
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urbain
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72 Chs

Ice cream taste better in your mouth ( 2 )

He walked over to her side she was sitting by the road holding unto his suit jacket.

He sat by her side staring forward as the cars passed bye.

" Thank you for helping me live a evening of the childhood I couldn't get to have after my father death I did all kind of work to earn a living people are not nice they are selfish,cruel , cunning,cold heated I had to become tougher than life it self leaving all my dreams ,hopes and wants behind burning them into tine air " He spoke lost in a trance a smile spreading on his face he turned to face light who's eyes were glued to his.

" I wish I could take all your pain away ,I wish I was by your side even if it was just as a friend" She spoke holding his hand tightly feeling the pain and hardship Anthony most have gone true at a young stag of his life.

" Light am grateful I went true all I did , it made me brave, fearless, immune to death it self I tooled with death so much to the point that I feel when we finally meet it might take me quicker not giving me chance to even say goodbye " Anthony spoke distantly having a mixed emotion flash true is blue eyes.

" Anthony do you have something bordering you that you want to share with me am here to listen " Light gazed into his eyes trying to make him open up to her she felt he was hiding something big from her.

" Could your God forgive a killer ? because my hands are stained with blood so much blood I have started to see dead people hunting me " His voice shaking as a look of horror flashed right true his eyes.

Light hugged him tightly he was starting to go into his trama again.

" Anthony God forgives ever one am not a saint no one is we all have skeletons hiding inside our cupboard but you need to forgive yourself first before God can forgive you make peace with your guilt " She spoke parting gentle on the back.

Anthony stayed silent holding her tightly he felt so safe and free to breath the fresh air.

" Can you spend the night with me I know I shouldn't ask you for this because have kept you long enough but i can sleep better without having nightmares with you around " Anthony spoke pulling away from her he got to his feet taking her hand.

A cab arrived parking Infront of them the driver lowered his glass sheds.

" Are you Anthony " The man asked with a deep frown on his aged face he looked pissed like someone who had been offended from were he was coming.

Light had a bad feeling in her chest she studied the driver not like his out appearance he looked tattered and eyes redder than blood.

" Yes ,are you our driver ? " Anthony asked watching the man inside the car.

" Yes get inside I still have my evening shift to finish " The man voice was a bit stiff and laced with annoyance it showed all over his expression.

Anthony pulled opened the door for her she was a bit excitant a voice in her mind warning her to stop them from taking the ride..

" Anthony why don't we take another cab I don't have a good feeling" She spoke feeling something raw prick her heart codes making her insides chung in disgust almost trowing up all the food in her tommy.

" Light don't worry am by your side I will keep you safe " He spoke trying to easy the tension building up walls of insecurity in her mind.

She breathed heavily stepping into the car he joined her sitting by her side he had also felt the pressuring tension building up in the atmosphere.

Shooting the car door behind them he held light in his arms she rested into his chest the driver starting the engines and driving off increasing the radio.

He hummed a song before a naughty idea came into his mind he knew light was still feeling on easy so he needed to drive her worries away.

" who knew ice cream taste better in your mouth I think am now a fan of ice cream " He spoke into her ears huskily she pulled away from him giving a seriously look.

" Do you always have to be shameless why are you even trying to make me uncomfortable what will you gain by doing that " Light spoke calmly intended with a mix of frustration laying back into his arms too tired to understand Anthony problems just in one night.

Light stared out of the window she realized it was really late the street empty only a few vehicle's passing bye.

" You can fall asleep light don't be border remember am here we will be home soon " Anthony spoke bringing her attention away from the window.

She hummed shooting her eyes but she couldn't still fall asleep the feeling didn't want to go away no matter how hard she tried keeping her eyes shoot staying in the darkness she prayed silently that nothing bad would happen.

Driving for hours the driver suddenly halted almost trowing them against the sits Infront.

The driver cursed sensing a urgent wave of panic trying to reverse the car.

