
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urbain
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72 Chs

Do You Like Me

The arrived at their destination the driver stopping by the packing lot he turned back to face them.

" We have arrived love birds " The man spoke smiling watching Anthony stare at light sleepy face.

Anthony took his eyes to the man smiling casually.

" Thank you sir " He spoke gently tapping light so she could wake up.

She yawned waking up from her little nape

" Hmmm..are we there already? " She spoke still in a sleepy voice staring at Anthony.

" Yes.. did you sleep well ? " He smiled having a teasing tone staring at the lady roll her eyes balls taking his hand as the both stepped out of the cab.

" Yes I did thanks " She responded wearing a gentle smile she robbed her arm feeling a bit cold and shy at the same time.

The evening breeze was freezing and she wasn't putting on the right clothing to keep the cold out.

Anthony observed her he smiled taking off his suit jacket watching her eyes widen as he placed it on her shoulders.

" Why did you wear a dress that you wouldn't feel comfortable in even if you dressed like a village head mistress am sure I would still be lost by your beauty, light your beauty is not in how many cloths you wear it's you and your wonderful personality that make you floorless and outstanding amongst the many " He honestly complemented her no make up in the world or clothing could cover up that fact.

Light mouth was left hanging she wondered how anyone could have a grudge against Anthony he had his ways with words her heart melted into a puddle or mood in an instant by his sweet cheesy words.

" Good bye young couple " The driver spock waving them off as he started the engines to his car driving off.

Anthony lucked there fingers together as the waved the friendly driver goodbye as well.

" Common..let forget we are grown ups for tonight I want to do the things I didn't get to do when I was a child with you light don't laugh at me" Anthony spoke with a bright big smile on his face sticking is tongue out like a kid.

He pulled her after him as the both walked hand in hand going into the bright children amusement park.

Light couldn't believe her eyes most guys would take there female friends or girlfriends on a date at some fancy restaurant or for shopping but Anthony brought her to a children amusement park.

She turned to stare at him and she couldn't help but smile his eyes sparkled gazing at the nice rides at the pack he was acting like a little child pointing at the rides he was going to try out.

" Don't just stare at me stone head take a picture it would last longer " He spoke teasingly he massaged his arm pretending to be hurt ignoring the glare she was trowing his way.

Light frowned seeing the pained expression he was wearing.

" We're those it hurt why didn't you wake me up when your shoulder started to hurt" Light spoke scolding him with a deep squeal on her face.

" Who can wake someone as beautiful as you up any man that those is a senseless fool who doesn't appreciate true beauty I would let my arm go true that torture again if it meant having you close to me" He spoke graining from ear to ear his smile almost reaching his eyes.

Light sighed wanting to so badly smack his head with a book.

" Do you always have to leave me tongue tighted stop attacking my poor heart with sweet words I'm still sorry for sleeping on your shoulder for a long period of time " she spoke pouting her lips cutely feeling a bit pissed.

He pinched her cheeks as the finally arrived inside the large playing zone the started with a car race game.

Anthony got into one of the small toy car he winked at her.

" Common don't be shy get into your own car let pretend to play an action move of a car chase" Anthony smiled gesturing for her to get into a car.

She gentle got into the kiddy vehicle feeling silly.

Anthony laughed taking out a worky talky from his pocket trowing one of the toy phone to light .

Which she cut shaking her head not believing she was seriously going to be doing this with him.

He brought the toy phone to his lips using his other spear hand to hold the wheel of the toy car.

" General stone head do you copy " He smirked almost laughing wanting to piss light a bit.

She glared at him cursing him out loud watching the guy boost out in laughter.

" Who is general stone head dutch bag " Light spoke cursing at him wanting to slap the smile of his face.

He pretended not to understand what she was saying starting the small car driving off showing her the worky talky if she wanted to speak to him.

Light sighed in defeat taking the stupid toy phone placing it in her mouth.

" Deputy He goat am not liking your games" She spoke in a stiff tone trying to restrain herself from cursing at him.

Anthony smiled even widely taking the phone to his lips.

" You didn't say copy that over "

Light roared in anger taking the phone scream into it in frustration.

" Copy that over this means war Anthony " She responded trowing the phone at his direction he ducked laughing out loudly.

Light grabbed the staring wheel driving after him the drive round in circles between the rang given for the game.

Light had to admit she was having fun chasing Anthony on a car hest .

The both laughed loudly leaving the car section he handed her a cotton candy as the both walked around the place.

" You have to admit am a really good driver you didn't even get to me not ones " Anthony praised himself kissing his own muscles.

" Award winning champion Anthony baby Lola " He cheered himself on clapping his hands.

" Yeah...yeah I beat you next time, is this were you bring all your girlfriends to on a date " Light asked sarcastically wondering why Anthony brought her to a children park.

Anthony smirked leaning in whispering into her ear.

" You should be grateful I brought you out on a date that means you most really be special to me because all of the girls I have dated our date ends in a room filled with loud moans and hot make out cession " He straightened his posture graining widely.

Light stood frozen her face turning bright red in colour the guy was to bold and shameless.

" You are one shameless piece of sheet " She spoke pretending to be mad storming off going forward he laughed chasing after her.

" Wait up.."

He caught up to her walking side by side enjoying the moment they were having together he truly didn't lie light was indeed a special young lady most ladies he had dated he never ones brought them out on a date there relationship truly ended in a room.

He grabbed her hand turning her to face him she was taking off guard falling into his chest.

" Are you mad at me I don't want to lie to you so am telling you my honest truth didn't you say you want to know everything about me or are they some you can't handle " He spoke keeping a straight face holding her in his arms she tried to break free out of his embrace.

" Let me go...you annoying guy " She yelled at him bitting his arm.

Anthony released her staring at her teeth mark on the skin of his wrist.

" Vampire..don't mark me I don't want to be marked by a church girl " Anthony also yelled back at her.

" Well then take me home since you don't like church girls so much why am I here in the first place" She screamed filling truly upset.

She ran off not wanting to be any were near him Anthony realized he had over done it cashing after her, he caught her hand in twining their fingers together.

" Im sorry.. I didn't mean to offend you I was only jocking" He spoke breathing out slowly gazing at her innocent face captivated by her eyes.

" Why don't you like me or do you like me ?" she asked the question she been dieing to ask waiting for his response.

Anthony leaned lowering himself staring at her lips his breathing fanning her face sending a hot sensation down her spine.

" If I didn't like you would I have brought you out on a date why do you think am doing any of this ,do you think I will do it for any regular girl I am Anthony baba Lola the head of the most dangerous gang in school the ladies guy of every faculty why do you think such a guy will be doing all this it because I like you a lot stupid" He breathed out flicking her for head.

Light stared back into his eyes not caring that he just flicked her forehead a beautiful bright big smile slowly appeared on her face realizing her best friend was right Anthony had truly fallen for her.

" Common we have a next ride to try out " She spoke turned around dragging him along with her.

Anthony followed her he thanked light inwardly before before being pulled off if she didn't do that at that intense moment he might just have snapped and kissed the breath out of her lungs leaving her lips swollen.

He wasn't sure how long he would be able to restrain himself from kissing her red sexy lips.

See you on the next page ✌️♥️