
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Who killed them?

It was three-fourteen in the morning when Chief Higgins was awoken by the sound of his phone ringing. "It's so early, who could be calling at such an hour?", he thought to himself as he grabbed his phone. The name Alexandra Gebroski, came up on the screen, and he quickly answered, "Hello? Misses Gebroski? What seems to be the issue?", he asked her.

Her reply sounded urgent as she spoke over the phone. "Mr. Higgins, come quickly. You might want to see this."  

Chief Higgins wasted no time, he quickly got up from his bed and got dressed, and then he grabbed his keys and hopped into his car. Wasting no time, he drove to  where Alexandra was. Provided her location, he used his GPS to locate her. 

"The construction site? What in the world is she doing there?", he thought to himself. "Whatever happened, it must be serious any time, I was woken up so early.", he sighed as he pulled out of his garage and made his way to the construction site. 

When he got there, loads of police officers and paramedics were all around the site. It wasn't quite morning yet, but it was getting there. Chief Higgins pulled his car over to the side of the road in no particular fashion. He needed to see what happened and why he was called to the scene so early.

He soon realized how serious things were when he stepped out of his car, he saw loads of bodies at the scene. "What the hell happened here?!" He snapped, looking at all the bodies in the vehicle's and outside on the ground. One of the officers, officer Sam, responded, "That's what we're trying to figure out sir. We checked all the bodies and so far all we have been able to find is nothing, no evidence of a struggle against anyone or anything." The officer shook his head, as Alexandra Gebroski walked over. "Chief, I do apologize for waking you up so early, though I feel like we might have a lead to our earlier case.," she insisted, motioning for the Chief to follow her.

They walked over to one of the bodies and looked at it, examining it closely.  When they suddenly heard a voice, and officer after officer quickly moved out of the way. "Special forces coming through, out of the way, out of the way!", one of the special forces, officers pushed through the crowd.  

Special forces, officer Vero made his way through the crowd of police officers, the officers wasted no time as they cleared a path for him. Officer Vero was a special forces officer, he worked on the special cases, and he was a higher rank than police officers and even the chief of police, and yes, he made sure to take advantage of that title, "what the hell happened here.", he snapped, looking around the crime scene.

Chief Higgins spoke up, "your guess is as good as mine.", he walked over to one of the bodies and bent down, he put his gloves on and then began inspecting the body, Officer Vero walked over to Alexandera after instructing his people to find any evidence of what could of possibly happened, Alexandera was looking at the body's and at her notes, she had recently worked on quite a few case's that we're similar to this, but whatever did this had to of been really strong, "this is the fifth case i have worked, with the same outcome.", she said as she looked up from her notes, it was just so confusing to her. 

"Five cases, with the same outcome? Can you be any more specific?", Vero replied as he put his hands in his pockets and looked around the crime scene "We have the same thing here, nothing but dead bodies no evidence of a struggle or anything. Why is this happening? What in the hell is causing people to drop like this?", he frowned, "I want to interview everyone who was here after hours!" He commanded.

Chief Higgins sighed, he didn't like Vero, because Vero always thought he could boss others around just because of his ranking, and it pissed Higgins off, Vero hadn't worked on the last few cases, so how come he had a say in anything? But it wasn't like he, or anybody here could really say anything to Vero, and it wasn't like it would help them with there search if anyone did.

So he just had to bite the bullet and do what he asked, "somebody find out who was at the construction site after hours, and contact them all for questioning.",one of the officers had heard Higgins command and nodded, "yes sir!" The officer said before walking off to go contact any construction workers that had stayed behind that night. 

Quinton sighed as she layed in her bed, it was somewhere around three-fourteen in the morning, She had forgotten that she had a project she needed to finish before the week was out, but she didn't know how she would be able to do it and handle being around Candice and Amelia, as annoying as they both were, determined to make her life harder than it already was. 

After Athena had left Quintons house around eleven, Quinton decided to go on her computer and do some research, but the research she was looking for she didn't know if it was a good idea to be looking for it on the Internet.

She knew that if she didn't go through a private server, her search history would be saved, regardless of if she deleted it, so her best bet was to stick to books and asking her parents. It was to late to ask her parents about anything right now, but she could go into the library downstairs.

With that thought in mind, she got up from her bed and silently made her way downstairs, she looked around the house, all the lights were out so she figured everyone was sleep, well everyone but her dad, he was still on his way back from work. 

He said he was working late, but then again it was almost four in the morning and he still wasn't home yet, but apparently her mom was wondering the same thing, as Quinton noticed her mom was sitting on the couch, it looked as if she hadn't shut her eyes at all, "mom? What are you doing up so late...?", she asked her mother, Mania.

Mania looked up at Quinton and was surprised "Quinton honey, shouldn't you be asleep?", she asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow, Quinton nodded in response and then proceeded to speak, "yes mom, but i just wanted to go to the library for some research, let me know when dad gets back", Quinton smiled before heading towards the library, but before she had a chance to head into the library.

The front door swung open, and both Quinton and Mania looked up at the door there eyes widened as Quintons dad walked in, carrying a young boy on his back, who looked as if he passed out, "i think we have a small problem on our hands.", he said in a serious tone but slightly out of breath.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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