
My Collection Of Poems

This book contains the poems I've written that have themes about life, love, heartache, and many more. It is a compilation of my poems in different genres that can be enjoyed by anyone. However, there are words in my poems that contain explicit or vulgar words, so please read with caution and guidance. Please be informed as well that I do not authorize anyone to use or republish my poem without my written permission. Please be reminded that plagiarizing can put you into trouble.

uwak · Urbain
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23 Chs

Apollo and Daphne

Once there was a God, named Apollo

Power, strength, greatness and glory was his

Mortals respect him and bowed down their head low

And scenario like this gave him bliss.

And then he met Eros, who struck people to love

Yet Apollo mocked him and told him to leave

For the victory he won, he feels so above

Devaluing the help and duty that Eros's gave.

After winning against the Python, Apollo's audacity increase

Showing no interest on Eros's ability.

So he came out with a plan that may tease,

Avenging from Apollo's hostility.

Eros climbed on a rock of Mt. Parnassus

And unleashed two arrows from his bow.

The sharp, gold-tipped arrow hit Apollo with no excuse

While the blunt, lead-tipped arrow hit Daphne, oh!

The arrow that hit Apollo made him fell for Daphne—a nymph

But the arrow received by Daphne made her avert from Apollo's love.

And that send dismal to the God's lymph

Made him miserable for he want Daphne, but he can't have.

Daphne rejected Apollo despite of repeated pleadings

Also some other guys who tried to get her.

The arrow seemed to cover her feelings,

Killing Leucippus when she discovered that he tricked her.

And so Apollo persistently pursue her

But Daphne wants to preserve her virginity and escape from his love,

So she pleaded help from Peneus—her father

And with that, Daphne succeed in escaping from love.

Peneus turned her into a nice, short plant with excellent smell

And that plant was called "laurel" which means her name.

The God was so heart-broken for really hard, he fell

For the nymph Daphne, who now is not the same.

And in order to remember her forever,

He made laurel as the symbol of tribute to poets.

Apollo will never forget Daphne—ever

For it is, too, is used by Pythia—the priestess.