
[Intermission] Senile

"Yeah.. it's been a while. Do you remember me?"


"Really? Do you not remember me?"

"Ribbit. A demon trying to converse with a frog. How deplorable. I had thought you had forsaken my existence."

"Sorry about that, I seriously didn't know who you were, okay?"

"Is Noel.. alright?" Gabriel, a frequent visitor of the orphanage, and Jennifer-chan's close friend, asked.

"Something must have changed.. perhaps it has to do with the dream he mentioned?" Juliet, the cat-kin which Liliath and Nine had rescued a few weeks ago, said.

While they were whispering to each other behind my back. Do whatever you want, I'm trying to dig out information here.

I attached [Spirit Magic (SSS)] to my skill column– I quieted my senses to focus on one spirit, if not I'll hear a cacophony of spirits blaring 'springtime' nonsense into my ears– just as I thought.

The frog was glowing in a familiar gold light.. though, it was dimmer than I remembered.

"Olivia-san, how did you end up a frog anyways?"

"Ribbit. O young one, it has been a long time since one has called me that. My name from centuries before, ribbit."

"So you've been inside this frog for a century?"

"This one has lost track of time. Ribbit."

"Seriously.. so that means you don't remember me? How about that time you became a spirit, you still remembered what happened then? When you were possessed by that entity?"

"Ribbit?" its pupils seem to dilate.

For a moment the golden aura shivered.

'It.. can't be? Hero-sama?'

"Wrong.. whatever, but it's been a while huh, Olivia-san," Yup, this voice was as I remembered. Quite nostalgic even though it's only been a week for me.. it's probably been a couple centuries for her..

Wait, doesn't this prove that all that which happened wasn't a dream all along?

'Name, forgot, long time, boring, explored everywhere. Ribbit.'

I guess it's way easier to converse with the spirit directly than through the frog.

"Seven hundred years ago. Not sure if you remember, I'm Noel."

'Now remember, ribbit.'

"Can't believe you still use that at the end of the sentence.."

'Prevent being eaten up. Ribbit.'

"Really? How does that help with it all?"

"Noel.. are you.. okay?" Prune tapped on my shoulder.

"I'm fine really.. It's just.. well, I know the identity of this frog now. Meet Olivia-san, a princess way back from the 11th cycle.. Duke Welch's daughter right?"

"Yes. Ribbit."

"Yeah, see.." I tried to elucidate my actions to the confused Prune who came because Gabriel spotted some nonsense–

"I don't remember. Ribbit." darn you frog..

It wasn't just a dream. I actually travelled back in time. Which means.. the reason why circuit magic is being used en masse today was probably my doing..

That's just straight up confusing. If I could, I should go dig through the library and see if I can find that thesis with my name on it… Noah and Holmn said they would include my name in the research papers.

Or maybe the thesis had been burned down to the ground alongside Darcia Kingdom.

"A duke?!"

"Princess is a duke!"

The kids cheered. Haha.. really now. I guess this explains why she's able to build a cult.. it wasn't a cult, it's just Olivia by nature. Not that I really know her personality, but as someone in the royal scene, she probably had some ability when it comes to influencing people.

"Rin, did Noel get hit in the head? What happened exactly?"

"Um.. Noel.. wanted to kill the frog but fell into a trance?"

"Is that so? Quite suspicious.."

"I went back in time, I think it's quite confirmed now," I said.

"I don't remember. Ribbit."

I glared at Olivia the Frog. Really now.. just because I still feel guilt of causing her death– not entirely my fault– doesn't mean I don't feel like killing this damn frog.

"One question remains," Prune said.

"And what's that?"

"What happened back then? To those demon lords you met?"

"I have no idea actually.. Olivia-san, do you remember what happened after I left."

"What happened, ribbit?"

"Seriously.. I meant to talk with Olivia-san, not the Frog."

'I don't remember.'

"It's alright then." I sighed.

Liberating the conflict between demon lords and humans– was what His Highness told me. His Highness was the demon lord I met back in the 11th cycle which vouched for world peace. I'm not sure how it went, but based on history, I suppose it did turn out for the better.. until the next generation at least.

Huh? Wait.. I told him he would fail right? No huh? Were my memories altered? Weird.. really weird..

"My prince. Ribbit. Let us adventure," the frog hopped towards Rin and.. Rin retreated a few steps.

I put away [Spirit Magic (SSS)].

I turned to Rin.

Grey hair, blue eyes.. yeah.

She looks exactly the same as Princess Reese of Darcia Kingdom. Rin and the frog have a sorta thing between them. Her Highness Reese and Olivia-san were good friends, now Rin and the Frog are 'good' friends. They've reunited after 7 centuries.

