
My Death System In The Apocalypse

Baladan Thatcher was a street punk who lived by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” His father is a deadbeat drunkard while his mother is a teacher at a kindergarten and a part timer at a orphanage. Even though Baladan is a punk who returns favors in full he was still a smart kid, he was even smart enough to get into a private school! That wasn’t the only thing special about him, ever since he was young he could see when someone was about to die. He could even effect the the time of death to a certain extent, the first time he used that ability was on accident against his own father. Ever since then he had ignored his ability trying to push it away only accidentally using it when he looks at people. That was until the sudden changes to the weather! The world didn’t know how or why but it was thrown into chaos with the changing weather! One moment it could be bright and Sunny, the next it could be hailing! Due to this they spent 2 whole years adjust to the circumstances before people were allowed back at school and work. Unluckily the day they came back the System activated sending the world through hell once more. Along with giving people who survived the sudden descent of mana onto the world powers never before seen! Now Baladan and his people must survive in the apocalypse and learn what is truly going on with the world! Unless I say otherwise none of the art I post is mine, I mainly use AI art to generate my images but may pull some off the internet if I can't make the image I am looking for! (To pronounce his name it’s Bal as in balance-uh-don so Bal-uh-don) (The system of power I am using is a mixture using mainly Sorcery from “I Am The Sorcerer King” and it’s Aura system mixed in with books like “Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse” (Blood Warlock is for the system basically) and “The Witch Hunter System” (Is for the Aura) I don’t claim to own the ideas for the system or powers/spells used in the book but this is still an original story I made up just using powers I have enjoyed in different books!) I hope you enjoy ^^

Killerspider · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Double Tap


The rest of the group that came for the buses had been forced to come up on stage one at a time and tell him their ability.

Boss: "It's called… [Authority]"

Ryder: "Oh! What does that do? Sounds like a really good ability for controlling others"

Boss: "If I was to use Mana and say something like, Cut. It would target the creature I wanted to cut and then it would cut them. Depending on the Aura or Mana of the target depends on how effective it is"

Boss had been saying all this through gritted teeth. He realized that this bastard wasn't worthy to live. The only reason he showed up was to see just what kind of man this person is.

Now that he has felt first hand what it's like to be controlled by this man he instantly made up his mind to kill him the moment he gets away from [Command].

Ryder: "Hmm, well then I like that ability… looks like I'm going to lock you up until I learn more about all these abilities! Who knows maybe I can some how steal it from you!"

He began to laugh as he waved off Boss to go stand to the side as the rest come up. The only one that wasn't present was Grim who was placed to guard the hole in the wall from undead.

Ryder: "Looks like that is everyone! Now then Rosa, I think it's about time we have some fun!"

He casually walked back stage waving her to follow him. With all her power she tried her best to stop herself from moving. Unfortunately the Command couldn't be broken with physically strength alone.

Boss: 'Damnit! This bastard is unforgivable! You better hope I never get out of your control! The moment you slip up is the moment I avenge Baladan and Rosa!'


Bal: 'Looks like they can't hear me, however someone is definitely smart enough to read my lips and guess what I'm trying to tell them. This could be interesting but I can't stay here for long. I'll have to come back for them'

"Sorry, I can't save you at the moment. I need to save my friends at the gymnasium, I will be back"

He made sure to move his lips more to try and make it even more obvious what he's saying as his figure starts to slowly walk back towards the entrance.

Bal: 'I should have more then enough Pure Mana to negate his [Command]. If I don't hurry then the others could be in trouble, I'm coming Boss… Rosa…'

He ran out the front door heading directly for the hole Grim had been forced to protect from undead.

The moment Baladan came outside and started heading to Grim the dogs tail began to wag behind him. With the mask off and no obvious wounds or anything on him, his mood instantly got better making him bark with joy!

Now this wasn't the first time he barked while protecting the hole. Each time any creature would come up it was like a warning, this meant it wasn't alarming to hear Grim making noise outside.

Bal: "Don't worry buddy, I'll get you free soon enough. That bastard won't know what hit him!"

His clothes had been covered in holes, each of these holes represented the places he had gotten bit. Even though most of the bites had healed after eating the flesh of the undead it still left little scars.

Grim instantly lowered its head rubbing its massive forehead against Baladan for a couple seconds before pulling back.

Grim: 'Good Luck! Huh? What is luck?'

His mind went elsewhere for a second as Baladan just chuckled before heading inside.

Boss had been looking around in the spot he was forced to stay in. He was trying to think of any way he could possibly break out when he saw a familiar figure walk into the building heading towards him.

He couldn't believe his eyes, the kid he had already written off as dead the moment he was sent to a zombie infested building had casually come back as if nothing was wrong.

Bal: "Where did Ryder go?"

Boss only had one command, it was to sit there and wait. With his Mana already gone he was just waiting, however the command never said he couldn't talk.

Boss: "He just went backstage, I think he went to a room in the back with Rosa…"

Bal: "Thank you, I'll be sure to make this quick!"

Boss couldn't help but look at the bite marks all across Baladan's body. The sight brought a frown to his face, the thought of how much pain the boy had gone through to get back crossed his mind as he watched Baladan head backstage.


Ryder: "Lay on the table and slowly start to strip yourself, I want to see your body willingly reveal those beautiful mounds~"

The next second Rosa was forced to take off what is left of her uniform. Her jacket was slowly slipped off her shoulders before falling to the ground. This revealed her torn up under shirt and parts of her red bra.

