
My Divine Summoner System

Seun-mi Ho is an ordinary 18-year-old young man living in Seoul. Despite being intelligent, he feels dissatisfied with his life and dreams of adventure. One day, while crossing the street absentmindedly, he succumbs to an unexpected situation. However, much to his surprise, Seun-mi wakes up in a strange fantasy world. It is revealed that he has been transferred to this parallel world after his death, and it is, in fact, a highly realistic video game called "Heaven's Realm." In this world, Seun-mi discovers that he now possesses a unique divine summoning system, allowing him to call upon powerful entities to aid him in combat. Intrigued by his newfound powers, he decides to explore this world and climb the ranks among players, perhaps to find a way back to his reality. However, the "World of the Divinities" also hides dangers. Seun-mi must learn to master his abilities to survive and uncover the secrets of this once-familiar yet mysterious world. His adventure is only just beginning. https://discord.com/invite/UN5gb3pt (Discord My Divine Summoner System)

Charo_jorgen · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Unhealthy Obsession

Namjoon sat enthroned in his new home, tasting the delights of absolute power. Yet his mind was teeming with even greater ambitions.

His gaze was lost in the flames of the hearth. He never stopped ruminating about what was still missing from his total domination. King Jin's name kept coming up.

This Jin possessed wealth, territories and armies that Namjoon ardently coveted. His mental power was unable to undermine the will of the sovereign. It consumed him with unhealthy jealousy.

"Soon, everything Jin has amassed will be mine," he whispered in the shadows. His eyes shone with an unhealthy glow at the idea.

A plan was needed to take down this elusive rival. Namjoon thought for a long time, hatching various schemes to undermine Jin's throne. None seemed up to him... However, his thirst for domination would only weaken once the entire world was under his yoke.

The fight for omnipotence was only just beginning. Namjoon was willing to do anything to satisfy his unhealthy obsession.

The next day, Namjoon summoned Captain Jung. Although reluctant, the latter had to obey.

"Jung, gather your best warriors. We are leaving tomorrow for the Jade Forest," ordered the tyrant.

Jung winced. "For what reason, your majesty?"

Namjoon let out an evil grin. "Jin has taken over this territory. It is time to eliminate him for good and conquer these lands as well."

Although Jung disagreed with this aggressive policy, he could only acquiesce. To refuse would have signed his death warrant.

The next day, their squad set out. Namjoon couldn't wait to finally face Jin. His lust for power would only be satisfied when everyone belonged to him.

Jung prayed inwardly that this face-to-face would be short, without bloodshed... But the gods seemed to have abandoned these lands to the tyrannical whims of men.

During the trip, Jung gathered his courage and called out to Namjoon:

"Majesty, may I dare ask you why so much violence is necessary?"

Namjoon snickered. "Absolute power requires drastic measures, my good captain."

Jung insisted: "But all this only breeds hatred and suffering. Is there no other way?"

The priest sighed, annoyed. "Don't lecture me, Jung. I am what I am - a being born in darkness, without an ounce of pity. Humanity is weak, it will only understand fear."

His eyes shone with an unhealthy glow. "Accept your fate and obey, or suffer the same treatment as my enemies..."

Jung shuddered. What monster had they let hatch? He had to use cunning to thwart these bloodthirsty designs, before the priest's murderous madness consumed the entire world... But how could he fight alone against such a surge of cruelty?

As the day faded, the horses' hooves were heard in the forest. Alerted, Jin and Jun-woo emerged from the woods.

Facing them, Namjoon and his squad advanced with a conquering step. Astonishment appeared on Jin's face as he recognized his rival.

"Namjoon! What is this impromptu visit?" he asked, defensively.

But the priest burst into evil laughter. "Times have changed, Jin. Snowflake belongs to me now. You and your people are nothing more than parasites on my land."

Jin turned pale. "What have you done, monster?!"

"What human weakness deserved," Namjoon spat. "Know that in your absence, your queen and your daughter were delivered to the flames by my new subjects..."

