
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Everyday Things

Quinton stretched and yawned as she woke up from her sleep. She took a moment to blink a few times and get her vision steady, and then she turned her head to look at her clock. ".....six-twenty?! I have 40 minutes till my bus arrives!", She quickly got up from her bed, and then she walked to her drawers, pulling out some gray sweatpants and a white shirt, then she looked at her wavy, blue hair in the mirror and adjusted it into a nice ponytail. She was never the best at dressing up, but it didn't really matter to her, she'd just throw anything on and call it Fashion. 

It was quite obvious this was one valid reason why she probably had no friends. She then grabbed her bookbag, put her shoes on and walked out of her room to the kitchen. "Morning mom! Morning dad!", she waved at them both as she walked past them, heading for the door. Her mom waved back with a warm smile on her face. "Good morning sweetie!" Her mom and dad were sitting at the table drinking tea and coffee. Her dad was reading the newspaper and Quinton herself would be late if she stalled any longer, so she walked out the door and headed for the bus stop. Her siblings were waiting for her at the bus stop. Her brother Daniel waved her over and smiled "I knew you'd be late again sis", he chuckled. Quinton rolled her eyes, a hint of annoyance crossed her face. "Shut up Daniel!", she scowled. She had no patience with him right now, she knew that the moment she got on that bus, she'd be the laughing stock once again. Just like in her previous school's, Milton Springs, Rooster High, and Raina Gulfport. Her family has had to move countless times to cover up- I mean find a better place to settle. It would always either be that of a housing issue, a school issue, or a work issue that had them moving; This, this was going to be different though, Quinton could feel it.

Quinton and her siblings waited at the bus stop for the bus. After a while, the bus finally decided to pull up, and they all got on. Seats got taken up fairly quickly though, and as usual, Quinton had to sit alone. At least she got the window seat though, right? The bus ride to school was about 20–25 minutes and Quinton took this as an opportunity to listen to her favorite podcasts, RottenPotato's podcast. She had the best true-crime stories. After the long bus ride to school, all the kids got off the bus and headed inside. Quinton was last to get off the bus and go inside. On her way in she could hear whispers from everyone. But she ignored them and went about her business. That was until someone tripped her purposely. She looks around at all her papers scattered on the floor. She spent hours last night putting these together. "Dang it", she thought to herself, looking at the papers.  She quickly picked all her papers up and put them together in no order whatsoever, then she got up off the floor and turned around. " aren't you gonna apologize?",she said to the girl that tripped her. She knew this girl, her name was Candice and she was one of her annoying bullies. Candice rolled her eyes and responded, "No,no I won't. Know your place you freak!", she snapped at Quinton, getting the whole school to laugh at her. Quinton's eyes filled with rage, her intrusive thoughts taking over for a split second as she battled her mind, she sighed and took a deep breath and replied, "... Fair enough.", what more could she reply with? She went to speak again but before she had a chance, the school bell rang. Luckily for her, what she was going to say, she should save for later. 

Quinton walked to her class and when she walked in there were a few seats empty but some, if not most, of her class was there. Wendy the girl with an Emo style, which wasn't that bad honestly, then there was Kester. He had a horrible taste in fashion just like Quinton did, but his looks made up for that, and the half of his brain, which disappeared with it. "One time he had to answer a simple math equation, three times five to the second power and this nitwit said 120, and has the audacity to make jokes about me?!",Quinton thought to herself, there were other students but shed never really talked to anyone in her class like that so she didn't know them well at all, she walked to her seat and sat down placing her bag beside her and preparing for class to start, besides the stupid encounter with Candice this morning, everything was going great, that was until Candice walked in the classroom, for a split second Quinton had forgotten that she had first period with Candice, but not just Candice, Candice's friend Amelia was in this class to. 

On the inside, Quinton was angry, but she showed no anger in front of people. Her parents raised her to never show vulnerability. "It's a weakness best to be used when necessary", her mother would always say, and she was playing a dangerous game here, but that's what life is all about, getting a little dangerous. After the full class had come in and took their seats, things got a little chatty. The teacher waited for the class to shut their mouths so she could begin her lesson, but they never did, so she had to shut them up herself. "Okay, class time to quiet down! We have a lot to go over today!" Their teacher, Mrs. Bernie said. Everyone quieted down for the most part, but there was still some lingering chatter till the whole room went quiet. The teacher sighed and then called a student named Rose to hand out some pamphlets. Rose got up and walked over to the teacher, and she was then handed the pamphlets. She began walking around passing out the pamphlets one by one and once she was done she walked back to her seat and awaited further instructions. 

"Today is going to be a project day. You are all going to be in groups of 4 to create a project where you create a story based off true events in your lives.", the teacher said. This sudden talk about a group project had Quinton feeling kind of tense because, one, she didn't want anyone coming to her house, and two, she didn't even know who she would be paired with. Plus, what exactly do you write for something like this? Quinton was panicking so much she forgot to listen to the teacher, so she went back to focusing on the teacher. 

"Make sure your story matches the guidelines written on your pamphlets! No short stories or fake stuff you find on the Internet. In my last class, a group did this about a school murder case that came up recently, stating that whoever did it was some supernatural creature that could shape shift, a COMPLETE waist of my time!! So PLEASE think about this like it's your life on the line kids!"

Quinton sighed, she'd heard about this school case. In fact, she was there. She found the student dead and reported it, but wanted to stay anonymous to the public. 

"Now i will discuss groups! The first group is Ivory, Clementine, Ray and Rose. The second group is Summer, Kester, Cory, and Alexander." Quinton was quite anxious that she didn't want to hear her name associated with Candice or Amelia. She'd go with anyone else, just not those two. "And the last group is actually going to be 5 people, since two students are out currently and won't be back for a month, and one of them just never comes to class, so the last group is, Wendy, Quinton, Athena, Amelia, and Candice!" Quinton had a look of dissatisfaction on her face. there was no way she'd get anything done in this group of 5. And even worse, she's in a group, with Candice and Amelia.