Hm.. what if..

Nope Noel. Don't overthink it. Whatever the story is, it just is. Can't make it more dramatic than that…


I pulled up my inventory.

I took out a luggage.. which looks like a treasure chest.

"What is that?" Nine who was lazing on the sofa asked.

"This is from the past?" Liliath circled around the chest.

"Yup. It's luggage I forgot to return.."

Yeah.. the last moments before I returned to this current 18th cycle, I forgot to pass Her Highness Reese her luggage back. It was a mistake of mine.. not that I could return it anymore.

"It's old," Prune commented, examining the lock that holds it together.

I tried to find a key.. nope. I didn't see anything of that sort left in my inventory.

"Guess we'll have to break it."

"Whose is this?" Rin asked.

"Your's, probably.."


"Do you really think both of them are the same person?" Nine asked.

"Yeah. I can't really put a finger on it but.." I glanced at Rin once more.. yeah. I shouldn't look at her too much.

It still irks me that I've done the 'Kiss of Blood'. Rin is bound to me unless I can somehow reverse it.

The sounds of glass shattering, Liliath broke the lock and blue rune particles scattered.. huh? It's protected by reinforcement magic..

"Rune.. magic?" Liliath was puzzled by the phenomenon. Me too.

Maybe we should've kept the lock intact to study the arrangement. Rune magic is rare these days.. and this could perhaps be a historical artifact that could bring rune magic back from extinction.. nay. That's too troublesome.

I already saved a couple rune carvings in my magic list.

Liliath carefully raised the lid and..

Inside the luggage were compressed stacks of clothes– more like, dresses.

"Wow," Nine hopped off the couch and came over.

"This is.." Prune raised on of the articles up. An embroidered dress with silk cloth running along the shoulder area.

"It fits Rina's body perfectly," and.. Liliath measured the clothes on Rin's body.

A red dress.. and it's modern? Oh yeah, back then, modern clothes were a trend. Of course, it's weird saying how something like that exists in fantasy but you have to remember, the heroes place a heavy influence on the world.

"We can consider selecting from among these for the banquet, what do you think?" Liliath asked.

"If there are no problems then.. I suppose? It's slightly big though."

"Then I'll fix up some parts a little," Prune said.

"You can sew?" Nine asked.

"A little, and I have the kit in my drawer."


Liliath shook the dress placed in front of Rin to get my attention.

"Yeah, it looks good on Rin."

"T-Thank you.." Rin turned away, looking bashful.

It's impossible to expect the Rin in this era to be the same as the one back then.. or are they even the same person? Who knows..

"How about this?" Liliath continued rummaging through the pile of dress and found a black–


Oh, I sighed again.

And so was how Liliath and Rin got their clothes. I was a little surprised that among them was that gothic dress.

As for the accessories, we got those from the other shops of course.


From her hands condensed a small pure orb, [Void Artillery]. Static shook the air, deep purple lightning danced around the sphere. The air was stiff, and from the orb came forth a black beam ten times the side of the orb– It tore through the venue.

Moirae and Laura, alarm bells ringing in their head, rushed towards Jiwon in a flickering motion. Laura casted an array of barriers, Moirae broke an S-grade talisman of warding.

The beam tore through it like paper– their only saving grace was Jiwon's last minute prototype [Omnidirectional Aegis] spell that was still in development. Their bodies slammed against the side rails by the force and forcefully ejected out into the sky.

Correction: they were blasted to the sky.

In an instant, they were sent off a few kilometers, following the trajectory of the beam as [Omnidirectional Aegis] began to crack.

"WWHHHAAATT TTHHEEE HEEELLLL!!!" Moirae shouted in panic.

Jiwon paled, casting multiple shield spells to reinforce the barrier. His arms were sore, screaming at the pain.

Even though they had already been thrown this far into the sky, the black beam was still going strong.

"JUmp away now!"



Jiwon abandoned the shield and using [Air Step], jumped away from the line of fire, carrying Moirae in his arms.

The beam along tore through the clouds and left a hole.


It was exactly the same as the Liliath he knew from the first cycle– that emaciated version of her that brought ruin to an entire kingdom.

"Damn it."


He was WEAK.

"Why the hell did you do that!?" Laura yelled.

He and Laura both had [Air Step] so they were safe, both descending towards the ground at a safe speed. As for Moirae.. Jiwon had no choice but to carry her in a princess-style.

"What.. do you mean.." Jiwon stuttered in shock.

