
My Dark Crush

Have you heard of "the angels". The playboy boy's band that consist of four angelic looking boys that could take your breath away. Bryan Ernold is the leader of this popular band. The most handsome depends on your bias. This boy band consist of four dangerously handsome Playboys that flirt even on stage. They own the heart of thousands of ladies around the world especially teenagers. And this made them so full of themselves. They felt no lady could resist their charm until they met her. She is more like a broken vessel. She is a lady of no emotions. And who is she??? She is Bianca Evans. A really beautiful lady that could pass for an angel. She have long silky black hair that stop by her waist, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, deep blue eyes, cute nose, pink lips, dimples on both side of her cheeks, crazy curves and an angelic voice that could make you fall for her over and over again. What happen when Bianca leaves the countryside to come live in the city and she was enrolled into the same highschool with the angels??? What happen when the angels discover that she is the first lady that wasn't smitten by their looks???! What will happen when she happen to steal Bryan's heart on their first meeting and he happen to be someone she hate soo much due to the coincidence of him bearing the same name with someone who has caused her pain???? Will Bryan be able to mend her broken heart??? Will he be able to put a smile on the face of this lady who has forgotten how to smile??? How far will Bryan go to make her love him just the way he loves her??? What will happen when Bryan girlfriend and family becomes an obstacle??? Will Bryan be able to protect her from another heartbreak???

Danial_Arif_Harry · Adolescent
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27 Chs



" Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " Cathy screamed in anger and humiliation. Uncontrollable tears keep dropping from her eyes.

She felt soo humiliated, a commoner just embarrassed her in front of the whole school.

Firstly, she was slapped, then she was threatened, after that her uniform was soiled, all by a commoner yet she couldn't do anything about it.

" No, No, No " She suddenly said shaking her head.

"I will have my revenge. I must have my revenge " She stood up abruptly and face Jessica and Bella.

" I am soo disappointed in you guys, you couldn't even do anything to save me in there " She snapped angrily at them.

" What do you expect us to do? Weren't you there when she banged our heads together? We were trying to save you but ended up with a bump on our heads and all you could do is snap at us you ingrate " Bella yelled standing on her feet as well. She was obviously transferring her anger 💢 on Cathy.

" Then do you wanna hit me too, do you realize you just raise your voice at me? " Cathy asked puzzled.

" You think i can't hit you? A commoner just slapped you and you did nothing about it, so tell me why i can't raise my voice at you " Bella yelled glaring dangerously at her.

Cathy launched towards her but Jessica was quick to stand in between them.

" Woah, chill girls. Are you trying to fight right now? Do you think fighting can solve this problem at hand? Get a grip of yourselves and relax. We have more important things to do other than fighting ".

Cathy and Bella glared angrily at each other before stepping back and taking their former seat. Cathy breath in and out trying to control her anger 💢.

" What do you suggest we do to her " Cathy finally asked.

They three girls sat there, thinking 🤔 of the possible ways to deal with this single girl that has caused them enough humiliation only on her first day at school.


The lunch break is finally over and all the students had settled back into their respective classes.

The period after break is free for the final year students of P. H. S. They all sat down, scattered in their classroom and chattering away.

The angels went to the school garden 🏡 to avoid the excess noise in their class.

Everyone at class seems to be talking about the newbie. Ciara sat with Bianca since her ( Bianca's ) seatmate has gone to chat with her friends.

" Don't you think you went a little overboard? I mean what you did will only land us in trouble and trust me you don't wanna be at logger head with Cathy " Ciara nagged. She' s been doing that since they left the cafeteria and all Bianca has been doing is to just ignore her. After all that what she know how to do best, She just concentrated completely on the book in front of her.

Adrian who was sitting with his friends, Celeb and Jeremy, were also be talking about Bianca.

" I love how fierce she is " Adrian said

" She is soo fearless " Celeb said staring at her.

" And crazily beautiful " Jeremy added staring at her dreamily.

" I can't wait to add her to my girlfriend list " Adrian smirked 😼.

" I know she will be sweet down there too " He added and unconsciously licked his lip.

" She won't be easy to get, so you better be careful. If not, you won't only be slapped, your balls may also be crushed " Jeremy warned him.

" That why i already have my plan mapped out. I can't wait to put them into action. She won't be able to resist my charms, she would fall into my trap just like every other girl out there " He chuckled.

" You never can tell with her " Celeb said.

" I want her too " Jeremy muttered.

" That will make it more fun, let place a bet on her then. Whoever get to lay her first wins " Adrian challenged them.

