saw through projection and he looked at his change quite excitedly. But when he tried to replicate it, it failed, so I guess he attained Dragon Force completely by chance.

Finally, he looked around for Raikou and then looked at me questioningly. I showed him the Pokeball and a smirk. He looked at me, the Pokeball, and then gave me a smirk as well. God, we get along so well.

I took out Raikou, who was still unconscious and fed him a Senzu Bean. he woke up a while later and then stared at me.

"Ummm! Hello?"

He kept staring at me until Pikachu took charge. he had a chat with Raikou. I could sense that Raikou was quite displeased.'

I stopped Pikachu and asked him, "What did you say to him?"

Pikachu-"Pi...Pika.Pi...Pika..Pika...Piiika....Pikachu" (Come along with us or the Arcanine there is going to beat you up)

I sensed his thoughts through psychic and facepalmed. Pikachu's quite a dark-hearted one blackmailing a legendary.

I went close to Raikou, who flinched a bit, but I used my aura to soothe him, pat his head before asking him,

"Don't mind what Pikachu said! No one's going to do anything if you want to leave. But, I still hope that you come with me. I know you are strong but look at the facts, Pikachu and you had a tie and Pikachu has trained himself to be that strong under me. If you come with me, I can assure you to have tremendous growth in your strength, just like Pikachu. You don't want yourself to be beaten by him the next time, do you?"

Raikou glanced at me and I could feel that he was thinking. Tigers don't bow down to anyone easily. He was the same.

"You don't have to answer me right now. We'll be going to stay the night here only as I'm quite tired trying to control the damage caused by you and Pikachu. So you can decide by tomorrow. Umm, do you know any caves nearby? There's definitely going to be a storm tonight and I don't want to lie outside."

Raikou nodded and started walking towards a direction.

I waved my hand to Arcanine to come over and was shortly joined by Arcanine and the girls.

Misty looked starry-eyed and Robin had some sort of appreciation I guess.

Misty-"So, did you catch it? What's it btw? It's so strong and looks so cool! Oh! You looked so cool while fighting Pikachu!"

The later part was said due to Pikachu looking down as his rival was appreciated.

Me-"Not yet! It's a Raikou. Raikou is supposed to be the guardian of Johto and a legendary, but I don't know why he's here."

Misty was amazed by that and Robin, quite happy that I caught my first legendary.

We reached a cave where I took out supplies for camping and started to prepare food for everyone.

I wanted to get Brock as a companion sooner. I do have a talent for cooking and all, but while traveling, you need to optimize, which I definitely wasn't good at. Anyway, I prepared the food and then all of us took out all our Pokemon. Misty just had a Staryu and a Poliwag. Robin took out her Eevee team and I took out all of my Pokemon for the very first time, (I had shown them to Mom once though, but never all of them together).

Seeing my Pokemon, even Robin was amazed as she hadn't seen Naga and Steelix after evolution.

But what amazed me the most was the reaction of Raikou. He showed quite a lot of reactions, but he did have a respectful gaze for Mewtwo and Bodhi. I think that Legendaries have an inherent memory of the Cosmic-type.

Misty was most impressed by Naga, as he had become a poison-water dual-type after evolution. She kept bombarding me with questions about him while I was making dinner. Naga had gained a very useful ability on evolution, to undergo transfiguration and reduce his size. As the cave was small, he reduced his size to a normal Cobra, about 2-3 meters long. I think all of my Pokemon affected Raikou in a positive way. He was initially afraid of Arcanine though, as Pikachu had threatened him using Arcanine's name. Arcanine however just gave Raikou a small pat on his head, acknowledging his strength.

After dinner, I asked Raikou what had been bugging me the most, "Why didn't you use moves like Hyperbeam or Giga Impact or other non-electric type moves?"

The answer I got, actually answered a lot of my questions, He simply didn't know any other moves as it was a child. Raikou is legendary, but it's just a rare pokemon, not unique like Dialga or Palkia or Arceus.

Raikou bonded quite well with everyone from my team and I thought that he would definitely join me, but then I saw the interaction between Pikachu and Raikou. Both of them being the same kind and equal strength overall had a bitter sense of rivalry. And both of them being rival beings as a dragon being and a tiger, didn't help things either.

So then I took to my ultimate weapon-music.

I took out my flute-impressing Misty in the process and began on a new piece I had exchanged from the earth, "Friendship is Magic" which seemed to calm them down a bit. I then proceeded to play the music from the source of Pikachu's strength, Fairy Tail. The music seemed the celebrate a large rowdy family, with rivalry within, but tied down by strong bonds. As always, I got into the zone and finally opened my eyes to see a crowd of local pokemon joining us as well. I didn't mind it one bit and continued my concert for some more time. I opened my eyes, at last, to see Pikachu and Raikou bumping their fists together.

