

"Aoi, I want to ask you a couple of questions" I said "okay go ahead"

"why do I only have one skill and it's a passive skill at that" I said to her "well that is because you do not have any skill yet you would have to train for it"

"oh,ok so I guess the poison resistance skill basically means that I am resistant to poison?" I asked again "yes, that means you can't die by poisoning" she said "well that would be useful" I said again "why don't you go have your bath you can't just go around without bathing right except you want to smell like a pig" after which I took of my clothes and dropped them on the bed, I was only wearing an underwear as I was about to go to the washroom, I heard a knock "senior brother mother says she wants to see you on the dinning table in half an hour" it was a female's voice that resounded behind the door

"okay" (she is kind of my sister now) I thought

then I entered the bathroom and had a bath for about twenty minutes "must I wear the shirt I am quite comfortable without it you know, I think wearing the trousers is enough" I asked aoi "I do not know about that but I think it is inappropriate" she said "okay, then I am not wearing it" I said then I threw the shirt on the bed after which I left the room. I guided my self through the house with the memories I acquired from the previous me,after about a minute or so I entered the dinning room and sat on a free seat, the dinning table is square so a person picks a side to seat on, the mother and father sit opposite each other then I and my sister sit opposite each other as well, when I sat everybody started looking at me with wide eyes because I am shirtless but I wasn't bothered by it then I started eating which made them shocked again because we are not to start eating until the head of the family starts eating which is my father but what can I say, I just started life again and I am really hungry

"son, why are you eating shirtless" father asked me

"I am not comfortable with it" I said after which I took another bite of the food but my reply made mother and sister shocked but father just looked at me calmly.

thirty minutes later I and father finished our meals but mother and sister were to shocked to eat, all my drama made them loose their appetite so we left the table to go around our business

let me introduce the family we are a family of four,my new father who's name is Adam, He has long brown hair that is tied into a ponytail,a muscular build and a handsome face but I look better than him. He joined the Army at the age of 14 and served there for 10 years after which he then married mother two years later

Mother's name is Angelica, She is a healer by profession. She worked in one of the hospital's in our town and that is where she met with father, She has a slender body and long black hair.

And then there is me the most attractive person in existence, I was born a year after my parents marriage

The last born of the family is my sister whose name is Alice, she was born four years after me

After I left the table, I got out of the house and went to my work place, since the previous me does not have any talent he decided to go into blacksmithing. I entered into the shop and a man in his early fifties was sitting beside the furnace seemingly enjoying the heat, his name is creige and he is my father's friend he was also a swordsman in the army

"good, I have been waiting for you for a while now come sit at the forge we have a lot of work to do today" he said "okay sir" I replied him, as I sat he passed me a barrel that was filled with different metals "you are not living this place till you finish with this. you are making daggers today" he said while pointing at the barrel. I picked up a piece of metal then placed it in the furnace and since I now own this body I can do whatever the previous me can do, after it was red hot, I removed it from the furnace and started hammering "hit it properly,it is not like the metal is afraid of the hammer. put your back into it and hit like a man" I did not want to put too much strength into it since the old me is not as strong as I am but it seems I would not leave this place anytime soon (let me use all my strength, I still have a lot to do today) I thought

"good, now you are getting better, we would be done before you know it." he said

After an hour and a half of burning and hammering out impurities and making it take shape, I was done with my first dagger of the day "this is good, next time you make the blade thinner and balance the weight and also make sure that the sides are smooth, it is not always a good idea to have a dagger with rough sides" he said as he continued to examine my work after which I got back to the furnace and picked up another metal. I continued to correct my mistakes and made my next dagger after two hours and I took it back for inspection "you are getting better, just continue to balance the weight, make the overall weight lighter after all you can't go around holding a heavy dagger, daggers are meant to be light not heavy and make sure that the blade complements the weight of the dagger" he said

thirteen hours later, I forged 12 daggers and the first eight are poorly made while the last four are a little bit above average."you can go home, you did well today" he said to me "thank you so much, I am really exhausted and hungry" I replied him. I was about to open the door when I was called again "Azazel, you have changed a lot...and your aura too is different, it's sharper and much more dense... and animalistic" he said with a smile "okay" I was too tired to care about what he said. when I stepped out the cold evening breeze greeted my bare chest, it was like after you get out of a desert then you take a cold bath

After I got home, I took my dinner, had my bath and went to bed

please do tell if I should continue with the novel

something_bettercreators' thoughts