" I' m not interested, it obvious you gonna win anyway " Celeb backed out even before the game started.

" Well this time maybe different " Jeremy stated determined.

" You know you are no match for me when it comes to winning ladies over, right? But since you really wanna play the game, i wish you luck. May the best player win but get ready to lose " Adrian said proudly.

Jeremy knows he has a lower chance of winning but he still want to give it a try. Adrian has always been able to get any lady he want due to his looks and family status but he still won't give up before starting, who knows, Bianca might be an expectation.


The 'angels' looked pretty engrossed in whatever conversation they were having but Bryan seems to have zone out again.

" Right, Bryan? " Chris threw a question at him and that was when they noticed that he wasn't listening to them at all.

Jason tapped him and that was when he lifted his head to look at them.

" You seem to zone out alot recently, are you sure you are okay? " Justin asked concerned about his recent attitude.

" Yeah, am fine " He replied smiling ruefully.

" No, you're not " They chorused and chucked afterwards.

" Hmmmm.....What do you guys think about the new girl? ".

" Huh, is that what all these is about? " Chris asked smiling mischievously.

" Well, she is extremely beautiful and irresistible " Jason stated and smirked but when he noticed the look Bryan was giving him, he quickly added

" But since you' ve been zoning out lately because of her, it means you have a huge crush on her and as for me i know am just attracted to her looks and shape. So you can have her first but if you are not able to get her, then i'd go for her"

" Isn't she the lady from yesterday? "Chris asked

"Of course she is. But come to think of it, do you think Cathy will allow you date someone else from this school? " Justin reasoned.

" I don't think Cathy will be a problem. Cathy is probably too scared to face her again " Chris said.

" I love how fierce and brave she is " He added.

" She didn't even give a damn about Cathy's family status " Bryan said smiling.

" Keep smiling lover boy. If you will take my advice. I'd advice yo to quickly shoot your shot if not you might lose her to someone else. Someone like Adrian who will only hurt her feelings " Chris advised

" Since she lives with the nerd according to what Cathy and her minions said in the cafeteria earlier, does that mean she works at their restaurant as well ? I think that explain where we met her yesterday " Justin said shaking his head.

" I think we should place an order there one of these days even though the place is kinda local but who knows luck might be on our side and she might be the one to deliver the order " Chris suggested.

Bryan smiled to himself, trust his friends to always help him in getting anything he want.


Ryan keeps stealing glances at Bianca. He no longer pay attention to the girl beside him. He keeps looking at Bianca at regular interval and that went a long way in infuriating Claire.

Ryan just couldn't explain how he felt looking at her. She looked more beautiful and her flawless skin seems to be glowing. Looking at her there in the classroom, he decided that he is going to try his luck with her again. She might be crazy but he knows she loved him and will never hurt him, so he will go and apologize to her and he knows she won't be able to turn him down.


The school finally close for the day and the students began to leave for their various home. Ciara stood by Bianca's seat and watched her arrange her books into her bag 🎒 .

After most of students has dispersed, the Angels walked into the class to pick their bags.

As bianca was about to pick the last sets of her books one of fell down, she bent to pick it up but someone seems faster than her.

She straighten up, waiting for the person to stand up and when he finally did, it turned out to be the guy who was sitting in front of her, his hair was dyed purple and it kinda suit him.

He stretched the book and as she wanted to collect it, their hands accidentally brushed against each other. Bryan felt a spark as a faint blush crept into his cheeks.

Bianca looked at him in the eyes, he looked kind of familiar. Bryan on the other hand, stared at her deep ocean blue eyes and he felt lost in them. Bianca was the first to withdraw her eyes has she collected her book completely from him and put it in her bag and turn to leave.

" Hi, i'm Bryan Ernold " Bryan introduced himself smiling.

" Bryan, isn't that Ryan's full name " Bianca thought and turned to look at him again, he looked kinda familiar though. That was when it stuck her, he was the reckless driver from yesterday apart from the fact that he dyed his hair purple, he is the same person. She then looked at the rest of the boys and they were the same set of people intact they were staring at her weirdly today too. The kind of look she's been receiving since she step her foot into that school that morning.

She just turn around and walk out without uttering a word.

" I'm sorry about her behavior " Ciara apologized on her behalf blushing 😊 profusely.

" No, it fine actually " Bryan replied

Ciara almost scream out in joy. Bryan just talk to her, luck really shun on her today. She bowed her head shyly and ran after Bianca whom she's sure will be waiting for her outside.

T. B. C

Long episode right ? let appreciate it with long comments pls.

Cathy is still planning revenge. That girl go chop wotowoto i swear.