It was the birth of their rivalry, which would become their driving force. And I was definitely pleased to see the birth of their rivalry, which would later be joined in by someone.

On the contrary, I seemed to had ignored a bunch of displeased Mews who had come uninvited and were a bit displeased at being ignored, particularly after they repaired the damage caused by us. I saw their hard work and then apologized for my mistake. They were initially displeased but when I offered them sweets, they forgot all about that and started to play with others. Misty was pretty excited on seeing Mews but became shocked by seeing the interaction between me and them. Anyway, after the night party was over, we all went to sleep with all the pokemon, and I was loaded with Mews. Well, who would dislike small and cute cats' company while sleeping?

I woke up the first in the morning, freshened up, did my morning stretches, and then went to space. I recalled the battle of Pikachu and Raikou and wondered,

"Pikachu's quite strong right now. I don't know what'll happen when he evolves into Raichu! Maybe I should ask him later if he wants to evolve!"

I got a prompt-"Pikachu is now unable to evolve."

I was shocked, but the system didn't tell me why. I sent my clones to the library and received a response within a few minutes.

Turns out that the attainment of Dragon force had changed Pikachu biologically. He had attained a dragon seed which would eventually chang Pikachu to an electric-dragon dual-type Pokemon. The silver lining was that he won't change to an actual dragon eventually. It also reminded me to take precautions while using legacy crystals of dragons or dragon slayers on non-draconic Pokemon. I had initially planned to get a Charmander and give it a fire dragon legacy crystal, but now I was getting second thoughts about it. I didn't want to have a Charmander stick to being a Charmander it's whole life. I decided to push those thoughts to the back of my head and headed out of space.

A while later everyone woke up and the Pokemon in the cave, including the Mews, said goodbye and left. I asked Raikou again if he wanted to come with us. This time he agreed and willingly push the button on the Pokeball and got captured. I was quite glad about catching a legendary, although a kid.

We took our path towards Viridian city and I finally apologized to Misty.

"I'm sorry about your bike Misty."

Yes, I had carried over Ash's curse of girls' Bike destruction and this time, the bike wasn't burnt and broken, it had molten down to nothing. Like, nothing was left to repair.

Misty-"Uhhhhh! I don't worry that much, but how am I going to explain to my sisters? They're a pain to deal with."

Robin-"Why don't you just say that you'll be accompanying us until Ash pays off the bike."

Robin! Excellent job!

Somehow, we got Misty out of her depressed mood and reached Viridian city, where we were stopped by Officer Jenny, just like the anime.

Officer Jenny-"Halt! Who are you and what's your purpose of entering Viridian city?"

So cool! I mean her bike. The cute Growlithe sitting on it gave it a cute edge though. Still pretty cool!


Btw, We gave our identities and our Pokedex. She was quite amazed to see me and Robin. Although she recognized me, she was head over heels for Robin. She even tried to get her autograph, but Robin was able to get her way out without getting on Officer Jenny's bad side.

Robin-"You're Jenny Blues', Aunt, right? She's one of my closest friends and thus, you're my elder. I can't commit the sin of having an elder look up to me. I'm glad to meet you though. One of my objectives is to meet all Officer Jenny and all Nurse Joy in the world."

Officer Jenny was pretty impressed by her declaration, that I had heard for the very first time. Heck! I didn't even know the exact Relation between Officer Jenny of Viridian City and Officer Jenny of Pallet Town. Anyway.

Ash-"Why the inquiry though? As far as I know, Viridian City is an open city so....why?"

Officer Jenny-"There've been reports of sighting of 3 members of Team Rocket around Viridian city. They're stuck in the city so I'm trying to make sure they don't get outside help. Also, there was a huge lightning activity yesterday. Who knows who's doing what inside the forest?"

I and the girls looked at each other. Ma'am the culprit is right here. But I decided to play dirty and put a blame on someone.

Ash-"I know about that. Zapdos and Ho-oh were fighting in the depths of the forest. We had to run a lot to escape the aftermath of their battle."

You deserved it Ho-oh. Who asked you to make me unable to see the battle? You're gonna pay!

Anyway, the girls looked curiously at me, particularly Robin as she had met Ho-oh and was wondering why I blamed him.

Officer Jenny-"Quite a bad day you had! Btw, how did you raise your Arcanine? It's almost twice the size of a normal one!"

Ash-"I think it's because he's a mutant. He's loved by winds. Maybe that helped. That's all I know for now."

We were finally allowed to enter the city and we went straight to the pokemon center. Camping outside ain't bad, but a room's comfort can't be replaced by anything. We got ourselves a room. Yes a single room for the three of us. We were 10-year-olds! What do you expect?

We placed our backpacks in the room and proceeded to check out the city.

Having a cooking skill does have it's negatives. It was very difficult for me and Robin to find good food as we had been raised on the food of "THE FAIRY FOOD COURT". But we did enjoy street food, which wasn't much different from Pallet Town. Later we got back to the Pokemon center and there we made a call to our moms. Robin called Olivia and I called mom.

