
Let's see your second trial then


Kashi and Vardes repeated this after hearing Marinette's testimony.

Marinette giggled,

"However, since you'll be the one who holds the power of the seed, you'll have to go through another trial."


Mike reacted as he shifted his gaze to Marinette, asking,

"Then, why did we have to face the trials? We're just a team, right?"

"You're right. But as I say, being a team member of the one with the seed isn't something everyone can do. Only selected members can."

Marinette replied with a smug smile.


After heeding Marinette's statement, Kashi reacted as he shifted his gaze at her, asking,

"Wait, what about Mai and Mio then? They weren't with us back then. And even Mai is still dozing."

"Ah, don't worry about her. She might be sleeping, but she was on her way to her trial."

Marinette claimed, then her eyes shifted to Mio. She added,

"As for her, she isn't qualified for the team since she has no combat ability now."