Ryder: "Oh~? Look at that, you came to school on your first day wearing such sexy underwear huh? What did you think your boyfriend would have done something to you or something!"

Rosa: "N-No… I wore them because I know Baladan likes a women who wears red…"

Ryder: "Haha so what? You wore and changed all this stuff about you just so you can catch his attention! I see, you are obsessed with the man aren't you? Well it's to bad he's dead now!"

Immediately he rushed forward, his hand stretched out to grab her shirt before ripping it the rest of the way! This left her with only her bra and her skirt, making her half naked now laying down before the man.

Ryder: "This is going to be a lot o-"

In the middle of his words the sound of a loud knock on the door could be heard.

Ryder: "Who is it! Don't you know I'm busy!?"

He was starting to get angry, the only possible people that could have came here was Carson or some of the weaker students that have been sitting in the middle of the gym with lifeless eyes.

The day that Baladan left was the day of the attack, after they forced the demon to leave Ryder went ballistic because of the thought of death.

He had forced all the women in his group to come into the back room while making the guys sit there and wait. That day when the women came back was the day they lost hope.

The women had bruises all over there bodies, some had ripped clothes while others had red marks all across there neck as well as black eyes. He had been so rough that if they even showed a sign of resisting he would make an example out of them.

This caused a massive divide in the groups, the girls who just went through such a traumatic moment split away from the men. While the men was forced to sit and look at what the girls had gone through with depressed expressions all across their faces.

When no answer came Ryder began to get more angry. With a couple steps he headed to the door and flung it open ready to beat the hell out of someone.

That was until a fist came flying at his face the moment he opened the door. Instantly he was caught off guard making him take the punch to the mouth before getting pulled down and beat on some more.

Ryder quickly put up his guard blocking the strong punches before finally activating his Aura to catch the hands and see who it was that had the audacity to attack him.

Bal: "Surprise, looks like you can't kill me that easily huh?"

He was completely shocked to see the bite mark covered Baladan on top of him. However he scoffed the next second as he began to place more force to push him away.

Ryder: "So what? You are still tired from the fight and now you have just delivered yourself to me! Now Kill Yourself!"

With that demand he expected Baladan to get up and try his best to commit suicide but he didn't. Just like the first time they met he stood there with a smile on his face.

Ryder: "W-What! You couldn't have gotten more Mana then me in the little time you were gone!"

Bal: "Seeing is believing but now I have decided that you should just die"

With the grip Ryder has on Baladan he unclenched his fists and grabbed onto Ryder before finally spending 5 Pure Mana to start the process of turning!

Immediately a black shadow energy came rushing out of his hands. This energy latched onto Ryder before digging into his skin before a notification appeared in his eyes.

Ryder: "Y-You! How dare you do this to me! You just infected me!? You damned brat! If I'm going to die anyways then I will be taking you with me!"

Using his enhanced powers from Aura he easily lifted Baladan before throwing him off. Baladan went flying into the wall before crashing through it! His body went tumbling into the center of the gymnasium before being quickly followed by Ryder covered in a light orange colored energy.

With Baladan unable to use Aura at the moment he quickly placed his mask on just to be prepared as a fist came flying at his body.

Bal: "[Bind] x3!"

Immediately 30 Pure Mana was used to make triple the amount of chains! These were thicker then normal as it latches onto Ryder, unfortunately they only slowed him down. With him already throwing his attack it pushed forward slamming against him before sending him flying back into another wall.

Hp: 46 (23)

His mouth filled with blood after the first 2 attacks, however now he was trapped! With little time before his turning he tried his best to break the chains. His pulling had caused some of them to break but in the next moment another couple chains launched out to hold him down.

Ryder: "Release me now! I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do!"

Bal: "Sorry but that won't be happening!"

He quickly got up before side stepping a last ditch attack just to grab his gun off Ryder's hip. His hands were steady as he lifted the gun and waited.

The minute had finally passed, slowly the darkness began to cover his body. The feeling of being turned was terrible, the pain made him scream out. At that moment when his Aura dropped Baladan had squeezed the trigger putting a bullet right between his eyes.

Of course he made sure to grab onto the shadow parts of his body making sure they don't disappear as the transformation was completed. Then a second later he put another bullet through his head making sure the undead didn't come back to life like the Hawk still trapped in Shoel.

The next second he leaned in bitting onto the new Shadow Corpses throat before tearing it out and eating it in front of everyone.

Pure Mana: 161 —> 200 (76)

Bal: 'Huh? Wait did he just give me 40 Pure Mana?'

[Congratulations! You have slain a level 10 Human! You gain 300 exp!]

[Congratulations! You have slain a level 20 Shadow Behemoth! You gain 600 exp]

Bal: 'W-What… so if I let him… if I had let him fully transform and be released he would have immediately turned into a Shadow Behemoth!?'

Boss: "Good job boy! I don't know how you did it but thanks to you we are all free!"

All the students looked on in disbelief, with the commotion happening in the middle of the gym they couldn't ignore it! Especially after Baladan had just put 2 bullets through the head of the bastard that put them through hell!

Now it was their turn to get up and start beating the corpse as Baladan walked away to join up with his group, unfortunately the people around Ryder didn't have much to attack with Ryders body disappearing in seconds. Now Baladan had gone back to see Rosa who was still in the back room.

Exp: 51,400 (Next Level: 120,000)