Mom-"Good to see you, honey! You made it to Viridian City quickly. It's faster than I thought. Good Work."

I smiled bashfully until her words struck me,

"The lightning of yesterday, it was Pikachu right?"

Ash (hiding my face from mom)-"What're you talking about? It was Ho-oh and Zapdos fighting!"

And I dug my own grave.

Mom-"Really? If I wasn't seeing things, Ho-oh was with me yesterday. He came for some food. Anyway, you got any more excuses, young man?"

And then she stared at me, no glare only a blank stare. It was enough for me to sweat buckets, so I just confessed.

Ash-"We encountered a Raikou yesterday! Pikachu fough...."

Mom brightened up on listening about Raikou.

Mom-"How was she?"


Ash-"Why did you ask about 'her' mom?"

Mom-"Of course it's because I met her before."

Ash-"But the one I met was a boy mom. A kid at that."

Mom-"Oh! It's been a long time huh! The baby boy's grown up now."

I was now confused.

Ash-"What do you mean mom? Can you elaborate?"

Mom's mood turned a bit melancholic and then she told me about her past with Raikou.

Delia's POV

When I got the news that I was pregnant with you, I was a bit shocked and didn't know what to do. I was coming from Viridian City to Pallet Town and being absentminded I entered the forest. I kept roaming in the forest until it went dark and I realized that I was lost. I cried a bit before finding myself in the company of a Raikou. She guided me to a cave where I spent the night. The next day she had me climb on her and gave me a ride to the outskirts of Pallet Town. After that incident, I would often go to meet her in the forest and I found out that the Raikou was a she. She even had a battle with Zapdos once. I had seen her battle and she was crazily strong. She defeated Zapdos and beat him black and blue. Later I found out that she was actually about to give birth. The battle had put on a strain on her body and I assisted in childbirth. I had to, as She was weakened after the battle. After an ordeal through the night, her baby was born. She had told me that she would leave once her baby was born. The baby Raikou was such a cutey! I held him in my arms and almost shed tears seeing it. She had told me that she would leave her child soon, as Raikou's are raised alone. I kept meeting her after that but she vanished after about a month. Seeing the Raikou baby made me want to have a child and then I got you, honey."

Ash POV:

Whoa! I didn't know about that! I looked around to see if anyone else was there. It was only Misty and Robin, so I asked Misty who was free," Can you block anyone from entering this area for some time?"

Misty agreed and I released Raikou, who on seeing mom, just stuck to the screen. He was looking above, below, and behind the machine to check out where mom was.

Mom's have very strong instincts, way stronger than Goku's Ultra Instinct. She immediately recognized Raikou whose birth she had accompanied in. Raikou had also recognized her instantly. It took me and mom a while before Raikou calmed down. After that, we had a brief conversation and I told her about the battle Raikou and Pikachu had and also that there was no one around Raikou.

Mom-"So she probably left. Bring Raikou over some time. I'd love to meet him again."

Then I took back Raikou and introduced Misty to her and told her that she'd be accompanying in our travels.

Mom-"You've got quite a talent Shonen! You get a pokemon and a girl along with it. Boys around the world would be so angry. Anyway, Misty right? He may be a bit overzealous and hyper, but please try to get along with him. I can't depend on Robin too much as she is also of the same type, in a different way. Come to Pallet Town later. Ah! restaurant Rush Hour! See you later kids."

And she finished the call.

Misty-"You've got quite a mom. I'm jealous of you."

Ash-"You've got a whole family. You should appreciate it."

Well, our call was over and we went to the common area to sit and enjoy the television which was showing some documentary about the Indigo League.

My main purpose for coming here was for....


"Prepare for Trouble"

"Make it doub"




"I couldn't say my second sentence"

"I couldn't complete my first sentence"

"Meowth! I didn't get to speak"

Three people-"Team Rocket's flying off again"

Yes, it was the normally good for nothing trio of Team Rocket. I wonder why they said again though!

Well! Off to a night's sleep.

Next Time:

Bugs time, First Gym Battle

Author Note-

Pardon me if it comes off as rude.

For those who refer to games while putting forward a complaint, I've said it previously and I'll say it again, this story is based on anime and anime only. It has got no connections to Pokemon games, no connection whatsoever. So there doesn't exist the concept of Tm's or exchanging something for evolution or restriction on learning of moves. Every new move will be a result of training and training only. I've never seen any pokemon game and even if I had I won't use it for a reference as this story is posted under anime and comics fan-fiction, not games fan-fiction. I wrote this story as I couldn't connect myself with the game elements in other fan-fics. So if anyone has a problem that the story deviates from the game, I'm sorry that I don't know about the game and I don't plan to know either.

Anyway, suggestions for the story are welcome.