
My Divine Summoner System

Seun-mi Ho is an ordinary 18-year-old young man living in Seoul. Despite being intelligent, he feels dissatisfied with his life and dreams of adventure. One day, while crossing the street absentmindedly, he succumbs to an unexpected situation. However, much to his surprise, Seun-mi wakes up in a strange fantasy world. It is revealed that he has been transferred to this parallel world after his death, and it is, in fact, a highly realistic video game called "Heaven's Realm." In this world, Seun-mi discovers that he now possesses a unique divine summoning system, allowing him to call upon powerful entities to aid him in combat. Intrigued by his newfound powers, he decides to explore this world and climb the ranks among players, perhaps to find a way back to his reality. However, the "World of the Divinities" also hides dangers. Seun-mi must learn to master his abilities to survive and uncover the secrets of this once-familiar yet mysterious world. His adventure is only just beginning. https://discord.com/invite/UN5gb3pt (Discord My Divine Summoner System)

Charo_jorgen · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Title: Into the Cosmic Realm

Flying above the clouds, Seun-mi delicately pulled out the cosmic map of Heaven's Realm from his dimensional pocket. His eyes widened at the vastness of the world revealed before him.

Entire realms spanned across eleven dimensions, interwoven into an infinitely complex cosmic architecture. Whole galaxies stretched across each plane of existence, containing civilizations whose extent surpassed imagination.

A benevolent presence then made itself felt in his mind. It was the CELESTIAL SYSTEM speaking to him:

"You are beholding the vast Celestial World in all its splendor. Do you know that even I, who encompass all things, perceive only a tiny fraction of it?"

The voice continued to patiently explain the unique celestial world of this boundless realm, where matter and spirit were one, where time was a mirage, and where anything was possible...

Seun-mi listened, amazed. What other wonders and challenges awaited him in these infinite worlds? His quest had only just begun...

Seun-mi attentively followed the Celestial System's complex mathematical explanations about the cosmology of Heaven's Realm.

"As you already know, our world is structured according to 11 dimensions," the voice began. "But do you know that each of these dimensions vibrates at its own frequency, calculable according to Planck's formula?"

The voice then unfolded a series of equations using cosmic constants like Planck's constant, the speed of light, and the gravitational constant. Seun-mi followed carefully, even though he had never been very fond of mathematics.

"Thus, the first dimension, which you call the physical world, vibrates at 10^43 hertz. The eleventh dimension, which represents the unifying field of consciousness, oscillates at 10^-43 hertz. It is the superposition of these waves of different frequencies that creates the very fabric of reality."

Seun-mi was fascinated by these concepts, which he was only beginning to grasp. The Wisdom of the System was limitless... He still had so much to learn about the mysteries of Heaven's Realm.

Intrigued by these explanations, Seun-mi addressed the Celestial System again:

"May I ask you, in which concrete dimension are the Floconneige realm and the place I'm currently flying over?"

"Of course," replied the benevolent voice. "Know that for now, you are in the third dimension of the Celestial World."

"The third dimension corresponds to what you call the physical, spatial, and temporal world. However, the Floconneige realm and the sky you are flying over are anchored in a numerical and virtual variant of this dimension."

Seun-mi pondered this information. So this reality was just one facet among many of the infinite world he was just beginning to discover.

"How can I access the other dimensions?" he asked, eager to broaden his horizons.

The System promised to instruct him when he was ready. Meanwhile, he still had much to explore in this single plane of existence...

"You are right to want to better distinguish the different types of dimensions. Know that there are 'physical' dimensions, corresponding to metric waves that intrinsically structure reality.

However, some civilizations like yours have developed so-called 'digital' dimensions, which are merely a virtual and coded representation of underlying physical dimensions.

For example, the third physical dimension where existence unfolds at a fundamental and metric level. But the world you currently perceive is a three-dimensional digital simulation of this fundamental reality."

