
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urbain
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Unbelievable Just Unbelievable

The next day all the students stood outside their class dressed like their role model according to the assignment giving by their history teacher Mrs Janette.

The female teacher walked into the halls dressed in a shot black skirt and white t-shirt her hair braided in a nite style she walked into the class room taking her register number calling out there names for each and everyone of them to come in.

Light gazed around looking for Anthony and his group which hadn't showed up it was unlike him to be late. she wondered why she cared so much about his presence it wasn't like she liked him around anyways he was a big distraction her test coming back to mind. She was dressed like a princess many wouldn't understand the historical person she had picked for her assignments. she knew an assignment was given because someone had sent her a massage of it late at night it was non other than Anthony and she hadn't even given him her number.

" That snick.. " She spoke sighing loudly kinda already missing the guys presence.

" We're are you Anthony baba Lola what show do you have for us today " She spoke into the air her eyes scanning the open filed ahead.

" Light wale " The teacher called out snapping her out of her daze towards the voice.

" Present ma " she responded walking into the class the name calling continued as each and everyone took their sit.

The woman called out Anthony name twice it seems she was also surprised not to see the young man or hear his disturbing voice.

A guy sitting at the back spoke giving an teacher assurance on his arrival.

" He will soon be here maybe something came up "The guy spoke dressed in a black suit.

The teacher closed her register walking Infront of the glass room gallantly she smiled at the students.

" Well I can see everyone took my assignment seriously you all her dressed this morning to impress me and I say job well done. well while we wait for the others let get presenting so starting from the first person on my register and before I forget your lecture Mr Jacob asked me to give you guys you test crisps he wouldn't be able to share it out himself" She spoke informing them in a calm loud voice.

Light shifted uncomfortably in her chair a bit nervous of what are grade might turn out to be.

The woman gave their test to the class rep and he passed there papers on each and everyone of there tables. Many students stood from their sits going over to Anthony table to cheek his score.

She was a bit tempted to go check as well what the annoying guy had gotten but by the students smiling faces it seems he most have cleared the enter score well she didn't expect any less the guy was a book worm maybe even more intelligent than she was.

Her paper was finally placed on the table she breathed in gathering enough courage to stare at the test script. Her eyes almost popped out in shook how was that possible she had scored the whole mark the lecture even left for her a smiling face.

She picked up the test script eying her name countless times to be sure it wasn't another person test script.

A eyes twitched when the face of annoying Anthony baba Lola appeared in her head.

" That fool I should have known he is the only one that can pull such a stunt. Just wait and see am going to finish you with slaps " She hissed feeling pissed with his interference she wondered what he most have done to the lecture for him to give her a good score. she just hoped it wasn't anything bad.

Speaking of the devil and he walked down the hallway with his squad the played a loud music bumming out of the cham box held up on peter shoulders. They had all dressed in red some thighing a red Vandana on their forehead or knuckles and the ladies dressed seductive not covering much skin a waist bead worn on their waist many rings on their nose and ears.

Music by omah lay " Mess up " Many of the students got distracted even the ones presenting the rushed to the door staring at Anthony with his group dressed in hall black their hair dilled in a bright gold color.

Light joined the crowed to also sport the crazy squad she shook her head side ways a small smile grazing her lips as the guy winked at her direction.

" Unbelievable Just Unbelievable I got to give it too you on this one " She clapped her hands out of words .

Thanks for reading guys byeeee ♥️♥️♥️