" Sheet common, common move " The driver screamed stepping on the engines the car roaring in response but couldn't start.

Anthony eyes which were kept closed flow right opened gazing at the dark place the car had stopped and no matter how much the driver stepped on the gear for it to move the car stayed right in place.

Some strange people started to walk out of the shadows holding weapons and machetes in their hands the head of their group placed his feet on the bumper holding a gun in his hand putting it at the driver gesturing for him to step out of the car.

Anthony stared at light sleepy face he smiled unable to believe she could sleep true such a noise his heart beating rapidly admiring the woman even in there pending state he gently laid her down to rest on the car sit.

" I be back beautiful sleep soundly for me " He spoke to her sleepy self he glared at the driver coldly holding his hand before he could open the car door..

The driver stared at him with fear showing on his face.

" What are you doing kid do you want them to kill us all it better if they steal the vehicle and let us live let go of my hand so I can go negotiate with them " The driver spock to him in agitation not wanting to anger the bandits.

" How dum can you be you will die quicker by their hands because your a coward look at their faces do you see a mask on their faces that means you know their identity they will boost all our heads the moment they get the car " Anthony spoke holding the man hand he slowly let the man hand go seeing he had gotten the message.

" what do we do then we can't still stay in the vehicle we still die anyways oh...dear I am not ready to die yet " The man spock almost crying out his face drained from colour.

" I'm not scared of death why don't we have a deal do you have a spare tier " He asked the man with a playful smile on his face.

The man felt the hair on his neck rise from watching the wide smile on Anthony face he stared back at the leader of the thief's holding a gun and back at Anthony face again he wondered which he was more frightened off.

" What kind of a being are you " The man trembled seeing Anthony blue eyes change color for a minute it reflected blood almost inhuman.

" Why don't I go out their and change the tier and you drive my angel out of here slow and steady and when you get home the money you used in drinking alcohol tonight and getting mad over some bitch that didn't show up after sending your last earn money to her smile at your wife kiss her maybe make love with her and make her feel like a woman change from your ways also " Anthony smirked watching the man node his head obediently feeling his pants go wet with Anthony creepy smile.

" S... sure thank you son I will make sure she get home safe and sound " The driver promised tears falling down his face.

The criminals got inpatient the leader sent one of his men to Walk over to the driver sit knocking hard on the windows shields.

Anthony stared back at light pain reflecting in his eyes openly he leaned placing a kiss on her head.

" My angel guard me back home light up my world beautiful " He smiled speaking to her sleepy self.

Stepping out of the car instead of the driver the bandit standing by the driver windows was thrown to a far distance by Anthony.

The leader of the criminals stared at his member laying on the ground unconscious feeling in rage he pointed his gun at Anthony.

" Who are you to have the god's to attack one of my men who give you the balls am going to waste my bullets in your skull " The leader angrily threatened Anthony cracking his gun.

" Are you done talking all I want to do is calmly fix a car tier and let the poor drinker of a driver take my angel home you all are men with wife's or woman of your dreams it not nice to keep a beautiful lady in a back sit if I wasn't involved I would gladly let you boost the fools dick but unfortunately am already involved" Anthony rested against the car his two hands togged into his pants pockets he wore a carefree straight face looking into the eyes of the leader.

" Who be this bastard self ( You una still the stand their like fools abag commot that pikin for my property waste am ) He cursed Anthony feeling in raged ordering his boys.

" Don't say I didn't warn you we all could have gone home peacefully to sleep for the night and live to see another day ( But all of una want make I no show myself so be it then ).

The five guys charged at Anthony ready to end him right were he stood.

The driver felt pity for Anthony already praying his last prayer ready to meet his ancestors. But he couldn't believe his eyes Anthony moved so fast beating all the five guys down to the ground twisting on one of the men neck till it broke off.

His white inner wear was completely covered in blood one of the leaders men tried crawling away Anthony slowly walked towards him watching the horror flash true his eyes.

