
My Dearest Friend: A Severandian Tale

A Severandian tale of Lilith Azaleal and Damian Rothshaw. The two have very little in common but still manage to find a way to become best friends, though Damian hopes one day he and Lilith will start a family of their own. Is there anything he won't do to make that dream a reality? Lilith has to decide what is most important. Who is most important? How far is too far?

LadyLanayru · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Prologue: Severand's Hottest Summer - Damian

He didn't make a sound. Though even if he could no one would hear him over the voracious roar of the fire. He himself was deaf to the screams of his mother, Iris, standing outside the blaze, begging the gods to protect her son from the inferno. The boy's violet eyes peered around the charring nursery, in awe of brilliant power surrounding him. He wasn't sure how to feel or what he felt. He only knew that he wasn't afraid.

The flames were inviting as they danced along the curtains and playfully licked the lampshade. The warmth reminded him of safety and the smoke began to fill his lungs. He didn't notice the burning sensation that came with each inhale, he was far too enamored with the spectacle before him and his family had often enjoyed cigars in his presence.

One thing did finally draw his attention though. A figure, barely visible through the blaze and mounting rubble. For a moment his infant mind mistook the slim, feminine silhouette to be his own mother. Only for a moment though as a long forked tail became clear, whipping through the wooden ballasts which held the mansion. The figure paused its onslaught for a moment to look in the direction of the toddler, whom it noticed was not crying as one would expect. The fiendish figure gave the boy another moment of its time, just long enough for it to sweetly wave 'hello' to him.

His vision was abruptly obscured, causing him to at last cry out into the hellish domicile.

"Shhh. It's okay Damian. I've got you. Be quiet now." He heard his father speak to him, sounding more annoyed and panicked than happy to have found his son. Damian did not stop his wales even as his father fumbled down the stairs, narrowly avoiding a splintering beam. He was not nearly as lucky the second time. The eastern wing of the mansion groaned as it buckled under the faltering supports and the second story. Thankfully Magnus was not in the east wing but a stray board was flung across the home, slicing him across the bridge of his nose and narrowly missing his eyes.

"Ah! Fuck! Gods damn it all!" he yelled angrily, almost at his shrieking son. Pushing past the pain, the tears, and the blood now pouring profusely onto his lips and jaw, Magnus bolted through the opened front doorway.

Once outside he began catching his breath and resentfully shoved the screaming boy into his mother's arms, happy he was able to appease her while retaining his own life. He looked up towards the second story, spotting the slender silhouette standing in the window of what would soon be the remains of his son's bedroom.


This was not the first and nor would it be the last time that the Rothshaw Manor was ignited against the Severandian sky.

Damian was 4 years Old

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