

is a bright morning... everyone were chirping and chilling as birds....happy... carefree going to work.. suddenly a car stopped a Fashioned black car rich, and a gentleman a gem of everyone stepped.. gray...suddenly he jumped into the water...."SIR!!!" said his assistant lina with a shock she was totally frozen his mother loves him a lot if she even notices a mosquito bite...oh lord we are dead...

gray's POV

'where is she..i saw her right, yes i did she is wearing euphoria dress where are you....he swims through the water she is unconsious and her legs trapped to the bushes underwater some plants you could not actually recognise...he went near he was shocked seeing her that's angela...how did she end up like this lot of blood is dissolved in water she has been in water for such a long time???. saying that he lifts her up in the bridal style he felt soo bad for her the before time she was smiling hugging giving warmness apreading happiness and being soo..good but now she is fainted and unconscious in his arms like a dead person...i don't know who did this to you but he will regret it...saying that he takes her out of water.. '

everyone were looking at him it was like a heroic entry save scene.....lina rushed to him they both together placed her in car sent her to ho is she, how did you know that she was actually in the water??" "i saw blood right when i stepped out of car i felt it was a illusion but my intuition was right as always she is there underwater....suffering..." said gray he just went took the car drove straight to the car...

in the hospital she is admitted in the special ward. Then the doctor comes to him.."she is absoulutely fine, it's really great of for giving her first priority and admitting in the hospital..normal hospitals would have stated something and do her surgery by removing her leg, thank god you have bought her here...it was a complicated case, moreover.." "moreover????" "she's all fine she can walk in just two days this a miracle this surgery worked very fine for her...your wife.., congratulations!!!" "uh, Ahem, thanks" he walks awkwardly to her ward she sees him...she throws things at him..."what's wrong????" "you...do you know what happened to me???" "yeah, why do you hit me, for hells sake i'm the hero who saved you, moreover you should be happy you're out of danger you can walk like before.." "yes....i should be....it's unethical.......but why....and he left me and why were you stalking me all the while... I never never knew what all i and anu did since the day we met was just false he never loved me i adopted a girl he loved children...?" she was shocked she started crying and she collapsed on the floor crying hard..."since you knew it....i'll tell you what happened....but not now....." says gray..

Adamson sent his people on and on to get angela killed....it is happening from 4 months frustrated she decides to go and talk to him....

In Bosen mansion

she walks angrily and with a wet face she goes near him...

"I don't want anything neither love nor revenge i'll give you whatever you want adamson...but in exchange you have to help me in giving a life to this baby...i ask you nothing adamson..just this..and after my daughters first birthday i and my child you will never see us again.." says angela crying. adamson comes closer he takes her child into his arms and puts her in bed..."yes...i did need you for your signs for the property you have but you don't know what your lovely-dovey husband did...i dont want to torment you like this..i never wanted to frame anyone.." says adamson.."your brothers wife actually your friend's.....she is in an accident and she cannot walk because of that...I understandd your situation now i wont tell anyone anything about your secrets and I don't even want to know the situation.....why you killed me and PLEASE!!!! let me go..." adamson cries hard...he apologized her and said her that... there is another reason for her husbands death.. "I will tell you when time comes let me be with you in these months I will be there to support you." he said...

they both had a pact for each other support he helped her for the mistake he did she supported him as for the state of apology...

after 1 year,6 months...

at angela's daughter first birthday...

a lady a rich business woman.. she was sparkling moment ago now turned pale... "where is this dumb girl.. ANGELA!!." she is Angela sister Lisa.. she goes up-to the terrace in search of her.. as she reaches there witnessing the shocking moment which happenend there... Adamson threw her down the terrace, Carrying her in bridal style.. Lisa ran towards the end.. she witnessed her sister falling down smiling towards her spreading her hands slowly departing away from her... Lisa falls down. she cries bitterly getting hiccups Adamson laid his hands on her..she grabs his collar.. "YOU SON OF A BITCH.. HOW DARE YOU... ONE DAY YOU WILL DIE LIKE A DOG... THIS IS MY CURSE AND A CURSE FROM A BETRAYED WOMAN WILL NEVER BEFALL... " she left him then and there she took the little baby Angela's daughter too..angela was betrayed again by the same person and this time with the trust he also broke her completely ending her life.....she leaves from there way far... away from that city where the demon lived... no.. ruled.....

some years later...

girl lazily sleeping like a pig in the room.. "such a pain in the ass... wake up Julia!!!!!! " says her brother... as soon as she heard his voice.. she woke up he was looking...a pure heaven for girl.. his shoulder was wet as he just came out from bath his hair Sleek and shiny softly covers his eyes he brushed it away and looks towards her.. his abs they were so strong that no one needs to test the physique his water droplets of showered bath make it up even more clearer...he looked at her sister..."how beautiful my sister is.." indeed she is no less bad...her honey combed tanned skin with her little figure she looked rather cute but an beautiful girl as she is an expression queen as they both stated the worldy statements...she giving excuse....he poking such that she wakes...after all the things she grits her teeth and pouts and jumps off her bed.."you won't let me sleep anyway...it's better that i freshen up and take a bath. humph!!!!!!!!!!!" she sighs and leaves. he laughs at her childish cuteness. gray wakes up and goes down lisa is pleased to see him she runs and hugs him with tears in her eyes, "you....what a bastard you are??, you didn't tell me that you were coming back home..." "i wanted to surprise you...mom..it's high time i will date and if no one is fair enough except for my money i will marry the girl you choose, what say???" "great!!!!" they hug again as they chitchat julie comes down and joins them she is a webnovelist and popular enough so earns really rich..."mum, i have to go to los angeles...jennie my editor she lives there..she did all the other works through posts..easily..but this is a series a novel which i sidelisted for a perfect oppurtunity...i think that it's time..we meet and she is my childhood freind and an orphan living on my salary as my editor...ma..you know and i really miss her i want take this chance and be with her spend some time with her...." "i know my jennie...she's my sweetheart..she turned down our money and is living on her talent..i will send you there but not alone..brother will tag along..what say??" "okay.." "fine, julia let's pack." "okay brother." they go for packing...julia has always been greatful that her aunt became her mom, even though she is a unnecessary burden and a lovely bro..so she worked hard such that she can be high enough to take care of the household...

"brother is he still living there..the one who killed my mom.." he was shocked he looked at her sad, uncomfortable gaze hugs her tightly and says.. "he is, but your bro's always there for you.." "i love you bro..now and forever.." she said it hugging him tightly..{julia's pov} old bastard. .you see it was and is my wish to cut you into pieces and throw you down from the same terrace where you killed my mom.. thanks to you i got a new mom and bro..and also thanks to you i'm so strong ruthless..and powerful just....because of you, just wait and watch how you will suffer in my hands...* said julia she smirked as she was hugging and laying her head on her brothers chest lisa was too scared..she did have a bad intution about sending them both to los angeles..what will actually happen??? no one has an answer three of them were with different minds...and you know those thoughts and fears actually had to come true...

sorry for gramatical mistakes...please excuse me for late update....