He had not seen that expression from Laura in forever. Her brows creased in anger and vex, tear shimmering in her eyes, face red all the way to the tip of her ears.

"Have you no conscience?! They're the Gods of this world! Gods! Making enemies out of them will.. will.." Laura couldn't find the words. She didn't know what to say..

Jiwon killed someone.. in front of the gracious beings that she respected at her core..

Jiwon wanted to comfort her.. but she swiped away his hands with her magic staff.

"Murderer.. you murderer.." Laura turned her back on him, tears fell from her eyes like diamonds glittered under the moon light as.

With a hop, she flew through the air.

"W-Wait, Laura!"

Laura bounced from one invisible platform to the next, complex feelings bubbling in her heart. Jiwon chased after her with Moirae in his arms.

"That was a demon lord.. what wrong was it to kill the threat.."

"You don't know." Moirae bit her teeth.

"Don't know what?"

"The ones you just messed with.. hadn't.. they already pledge alliance.."

"Demon lords? Those demon lords pledge alliance? You think I would trust them?!"

Moirae was frustrated and angry just like laura, but she knew her life would be in jeopardy if she tried anything stupid a few hundred meters in the air.

"Where.. she.."

He lost Laura in the clouds. Jiwon closed his eyes and focused his senses.. he couldn't feel anything, as if the spirits were disrupting the flow of mana.

"Ridiculous." Jiwon spat.

Realizing Laura couldn't be found, he decided to first land on the ground to guarantee Moirae's safety. And once they had established a touchdown..

"Don't tell me you too," Jiwon asked in an irked voice.

The grass was forming ripples on the ground to the breeze of spring night.

"Sorry. Give me some time to sort through my feelings," Moirae didn't dare look at him. Her fist was clenched, something in her heart was astir.

Jiwon had killed a demon lord, that was great.. but.. if said demon lord was part of the Creator's companion? She was confused.. she didn't understand. What was going on with the world's fate. Why was the Creator a demon lord? Were the people simply toys to the Great Creator?

Moirae didn't know.. she knew too little..

Why did the Creator come here? Why did the Creator descend with a mortal body? What did the Creator do in the previous life?

Moirae didn't know.. she didn't know that this 'Creator' was the external factor, the additional cog in the wheel of fate that would change everything. Laura hadn't told her, Moirae hadn't asked about it.

"You'll regret this.."

Moirae peeked behind, seeing Jiwon staring up at the moon, declaring so.

Swearing revenge against the Creator..

Moirae didn't know which side was correct.. she didn't know which side to choose.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." Laura muttered in reply as she hopped through the air.

By some point in time, Jiwon had lost her tail. Laura, now alone, just ran. Anywhere.. somewhere.

They did have a conflict. They did argue. Laura brushed off the moment, but deep down inside, she knew it hurt. Ever since that first meeting between Noel and Jiwon, a sort of rift had been formed in their relationiship.

Laura understood as much. She knew it wasn't easy to change someone like Jiwon's mind. Though she was against most of his principles, she put up with it.

Because she loved him.

But it's because of this love she held which made it hurt so much.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!"

The ground became visible, a thin forest with white barked trees scarcely interspersed.

"Whhy.." Laura descended to the ground on her knees, punching dirt. "Why did he have to kill.. why.. is this so unfair.."

Rustle. Red eyes glinted in the shadows of dark.



A pack of a dozen or so Saber Wolves closed in on her.

Laura who was dazzling in the shine of the moon looked like a tasty prey in the eyes of these monsters.

"I have to do something.. I can't just sit around.." Laura held her staff in her hand and stood up unsteady.

The silhouette of the wolves became visible under the moonlight.

"I'm sorry.. Oppa.."

She swung her staff, a breeze blew.

Rubbing her sore back, she took a step forward, slowly stepping higher into the air. In the distance was Erudite Kingdom..

She found it unreal how far they were thrown by a single spell.. and couldn't help shudder at the destructive strength Liliath.. possessed. If Jiwon's barrier didn't hold.. Laura couldn't imagine what would've been of them.

She made up her mind..

She wouldn't compromise this.. even if it meant leaving someone she loved.

As she moved towards the direction of the kingdom, left behind here were corpses and blood smeared across the ground.

OKay-- I'm literally publishing this chapter just to tell @The_Adventurer, I seriously thank you for the powerstone. And, just so you're aware, I actually have a new series ongoing, right now. <The Writer's Illustrator is Stuck in Cookie Cult>. So if ya in need of a good read, search it up on Webnovel. Really, I appreciate it.

dotturndotcreators' thoughts