
My Destiny's Awakening 2024

What a thrilling start to our story! The ordinary life of Aeon, a university student, is turned upside down as a mysterious gate appears on campus, unleashing a horde of bloodthirsty monsters. The tension is palpable as Aeon's world is thrown into chaos. As the darkness closes in, Aeon's fear and uncertainty give way to a sense of determination. He knows that he must find a way to survive this nightmarish reality and uncover the secrets of the mysterious gate. But what lies ahead? Will Aeon be able to overcome his fears and doubts to become the hero he never knew he could be? Or will the darkness consume him and claim his life? The journey is just beginning, and I'm excited to see where it takes us. Join me next time as we delve deeper into the world of Aeon and the Gates of Destiny.

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Chapter 6: Visions and Revelations

Aeon silently observed the young woman from a distance as she conversed with someone—perhaps her younger brother or a friend. Layla approached him.

"Good job," Aeon acknowledged.

Layla replied, "It feels easier now to kill the monsters. I can even use my support ability to enhance my arrows, as you suggested. It worked out well. Thank you."

Aeon nodded. "Your ability rating is shockingly high, even though it wasn't related to combat. I deduced that ability ratings reflect the overall benefits an ability offers, based on the number of stars out of 10."

As Layla listened, a red-haired woman approached them. "Everyone is fine thanks to you two," she said.

Aeon's eyes narrowed. "Don't you have something else to say?" he asked suspiciously.

Layla looked puzzled. "What do you mean, Aeon?"

He replied coldly, "This woman wasn't afraid but acting by trembling. I heard her telling her younger brother not to worry, as if she knew someone would come to help her."

Layla defended the woman. "Maybe she just wanted to relieve her brother's worries."

Aeon recalled the woman's whispered words: "Thank you, Aeon and Layla. You saved us on time."

"She knew we were coming," Aeon stated. "She even knew our names. She was expecting us specifically."

Layla caught on and questioned the red-haired woman. "Who are you, and how do you know us?"

The woman chuckled. "Hi AEON and hello, Ms. Supporter," she greeted.

Layla's surprise turned to suspicion. "You! Who are you?"

The woman laughed. "You're just as keen as I've seen in my visions, AEON—my future husband."

Both Aeon and Layla exclaimed, and Layla blurted out, "WHAT?!"

Aeon interjected, "She's also a player like us. She mentioned visions. Does that mean you have foresight ability?"

The woman chuckled "it is always fun to make Ms Supporter jealous"

Aeon's tone grew threatening. "Stop joking and introduce yourself."

The woman grinned. "You're really cold at moments like this, ruining our beautiful first impressions. Well, anyway, I'll introduce myself. I'm Ria. I'm a player like you, but I don't have foresight ability. It's something similar—I have memory recall akin to one-time regression. I remember my past timeline life, like a clone world of our current one. But that world already ended, and I carry all the memories from my past self."

Ria's Revelation

The tension in the air thickened as Ria, the red-haired woman, revealed her extraordinary ability. Aeon and Layla exchanged wary glances, their trust shaken by this unexpected encounter.

Ria leaned against a nearby tree, her eyes distant as she recounted her past. "I remember another world," she began. "A parallel existence that mirrors ours. But that world has already ended—a clone of our reality, extinguished."

Aeon's analytical mind raced. "So, your memory recall is like time regression?"

Ria nodded. "Exactly. I carry the memories of my past self—the other 'me' from that world. And in my visions, I've seen glimpses of our current reality. I foresaw your arrival, AEON, and the emergence of our abilities."

Layla's skepticism melted into curiosity. "Why us? Why now?"

Ria's gaze bore into Aeon's. "Because you hold the key. The convergence of our abilities—their true purpose—lies with you."

Aeon's jaw tightened. "What purpose?"

Ria's voice dropped to a whisper. "To prevent the same catastrophe that befell the other world. Our abilities Passive or Active—combat, support, memory recall, and more—are tools to rewrite reality."

Layla stepped forward. "But why reveal this to us?"

Ria's smile was enigmatic. "Because you're the catalysts. Together, we can alter the course of our reality. But beware—the shadows move. The ones who seek to exploit our powers—they're closer than you think."

A rustle in the bushes interrupted their conversation. Figures emerged—masked, cloaked, and armed. The ominous emblem on their sleeves sent chills down Layla's spine.

"The Seekers," Ria whispered. "They hunt us, believing our abilities hold the secret to ultimate power."

Aeon clenched his fists. "We won't be pawns in their game."

Layla's bow materialized, arrows ready. "Agreed."

As the Seekers closed in, Ria's eyes glinted. "Remember, AEON, our abilities are our salvation. Trust your instincts."

And so, the trio stood—united by fate, bound by their gifts, and ready to face the shadows that threatened their world.

To be continued…