
VIP auction members

"You are free to go," Ray said. 

Hearing these words, Bob started to pinch himself. He grabbed a portion of his extra belly fat around his stomach and gripped down tightly. "Ouch!" He winced.

The pain he had felt was real, it wasn't a dream, Ray had really said those words to him. After delivering the carriage. Bob talked to the auctioneer. It didn't take much convincing, since Ray was already a VIP member and due to the interest that had already been gathered about the item, to have it listed for sale in the VIP area.

The carriage was then taken to a separate place around the back by the yellow cards and a card was handed to Bob with a number one. Once the sale was completed, all one needed to do was hand the card in and they would review their funds once the auction house had taken their own cut. 

When Bob had returned, he had expected to be given another task by his slave driver of a boss, but instead, Ray had said he was free to leave.