
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

The Green Eyed Man

Arron held himself up against the wall, hacking and coughing up a storm. if it wasn't for everyone in the facility knowing who he was and what he could do to them, someone would have told him to shut up. but instead, they all kept their mouths shut, not wanting to become one of his next victims in his fit of anger, as if he could make them one at the moment. "i told you not to go to far, you could of killed yourself stupid idiot!", Arron's partner said, crossing his arms. he was quite literally the only one who could ever talk to Arron like he'd lost his mind, mainly because the two of them could go head to head in a fight and end up in a tie.

"relax Wayne, I'm fine, it's nothing I can't heal from.", Arron coughed up some of the green goo, and Wayne sighed, "you used so much energy to fight off those people, and now your suffering", Wayne complained. the thing was, the two of them had been co-worker friends at their old job, when they both got a letter from Void, offering them the unthinkable just to work for them. if the two knew what they'd of been getting themselves into, Wayne would of never showed Arron the letter.

"I know I got carried away, Wayne," Arron said, coughing and regaining his breath. He hated showing weakness in front of others, but he also trusted Wayne to keep things between them. With one final deep breath, he stood up straight and wiped away the goo and spit from his mouth. "But sometimes, we have to push ourselves to the limit to get results." Wayne looked at Arron with a mixture of concern and admiration. Despite his recklessness, Arron had a way of getting things done, even if it meant putting himself in harm's way.

Arron sighed, the fight between him and those humans really did take a lot out of him, he didn't even tell Wayne the half of it. "Ugh, I think a few of my familiar's died." ,he said with an annoyed expression. It was known that his ability was unlike others, he could turn any human into a zombie like creature, they usually then can only follow his command. He liked to refer to them as familiars since he couldn't have one of his own.

Wayne raised an eyebrow at Arron's words. "Your familiars? The lab testing hasn't even been finished, your powers are still highly unstable Arron, we don't know what could happen if one of those things die, for all we know they could be tied to your life force! And if they are, then If they died...," he trailed off, leaving the implication hanging in the air. Arron scowled and shook his head. "It happens sometimes. I can summon more," he said, trying to downplay the situation. But Wayne could sense the underlying worry in Arron's voice. He knew that the power takes a lot out of Arron, and he didn't know how much damage it could do.

The two men stood there in silence for a moment, both lost in thought. Then, Wayne spoke up. "Listen, Arron, you know I always have your back, but this time, I think you might have bitten off more than you can chew. It's not worth losing yourself in these experiments if it means sacrificing your health and sanity. We need to be careful." Arron nodded, feeling a knot in his stomach. As much as he wanted to deny it, he knew Wayne was right. 

Even so, Arron jumped at the familiar voice of the top boss, Mia. everyone knew her but not her abilities, at least nobody but Arron knew them, Mia had recently needed his help a lot, so he'd been promoted to a higher rank passing his friend Wayne. "Good afternoon, Arron, Wayne." Mia said professionally, but with that mysterious cold gaze she was known for.

Arron nodded respectfully as Mia approached. "Boss, what can we do for you?", he said, quickly pushing down any feelings of unease her presence gave him. Wayne stood next to him, silent but alert. As much as he disliked Mia, he knew better than to disrespect her in front of her face.

Mia gave them both a smile that didn't reach her eyes, and she gave off a aura of confidence and coldness, "I need to talk to Arron about yesterday's mission." She said, crossing her arms. Arron nodded "Of course, boss," he said, maintaining a calm demeanor. "What would you like to discuss?" Wayne shifted uncomfortably next to him, silently praying that Arron wouldn't do anything stupid.

Suddenly, Mia gave Wayne a death defying look, as if to tell him to leave, most missions assigned by her were confidential, even if Wayne and Arron we're partners, Wayne was not on the same level. Wayne got the hint loud and clear. With a nod and a quick look of understanding towards Arron, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Once Wayne left, Arron's Calm demeanor changed, he wasn't at all the same Arron Wayne had been friends with, he was quite cocky and void of emotion. but so his friend didn't think he lost his soul or some shit, he would act like his old self around Wayne, he didn't want to deal with what would come with his friend finding out about this.

