
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urbain
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Find A Reason To Fight

Anthony ran into his house feeling in rage with himself is trama kicked in covering up his sense. He walked into the kitchen taking a knife fall down to the ground using the knife to cut himself not minding the amount of blood he was losing all he wanted to do was punish himself. I was driving him to madness.

Mrs mercy came back from the market when she heard screaming sounds of pain coming from the kitchen. she quickly ran to the sound only to find her son hurting himself with a knife biting on his flesh as he used his second free hand to draw the sharp knife against his flesh cutting himself deeply. Her eyes went sobber that last time Anthony did this to himself he was still sixteen she had to call four guys to hold him down anytime his trama hits mostly when he is in rage against is own self he wouldn't cause his self harm her eyes teared up running out of the apartment to get help.

She ran to two men walking in a site carrying blocks on there shoulders.

" Please help a poor woman who my son want to kill himself" she trow herself against the ground.

The two men stared at one another dropping the block off there shoulders.

" woman stand up show us the way "One of the men asked feeling pity for the poor woman.

Mrs mercy stood to her feet screaming

" Carry rope,carry rope oo " As she ran back to her house direction the man spoke to his mate.

" You heard the woman find a rope let go " He spoke running after the woman in front the other man found a rope and ran after them. He wondered why the needed a rope wasn't it a normal person they were going to help.

The man looked surprised when he meet Anthony cutting himself with a knife he had never seen something more gruesome in his life he quickly went towards the guy careful not to alarm him kicking the knife from Anthony hand before holding him as hard as he could.

But Anthony made it really difficult for the man who was trying to keep him steel he was struggling really hard even too a point the man felt Anthony would over power is own street the other man helped his mate.

But Anthony kept pushing and pulling against them really hard his eyes going dark in rage.

Mrs mercy know the wouldn't be able to hold her son down for much longer he could turn into a killing machine when someone tried to stop him from hurting himself. she quickly took the rope praying rapping it around his body.

He finally calmed down when his mother embraced him humming silently tears rolling down her face. she whispered encouraging words into his ears.

" You are not a monster my baby boy ,your just scared calm down mummy is here " She patted him gentle on the back like calming a crying child.

The two men stood behind Mrs mercy unable to understand the kind of strength Anthony had running true his veins it was inhuman like if not that it took e every thing in them the guy would have broken free from their hold.

Anthony shoulders trembled in his mother's arms returning back to his senses he stayed steel in her embrace his eyes gazing forward cold and empty.

She let him go standing up from the ground facing the two men.

" Thank you for your help me son is fine know you may return back to your duties"She clapped her hands together against her face in gratitude walking with the men outside the house.

One of the men spoke his face twisting to the side in disgust.

" Ma sorry to say that boy is possessed with some evil spirit you need a good pastor for him he would have broken our bones with his inhuman strength" The man spoke walking of with the other man.

Mrs mercy stood more tears falling from her face she stared at the sky reflecting on her self she hadn't done any evil to anyone true out her life why did destiny have to give her the most heartbreaking story people always told her that Anthony was possessed with a demon and he needed help. but her sweet baby boy wasn't a demon she would never accept that no matter how many people said it to her face.

She tried to feed him the guy who was still tied to a chair he refused to open his mouth giving his mother a cold stare.

Mrs mercy got mad and slapped him hard against the face crying bitterly.

" Why do you want to kill your self ? what is wrong with you, are you the first too be " she pursued not completing are speech she knelt before her son.

" Anthony you are not a monster you are my son ! my only son of not for me or anyone else find a reason to fight, Fight to live ,Fight to Love, Fight for faith ,Fight for your dreams find something that give you purpose I will never stop praying for you" Got to her feet dropping the plate of food down by a table by his side walking out of his sight tears falling from her eyes.

Anthony cold look slowly turned into a broken bitter expression he bite his lower lips till it bleed.

Light sat at the back sit feeling low in spirit she watched the street light shine into the car resting on her face as the car drove on the road. She felt a slight pain in her chest for some reason she couldn't understand. Anthony image appeared in her head he looked so terrified after the had finished the song like he would die if he stayed much longer in the church.

" Anthony why can't you let me be ,what are you hiding in those eyes ,what scaring you " She spoke in a low tone to no one just to herself.