A cry of hatred escaped Jin. His eyes misted up at the news of this unexpected loss. Namjoon savored his cruelty, while Jun-woo stood up, ready for battle... The inevitable conflict was about to erupt.

Anger consumed Jin at the news of this dire fate. His fists clenched, his eyes flashed.

"Namjoon, you monster! You will pay for these atrocities!"

But barely had he made a gesture when Namjoon raised his hand, an evil grin on his lips.

"The power is beyond you, poor fools. Admire the power of a God!"

A magical aura enveloped him as he summoned his mega-ability.

"Meteor Shower!" he thundered.

The sky immediately darkened. Huge incandescent rocks fell with a crash onto the Jade Forest. The thousand-year-old trees exploded, spewing their deadly fire.

Jin and Jun-woo's squad was wiped out in seconds. Only the sovereigns and the prince emerged alive but seriously injured from the flames, panting.

Namjoon burst out laughing at their crushing defeat.

"See how vain your resistance was! From now on, no one will dare to stand against me!"

The Forest was burning. The future of the world with.

In this ambient chaos, a glimmer of hope remained. Jin, injured but conscious, used his last strength to erect a protective dome around them.

"Run while there's time."surprising but, he muttered to Jun-woo and Seok-jin.

Although seriously injured, the two Elves launched themselves through the woods with the strength of their wobbly legs. Namjoon roared in fury as he saw them escape.

"Jung! Chase them down and bring them back to me captive!" he spat, foaming with rage.

Reluctantly, Jung went after them. His men had perished in Namjoon's treacherous attack, leaving only him to carry out his nefarious orders.

The Elves plunged into the depths of the burning forest, pushing their endurance to the limit for their survival. But their pursuer was getting dangerously close... Would they be recaptured before being able to escape this nightmare? Their fate remained uncertain.

Jung pursued the weakened elves, reluctant to complete his macabre mission. Suddenly, he saw Jin struggling to extricate himself from the smoking rubble.

The fallen king now wore a glittering crown. He raised his arms and incanted in a dull voice:

"Summoning system, answer my call! Bring back the souls once torn from this land."

A halo of dark light enveloped him. Soon, figures began to emerge from the surrounding ashes. They were the fallen warriors, but their gray skin and vacant eyes betrayed their spectral state.

An army of zombies now stood ready at Jin's command. A shiver ran through Jung, this magic did not bode well. But at least it equalized the forces involved...

He released Jun-woo and Seok-jin, aware that the situation had just changed. The clash of the titans was about to happen.

As the zombies charged Namjoon according to Jin's wish, the latter used his evil talents again.

"Spider web!" he thundered, projecting a fine network of iridescent magical threads.

In a flash, the thousands of undead found themselves stuck, immobilized. Jin himself could not escape the grip of these invisible ropes.

A cruel smile stretched Namjoon's lips. He approached his captive enemy with a nonchalant step.

"What a disappointment, dear Jin... You thought you could confront me with these pitiful puppets? Let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time there was a presumptuous king who tried to challenge a god. But his end was pathetic.. ."

He left the sentence hanging, enjoying Jin's helplessness. The latter glared at him, holding back his growing fury... But for how much longer would his magical hold last?

Jin burst into sardonic laughter, despite his precarious position.

"You think you're smart, Namjoon? Even immobilized, my zombies will obey my orders as long as I wear this crown! Death no longer affects them."

Namjoon frowned, his confidence shaken. Then an evil grin distorted his features.

"So let's see if my friends can do better than death...".

He clasped his hands and summoned evil shadows with a taboo skill. "Black magic!".

Deformed beings emerged from the Underworld, beyond all life or death. Gaping, one of them opened a gaping maw, sucking in the zombies' souls with a sickening noise.

When he finished, not a trace of the undead remained. Namjoon burst out laughing at Jin's discomfited look, deprived of his trump card.

"It seems your little trick is over... Farewell, fallen king!"

Namjoon's supremacy now seemed unquestionable.