
Little Piggy

Outside the west gate of Kelberg city, was a forest that led up a large hill to the outside mining areas. Mike and the group were currently walking through the woods and were just starting to scale the steeper areas.

Mike stood in front taking the lead in case of any unexpected beasts in the forest, while the three archers remained in the back. Although the group stayed close together for the moment as there wasn't a high chance of an encounter.

"Remember, even though the quest reward is split evenly, the beast cores are not." The small female archer said.

While on their journey Gary had learned the name of the little girl who wouldn't stop looking at him and Jack. The girl's name was Eve. She was a small archer who wouldn't shut up and for some reason seemed to have it out for the two of them, Gary especially.

"I know, I know, you've told me five times already," Gary complained.