
My Divine Summoner System

Seun-mi Ho is an ordinary 18-year-old young man living in Seoul. Despite being intelligent, he feels dissatisfied with his life and dreams of adventure. One day, while crossing the street absentmindedly, he succumbs to an unexpected situation. However, much to his surprise, Seun-mi wakes up in a strange fantasy world. It is revealed that he has been transferred to this parallel world after his death, and it is, in fact, a highly realistic video game called "Heaven's Realm." In this world, Seun-mi discovers that he now possesses a unique divine summoning system, allowing him to call upon powerful entities to aid him in combat. Intrigued by his newfound powers, he decides to explore this world and climb the ranks among players, perhaps to find a way back to his reality. However, the "World of the Divinities" also hides dangers. Seun-mi must learn to master his abilities to survive and uncover the secrets of this once-familiar yet mysterious world. His adventure is only just beginning. https://discord.com/invite/UN5gb3pt (Discord My Divine Summoner System)

Charo_jorgen · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Conspiracies in the Shadows

"The day dawned over a kingdom bent. At the gates of Snowflake, King Jin paraded in his chariot of ivory, his crown held high.

"Citizens!" he thundered. "Your loyalty to me shall be the condition of your survival! Join my ranks, or perish!"

In terror, the villagers were forcibly gathered. The able-bodied men would now serve as soldiers, pounding the pavement of the capital to suppress dissenters.

The noble young maidens would be integrated into the palace service. There, Jin would choose his most beautiful "wives" to drown their tears in his royal bed.

As for the others, they would have to submit to the draconian laws of the despot, starting with the right of life or death over each.

The next day saw the walls of a new castle rise, cruelly dominating the battered little city. The era of Jin had begun. But rebellion still simmered in secret...

Baekhyun gazed at the palace with empty eyes, her mind still haunted by the battle. So much blood had been shed... How could her father have descended into such madness?

Footsteps drew her out of her reverie. King Jin stood behind her, a false smile on his lips.

"Baekhyun, come down quickly. We are receiving distinguished guests."

She nodded resignedly. In the throne room, she discovered Namjoon and several generals with horror.

The priest bowed before Jin. "Your Majesty, I present to you the leaders of the new guilds created to serve you. The Black Guard, the Conquerors..."

Baekhyun shuddered. These men sought only power and blood. Would her father never stop?

She met Namjoon's piercing gaze. Only he seemed to sense her dark thoughts of rebellion... She wouldn't stand for it. Perhaps hope still lurked in the shadows.

King Jin negotiated enthusiastically with the newly formed guild leaders, Youn and Hyun.

Suddenly, Baekhyun couldn't hold back: "Father, your little lapdogs fear only the whip, don't they?"

Jin frowned. "My daughter, you should learn respect."

But Baekhyun persisted, cutting: "Respect those obedient dogs who will lead you to your downfall?"

The king exploded. "Insolent! You are nothing compared to your elder sister, Sooyoung! Go back to your boudoir before I lose my patience."

Baekhyun bowed, a superior smirk on her lips. Her rebellion had achieved its purpose, and the king would now be more suspicious...

In the shadows, Namjoon's plan seemed to take shape. But Baekhyun wouldn't be trapped. She would find Seun-Mi, even in the deepest dungeons. It was time to take action...

Baekhyun descended into the castle dungeons, concealed in a dark cloak. There, she found Seun-Mi chained, barely conscious.

"Seun-Mi..." she murmured, her heart heavy. His face brightened as he recognized her.

She then recounted her conversation with Namjoon, when he thought she was asleep. "He conspires to overthrow my father and seize the throne. But his reign would be even worse..."

Seun-Mi pondered, worried. "We must pit them against each other. But how can we sow discord without endangering the people?"

Baekhyun had an idea. "Namjoon covets my inheritance. Let's make him believe that my father intends to disinherit me in favor of his new wife..."

Their plot could be risky. But it was their only chance to break the grip of the two tyrants on the kingdom. Freedom had a price.

Baekhyun remained pensive at Seun-Mi's words. He was right; her intuition told her that her father had never truly considered her his rightful heir.

"I don't understand my father's motivations either. He has always favored my sister Sooyoung. Yet he seems adamant that I remain his sole successor..."

A troubling idea crossed her mind. What if all of this was just a sinister scheme?

"Perhaps Jin has kept me in this position only to make me a target for Namjoon or others to plot against me... He wants me to become the pawn in their political maneuvers!"

It was just like the despot to manipulate even his own family. Baekhyun shuddered. She had to act quickly before becoming a mere pawn in their treacherous hands...

Seun-Mi pondered intensely, analyzing every detail of the situation as he was accustomed to.

"Your father is cunning, Baekhyun. He has surely anticipated Namjoon's ambitions against him for a long time. But for what exact purpose? Either he has already planned to thwart the priest to remain the sole master... Or on the contrary, he relishes seeing your and Namjoon tear each other apart."

A shiver ran through the young woman at this macabre idea. Seun-Mi continued:

"In both cases, he plays a double game. He wants to manipulate you against each other. But if we uncover his secret plans, we can catch him in his own trap... We must discreetly infiltrate the castle and find clues about your father's machinations."

Baekhyun nodded, determined. The king was no longer the only one scheming in the shadows. His own daughter and Seun-Mi were now opponents worthy of him.

Baekhyun furrowed her brow, increasingly perplexed.

"My father was so keen on having me return to the palace... But for what obscure reason? What role does he intend for me to play?"

Seun-Mi sighed, helpless: "Alas, with these anti-magic restraints, I can't attempt anything. It's like a virus paralyzing my celestial system. As long as these shackles are here, I am harmless..."

The young woman thought intensely. An idea sprouted in her mind.

"Perhaps if I manage to steal the key to the dungeons from the jailer... I could free your tonight, while the guards sleep."

But time was of the essence. Her disappearance would be noticed quickly. They had to act with caution and speed. And finally uncover her father's dark plans before it was too late...

Baekhyun squeezed Seun-Mi's hand through the bars. Hope was not dead. Their quest for freedom for the people was beginning.

A chilling laugh suddenly echoed, breaking the heavy atmosphere of the dungeons. A figure emerged from a dark corner.

"Namjoon..." Baekhyun spat between her teeth.

The priest smirked, satisfied with his effect. "Do your really believe you can escape like this, poor illusions? Only a counter-spell of the same level can break these restraints."

Seun-Mi clenched his fists on the bars. Baekhyun replied bravely:

"What do your want, snake? Are you here to taunt us or offer your treacherous aid?"

Namjoon burst into laughter. "Neither. I only come to open your eyes to the truth... Your revolt is futile, as is your resistance to King Jin. It's better to submit to our yoke or perish in these dungeons."

Then, as suddenly as he had come, he vanished into the shadows. Baekhyun and Seun-Mi exchanged a long, troubled look, disturbed by the traitor's words. Their only option remained to escape at all costs...

Baekhyun's face expressed fierce resolution despite the shadow of despair looming over them.

"Do not worry, Seun-Mi. All of this will soon be nothing but a bad memory."

She smiled at him tenderly through the bars.

"I will find a way to get you out of here. Trust me."

Seun-Mi nodded, captivated by her gaze burning with hope. He would do anything for her.

"Be careful, princess. Your people need you now more than ever."

Baekhyun caressed his face, moved. Then her footsteps echoed down the long dark corridor, leaving him alone with her fierce determination.

Seun-Mi knew she would succeed. She was the only one who could rally the scattered rebels and bring light back to this land. His own freedom was just a detail... all that mattered was her.