
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Fantaisie
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30 Chs



"Quinton sweety, it's okay, everything's going to be fine!", Quinton's mother said to her with a urgent tone, she embraced her and Quinton embraced her as well,"M-mommy I don't know why. i did that!", she cried to her, tears couldn't stop flowing but Quinton's mom wiped them away, "honey, your growing up and getting older, and theres some things i think we should talk about with you as a family.", she looked at Quinton with serious eyes, this all felt so surreal to her but it felt like a memory that happened, her surroundings we're dark, it must of been nightfall, and there was alot of smoke to, like a whole lot, Quinton's eyes darted around and then her mom picked her up and ran after the rest of the family, "honey, when you get older you will understand why we do this.",Quinton's mom said, in the distance police sirens we're heard Flashback ends

Suddenly, Quinton was shook awake,"woah! Ugh did i fall asleep?", she spoke in a groggy tone. "Yes. Yes you did, you idiot!" Candice said as she chewed her gum loud and obnoxiously to purposefully annoy Quinton. Quinton rolled her eyes, "thanks for telling me, I guess." Quinton had a slight look of annoyance at Candice's uncalled-for attitude. "So where should we do this project?" Wendy asked in an uninterested tone. 

It took a moment for Quinton to stir, but when she did she noticed she was in the nursing station. She might have passed out from the information. Did she really hate her bullies that much? Or could it be something else? 

As the group settled in, Quinton's mind still lingered on the vivid dream she had just experienced. The memory felt so real, as if it were a glimpse into the past. She couldn't shake off the sense of mystery that had enveloped her in that dream. 

Candice, still popping her gum, broke the silence, "Alright, enough daydreaming, Quinton. We've got a project to work on, so now that you are awake, let's go."

Quinton nodded and tried to push aside the thoughts of her strange dream. She got up from bed and nodded. They started discussing the details of their project as they began leaving the nurses' office. Quinton looked towards the clock and noticed it was basically almost time for school to be out. She was out for a while then, huh? Once everyone was in the hallway, they all discussed who's house they'd start the project at. It had been decided that they'd all take turns doing the project at different houses. Quinton didn't like this idea, she didn't want anyone coming to her house. 

"Well, go to my house last then! Well, finish the project there okay?", Quinton said with a slight but unnoticeable worried tone. After deciding who's house they'd do the project at, on what different day was settled, the first house they'd do the project at would be Candice's. 

Candice sighed and called her super fancy limo to pick Quinton and the others up, "what a show off", Quinton thought. They all got in the limo and she gave him the cue to take them to her house. On the way there, they were all pretty surprised. They had never been in a limo before. Well, besides Candice and her friend, while they were on their way to her house, they all began discussing the project. 

diving into research and planning. As they delved into the beginning of their work, Quinton couldn't help but wonder about the meaning behind her dream and what her mother had meant when she said, "when you get older, you will understand why we do this." It was so confusing, and one thing is for sure.... she wanted answers.

She also wanted to know what happened that day. She's never been able to remember it all and it constantly messes with her mind. In the mist of her questioning herself, she forgets about everything around her and then someone taps her shoulder and brings her back to reality. "Hello, pay attention.", it was Amelia. Quinton quickly shook her head as to bring herself back to focus, "r-right, sorry!",she says with a jumpy tone. She always spaced out. It was a thing she had since she was little, in fact.

Quinton sighed, and shook her head once more. "Sorry I keep spacing out", she said with a nervous laugh. " So what exactly will we do for the project?" Amelia asked Quinton. Quinton looked at Amelia and gave a small sigh, "Oh yeah, the project..." she said, trying to remember the details of the project. "I think we have to make some sort of story presentation, and it has to deal with are lives." She paused for a moment, thinking about what topic to choose. "I don't really have any ideas yet, though, what about you?" She asked Amelia. 

Amelia looked towards Candice and shrugged, and then Wendy spoke in a raspy tone "what if we took real life events from each of our lives and put them together to make a story?" She said, her expression not changing. Quinton thought about Wendy's suggestion. It sounded like a good idea, but she couldn't really think of any significant events that would make a good story. She glanced over at Amelia, wondering if she had any ideas. "I like that idea, Wendy, but I don't really have any events to add. Do you have any?" Quinton said, directing the question to Amelia. Amelia sighed, "girl, your the weirdest out of all of us, you HAVE to have something interesting you must be hiding.", she scoffed at Quinton. Quinton was slightly annoyed by this but she continued to keep her composure. 

Quinton let out a sigh of annoyance. "Just because I don't talk about my personal life as much doesn't mean I'm hiding anything," she said, annoyed. "And I'm the weird one? Please, I've seen some of the things you do in your spare time." She said, her composure beginning to slip.

Before Amelia could snap back at Quinton, the limo hit a speed bump and everyone looked out the window to see a huge mansion. Everyone but Candice, Amelia, and Quinton were surprised, as Quinton was still slightly upset. Quinton narrowed her eyes in suspicion as she looked out the window and saw the huge mansion. She quickly turned to face the other girls, her voice still slightly annoyed. "Show off. Much."  She thought to herself, looking at them with an annoyed expression on her face.

Candice smiled, feeling proud of nothing, since this was her parents' mansion, not hers, and as the limo pulled up to the mansion Quinton couldn't help but notice Athena was looking out the window. She must have been surprised to be at Candice's house. "Woah! Your home is so big!!", she looked at Candice excitedly. And Quinton could tell this was going to be a long, hard day.