
My Divine Summoner System

Seun-mi Ho is an ordinary 18-year-old young man living in Seoul. Despite being intelligent, he feels dissatisfied with his life and dreams of adventure. One day, while crossing the street absentmindedly, he succumbs to an unexpected situation. However, much to his surprise, Seun-mi wakes up in a strange fantasy world. It is revealed that he has been transferred to this parallel world after his death, and it is, in fact, a highly realistic video game called "Heaven's Realm." In this world, Seun-mi discovers that he now possesses a unique divine summoning system, allowing him to call upon powerful entities to aid him in combat. Intrigued by his newfound powers, he decides to explore this world and climb the ranks among players, perhaps to find a way back to his reality. However, the "World of the Divinities" also hides dangers. Seun-mi must learn to master his abilities to survive and uncover the secrets of this once-familiar yet mysterious world. His adventure is only just beginning. https://discord.com/invite/UN5gb3pt (Discord My Divine Summoner System)

Charo_jorgen · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

The Ascent of Seun-mi: Trials in the Mountains

Armed with scrolls, Seun-mi headed towards Mount Flamboyant at a brisk pace. However, the steep ascent quickly wore him out, and he realized that the journey was far more challenging than it seemed.

Releasing Azuril to gain altitude, even the mighty bird began to falter in the thin air. Then, an avalanche of rocks ensued, narrowly missing them. Seun-mi understood that this quest exceeded his level. With limited options, he decided to turn back and sought refuge in a cave. Exhausted, he fell asleep after feeding Azuril and Cricket.

Jolted awake by a deep voice, "Who's there? You wouldn't be Hogu's friend, would you?" Seun-mi met the piercing gaze of Yeonghwan, a renowned hermit who came to his aid. Relieved, he recounts his misadventure.

The hermit listened patiently, stroking his gray beard. "Not surprising, young man," he replied calmly. "These merciless heights have defeated even seasoned adventurers. But I have faith in you – your heart is as pure as it is strong. You could not refuse a task given by Hogu."

Seun-mi nodded, embarrassed. "I've only made things worse... I fear I've disappointed my leader."

"Don't be too hard on yourself," consoled Yeonghwan. "No one starts at the top. And you had the merit to seek help. Rest here until tomorrow, then I'll escort you safely to our friend."

Comforted by the hermit's kindness, Seun-mi relaxed. Even though he had failed, at least he would make amends. And perhaps Yeonghwan could advise him on how to progress. Hope revived in his apprentice's heart.

The fire crackled gently in the cave, casting flickering shadows on the rocky walls. Seun-mi took out the precious scrolls and handed them to Yeonghwan.

"May I ask what they contain, master? I'm afraid I don't grasp their significance..."

The hermit carefully unrolled the yellowed paper. His eyes lit up at the sight of the ancient runes.

"These are plans for a new bow requiring a secret alloy, crafted by the best artisan in the Mountain. Hogu and I have dreamt of the perfect weapon for a long time. Its creation would be a significant step towards peace in the kingdom."

Seun-mi nodded, impressed by the scope of his mission. Yeonghwan smiled.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, young friend. You now understand how even modest actions contribute to a much greater purpose. Tomorrow will be a new beginning."

Reassured, Seun-mi fell asleep, imagining the wonders this quest promised. Hopefully, he would prove worthy of the trust placed in him.

Seun-mi emerged from the fog of sleep, strangely alone in the cave.

"Master Yeonghwan?" he called, worried. No one answered, except the echo on the rocky walls.

With a bad feeling, he hastily gathered his belongings. But when he tried to summon Azuril with his mana, a voice message appeared: "Insufficient mana. Rest before using your powers."

Disappointed, Seun-mi realized he had to continue on foot, without magical assistance - and who knew what awaited in these wild mountains?

Suddenly, a rustling of leaves behind him. In a reflex, Seun-mi drew his staff, ready for a fight. But he sighed in relief upon seeing Yeonghwan, carrying clusters of wild berries.

"My boy, you're up early! Eat, it'll restore your mana."

Calmed, Seun-mi complied. Then, they resumed their journey together under the rising sun.

Seun-mi gnawed on the last bits of rabbit that Yeonghwan had hunted, savoring the juicy meat that replenished his strength.

The hermit swept the campfire embers, lost in thought. Then he turned to Seun-mi.

"We're nearing Mount Flamboyant. Know that its inhabitants, the lava giants, aren't all as friendly as our friend Yongha... Keep your staff close, but above all, try dialogue before confrontation. Your quest is too important for a misstep."

Seun-mi nodded, suddenly nervous. Legends spoke of immense fire colossi with unpredictable moods.

"Fear not," reassured Yeonghwan with a smile. "Stay close to me, and all will be well. You've come a long way since our meeting; I know you'll prove trustworthy to them."

Comforted, Seun-mi finished his meal with a lighter heart. Tomorrow would be a great trial, but he felt ready for this new challenge.

Seun-mi felt apprehension rising as they delved into the volcanic heights. To reassure himself, he turned to Yeonghwan:

"Master, if I may... why do you venture into these mountains as well?"

The hermit sighed, then looked at him earnestly:

"Since the death of my friend Yanyu in an eruption, I come every year to try to appease the wrath of the Lord of Fire. Even though I know this quest is futile... I can't bear the thought of her ashes forever trapped in these cursed lavas."

Seun-mi listened, moved. Yeonghwan continued, in a lighter tone:

"But for her and for me, continuing my role as an intermediary with the giants remains essential. So, I won't let you face their wrath alone, young friend."

Comforted by such wisdom and selflessness, Seun-mi became extra cautious. He vowed to prove himself worthy of his guide's trust.

As they ascended the rocky slopes, Seun-mi began to feel the heat emanating from the earth, and the air became heavy. His curiosity got the better of him:

"Master Yeonghwan, who is this Lord of Fire you speak to? I've never heard of him..."

The hermit pondered for a moment. "He's the guardian spirit watching over this volcano since ancient times. An immense entity made of gold and molten lava, whose breath can both destroy and create. The giants fear and honor him."

He paused, gazing at the distant, cloud-piercing peaks.

"No one has ever seen him with their own eyes. But some say the form he takes depends on his mood... So pray to the gods that our encounter doesn't anger him."

Seun-mi swallowed hard, suddenly aware of the peril they faced. But he would follow Yeonghwan - for to fulfill his quest, he now had to confront the gods themselves.