Arron stood there, facing Mia, his demeanor completely different from how he was around Wayne. The arrogance and cockiness that he usually hid came out full force and he gave her a sly smile. "Now that he's gone, let's cut to the chase. I know I went a little overboard, but it was necessary. I got the job done, didn't I? And let's not forget, I'm the only one who can complete these missions without fail anyway."

Mia gave a roll of her eyes "don't be so cocky Arron, your abilities may be strong but don't let it get to your head.", she said with a frown, even she'd noticed how he was hurting himself more, being so irrational with his powers. Even if she'd brought him into it, even though his abilities were unstable, she didn't want to get her own hands dirty. And if he died being arrogant then who would do the dirty work for her then?

Arron chuckled wryly. "Come on, Boss. Arrogance comes with the job. Besides, I know my limits. I wouldn't push myself too far if I didn't think I couldn't handle it." He grinned confidently, clearly enjoying the exchange. But there was a hint of vulnerability in his eyes, as if he was trying desperately to hide his exhaustion and pain. Even he knew that he was pushing himself to the brink, but he couldn't help it. The rush of power and control was too tempting.

This was all possibly because of his powers, he didn't get them like most superhumans did, from birth. No, his we're given to him, in other words, he was the labs test subject, and they'd created a mutant, he was very powerful in terms of agility, speed, strength and defense, his ability only made him even more dangerous, this all sounded good, but the more he used his powers the more he felt himself lose his humanity.

As much as he tried to hide it, Arron knew the truth. The power that he wielded, the abilities that he'd been given, they came at a cost. With each use of his powers, he felt himself slipping further away from his humanity. The line between man and beast was blurring, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold onto his humanity.

"I know the risks.", he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But what's the alternative? To turn my back on all this...power?...to give in to weakness?", he said out loud.

He was lucky that during the testing in the lab, they prescribed him daily medicine to reverse his powers effects. But how long would that last for before he turned into a true monster, would he ever be able to recognize his own friend Wayne anymore? What would happen to him, was the only unknown he feared. Even so, the hunger for power raged inside him, a side effect of his ability.

Mia smiled and nodded, she didn't really care, she just wanted him to do her bidding, but if he died, she couldn't use him anymore, that was the only reason she'd been ordering the serum for him. "Arron, I assure you, you will be fine, Void will do everything to protect you, you are family, remember?", she gave him a soft smile.

And Hearing Mia's words, Arron felt a strange sense of comfort. As much as he struggled with the consequences of his powers, he couldn't deny the bond he shared with Mia and Void. They had taken him in, given him purpose. He gave a small nod, trying to ignore the twinge of doubt in his mind. "Yeah. Family. I won't forget it. And I'll continue to serve Void with everything I have.", Mia was satisfied with his loyalty to Void, she had him wrapped around her finger, as she did, everyone under Void.


Quinton and the group had finally made it to Wendy's house, and Wendy was currently trying to get inside, problem was, the doors were locked and a spell was on the house, Plus she forgot her keys. "This sucks!", Amelia groaned in annoyance and she vigorously shook the door handle. And Wendy rolled her eyes, "relax, I'll try another door unlocking spell I learned!", Wendy said proudly, taking out her spell book and flipping through it before landing on a page and saying the spell. Which still didn't work, and she frowned. "That was spell 115! Come one!", Athena complained. her legs were hurting since they'd been standing outside for a good 30 minutes to an hour now.

Quinton sighed and shook her head, after all, who puts a spell on their house to lock it?

Suddenly, Wendy smiled proudly and nodded. "this, this one will definitely work!", she said, with more excitement than she'd ever shown in her 17 years of living. She began to speak the words in the spell book and something actually happened, as the magical barrier around the house went down and the door unlocked.

Wendy pushed the door open and they all walked in, and the moment they did, the houses door shut on them and locked. "What the...", Wendy said in shock, and everyone looked at her in suspicion.

Athena ran to the door and pulled at it, but it wouldn't open. "We're trapped!", Athena said tugging at the door handle in fear.