
My Curse

I'm never the same once it has been broken. Tell me what You Guys think so far, if u like it then I'll keep writing.

princetongirl1100 · Fantaisie
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The Beginning

It all started when I was born. I didn't cry like most babies do when they are coming out of there mothers womb. The doctor was confused, my eyes where white. My mother and father tried finding answers to why my eyes where different than the whole family line. Finally they found a woman deep in the forest in a old cottage. She saw my eyes and her face went frozen. She petrified. "The old curse is back on the land, get a cut or our land will die." the woman said. My parents where scared. "Why not a cut, and why has this curse land upon our daughter?" my parents where scared of what would happen. " Her Blood runs with death, it can kill millions and never be revived." "How must we break this curse?" "You must have her blood drained from a pure blood before her 16th birthday, if not she will bleed for eternity and kill us all." The woman railed of crying. My parents where scared but they only knew one town that had blood sucking monsters. Ellegely.