How could the Celestial System possess such knowledge, especially about modern concepts like Planck's equations?

"That's a good question, young man. Know that I am not just a disembodied spirit, but rather the divine manifestation destined to oversee this universe. As such, my knowledge encompasses all cosmic laws, whether or not they have yet been revealed by material civilizations."

"As for names like Planck or others, they are merely labels given by your people to eternal truths that I have always known. But I understand the interest in linking these concepts to familiar terms for you, to broaden your understanding."

"Remember that if I am speaking to you here, it is to answer your quest for Wisdom with words that your human mind can grasp. But the infinite extent of my knowledge will forever surpass any linguistic formulation."

Seun-mi meditated on these words with humility. The journey was still long...

Seun-mi intensely pondered the Celestial System's complex explanations, furrowing his brow with effort. Suddenly, he exclaimed in a frustrated voice:

"Ouch, headache! Too much weird info swirling in my noggin. Dimensions, waves, digital universes, it's dizzying. And these weird equations with their Planck's H and light flying, yuck!"

He rubbed his temples, grimacing. "Hey, Celestial System, can't you simplify it a bit? Explain it to me like I'm five! Maths and physics aren't really my thing. Tell me a nice story instead, with dragons and princesses!"

The Celestial System laughed a crystalline laugh. "You are funny, little elf! Very well, next time I will choose my words more carefully. And who knows, I might even find a way to include a princess in my explanations..."

Seun-mi spotted a shape in the distance.

Intrigued, the young elf approached and saw a city in one of the distant lands shimmering with strange lights. As if magnetized, his gaze was drawn to this mysterious place.

"Azuril, look! What is that weird shiny city?" 

His familiar tilted its head, as perplexed as he was. Seun-mi joyfully announced, "Let's go check it out, I have a hunch! Onward to the disco city!"

Azuril picked up speed. Soon, skyscrapers glittering like diamonds emerged in the sky, aerial vehicles undulating like jellyfish, and giant holograms broadcasting strange images.

"Wow, this is the future-come-true!" exclaimed Seun-mi with stars in his eyes. "I can't wait to visit this futuristic place! But watch out for aliens, if they exist that is, you never know..."

As Seun-mi flew over the city, he pulled out his portable terminal - a handy device provided by the Celestial System.

He launched a recognition scan that analyzed the data in a digital blink. "So here's what it says:

- Name of the city: Neo-Seoul, capital of Earth Eden-7.

- Population: 3 million humanoids, androids, and artificial intelligences.

- Energy footprint: 100% renewable thanks to orbital solar power stations.

- Security forces: Galactic Police led by Commander Sung-ji, level 96!

- Main landmarks: Galactic Casino, Combat Arenas, Hanging Gardens...

- Dominant faction: Merchants' Alliance. Their Master of Commerce is Linda the Rich, level 110!

Hey, it looks like we've landed in a space video game! Let's see what's going on in this futuristic place!"

Intrigued, Seun-mi guided Azuril towards their first extraordinary destination. The adventure continued!

When Seun-mi and Azuril entered the sparkling atmosphere of Neo-Seoul, they were immediately intercepted by a patrol of security robots.

"Halt, identify yourself!" their leader commanded in a synthetic voice.

Seun-mi raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "Greetings, my name is Seun-mi Ho, I come as a visitor from the planet Floconneige."

The robots' lasers emitted a shrill noise as they scanned his genetic imprint. "Impossible, no being of this species is listed in our database. You are suspect, you must follow us for further identification."

Seun-mi sighed. Of course, being a magical elf, he couldn't be registered by these conventional robots... He kindly showed them his cosmic map. "I am protected by the Celestial System, nothing to worry about, guys! Come on, let us pass peacefully..."

The robots hesitated, uncertain. Seun-mi gave them his best smile. "Come on, be cool... Continue your patrol, we'll probably see each other at the Casino! See you later, guys."

And with that, he dove into the sprawling city, watched by the puzzled programs.