" I never liked white anyways red is more my colour" He spoke staring at his white inner covered with blood he lifted his feet stepping hard on the guys head repeatedly blood staining his suite pants and shoes.

He walked back to the car knocking on the driver window not caring the leader was still holding a gun in his hand.

The driver quickly got out of his daze state whining down the window shades swallowing a mouth full of saliva in fear.

" Y..y...ye..s... sir" The man did know when he stupidly called Anthony sir out of fear.

Anthony smiled resting his arm against the car " Is my princess awake open up the back boot "

" No she is not awake I..I...will d...do ...that right away sir " He responded pulling the small lead the boot opening up.

He walked over to the back boot taking out the supplies he would be needing to change the tier.

Bending down on one knee he removed the spoilt tier placing the new one in lucking the bolts he slapped the tier getting up on his feet going back to the driver sit.

" Good to go have a safe drive home" He spoke smiling widely turning to face the leader who's spirit looked broken and disappointed.

" Son you don't have to show any more bravery get into the car let go let me drop you and this young lady am not going to charge you any fees " The driver whispered in a low tone watching the bandit leader point a gun at Anthony he didn't want the man pulling the trigger all Anthony efforts would be in vain.

" Go home I want to have him take my angel back home take out your phone and type down this number the person you call will tell you which location to drop her off don't worry about me do as I have said Anthony baba Lola never run away in the face of death if today is my last day then so be it " He spoke his voice filled with excitement the driver thought maybe Anthony was a psycho lost some nuts in the brain.

He quickly started the engines after taking down the number speeding out of the place planning to call the police hoping Anthony would still be alive and well when the authorities showed up he felt grateful to him without Anthony help he would have been dead meat tonight he prayed for his safety .

Anthony walked slowly towards the man wearing a smirk keeping his eyes lucked on the man face his cruel side loved the fear reflecting in the leaders eyes.

He pitted the man he had only one chance to run and take his men along with him but the man choice to do the exact opposite than that he stared at the dead bodies laying on the ground it was men like him that focused him to kill.

" Stay back you devil " The bandit leader screamed shooting his gun missing every time he shoot his hands shaking as Anthony draw closer.

" I said stay back " The man spoke turning to run off.

Anthony smiled he liked it even more when they ran he chased after the man kicking him he tumbled unto the floor tasting the dirt of the earth. The man pointed his gun at Anthony shaking like a fish brought out of water he shoot the gun and a bullet pass right into his arm.

Anthony froze for a second staring at the whole in his left hand his smile disappeared completely off his face stepping on the man hand holding the gun crushing it down to the floor.

The man face twisted in pain wondering what kind of a human Anthony was even after being shoot he showed no pain on his expression his look grow only more scarier.

Anthony grabbed the man shirt pulling him closer whispering into his ears.

" Help me tell the devil hi we will be meeting soon " His voice was cold and calm but it was deadly enough to short the man heart down.

" Please don't kill me ..." The leader begged crying loudly..

Anthony sported a iron steel gate having sharp pointy design built on it.

The leader followed his eyes sight and all the blood in his face drained colour Anthony pulled him up by the shirt dragging him over to the old rusty iron gate.

* Oh... please I beg you don't kill me " The man cried even louder.

Anthony lifted the man up even with his short hand ready to trow him on the sharp pointy iron.

When he heard light voice scream inside his head.

" Stop... Anthony don't do it " Her frightened voice echoed true his ears.

He staggered backwards letting go of the man searching around to find light but she was no were to be seen he realized it was all in his head even so far away she still held his heart.

" You lucky bastard" He turned to face the man his jaw tightening in rage his folded his hands into a fist picking up the man gun.

He short two holes in the man hands and feet hearing a loud piercing scream leave the man mouth.

He watched the man faint instantly wiping the gun covering up his tracks that made him involved with what had happened he turned to leave brushing his hair.

He stood alone in the empty dark streets surprised to see the cab man return back for him with some police men..