
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urbain
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Do You Know what I Do To Church Girls ( 2 )

Light short her eyes when she felt the weight of both the guys off her. she opened her eyes a joyful smile on her face tears falling down her face.

She had never been more happy to see that face. He looked so mad kicking and punching the guys the looked so scared dragging themselves backwards on the ground trying to run from Anthony.

Anthony looked really terrifying lifting one of them from his shirt up in the air the one that had slapped her.

" You dared lay a hand on what is mine " His eyes darkened going blood short red a evil smile appearing on his face.

Light head beat picked up hearing what he had just said he called her his she didn't know why she didn't dislike the sound it made her smile.

He nodded the guy skull with his head the guy and instant is started bleeding in the nose and mouth .

" I'm sorry boss I didn't know she was yours please don't kill me I will never do this again " The guy begged hoping for Anthony mercy.

Anthony leg was pressed against the other guys head under his feet the guy cried feeling is head being crushed by Anthony force.

" Please boss have mercy " The other guy cried fear in his voice.

" Did you have mercy when she cried and begged you guys to stop " He suddenly laughed light was also frightened by it.

" We all know the rules of our gangs a eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth you touched what mine you will pay for it " He trow the guy body far on the ground

Light felt he had vented out enough hearing him fearfully proclaim evil on the guys. she felt she had to stop him before he did something they both would regret.

He pressed is leg on the guy head harder blood pouring out if the guy mouth under is leg. the guy breathing started to grow shallow his eyes turning heavy.

Light eyes widened and the other guy thrown to the ground cried seeing is friend almost at is death he was next their was no were he could run Anthony gang would get him. He had heard of Anthony cruel punishment and they were always deadly.

Light screamed in panic and fear the look Anthony wore was nothing but evil is sweet playful charming self was gone the smile he wore now was wicked enjoying crushing the guy .

" Anthony!! stop am fine now " She spoke trying to get to him but like she had worsening it upon hearing her voice he pressed harder. She ran pulling him but he was to strong.

" Anthony stop don't kill him please am fine " she was trembling in fear she suddenly hugged him crying while her hands were rapped around his chest.

" Please stop calm down am fine your stone head fine he doesn't worth you staining your hands with his blood. "

Anthony snapped out of his trance moving his leg of the guy kicking the unconscious guy body forward at his friend.

" Take him and tell your gang head it not over am coming for you all " He spoke trying to calm himself down pushing is hand true is hair.

He pushed light gentle away from his chest storming off. Light felt confused at first feeling anger growing inside her.

" Why did you save me if you only give me the cold shoulder" She screamed shaking in anger tired for him playing with her heart.

Anthony stopped in his tracks hearing her out boost .

" I think you're scared Anthony of being around me you know I affect you that why you stay away your afraid you might change because of me. you care so much about me that you are willing to stay off but I just don't know why you want to stay away from me. Let me help you open up to me Anthony please" She sounded desperate wanting to know why he showed up everytime she needed it then the next moment he would act like he didn't give a sheet about her.

Anthony turned is eyes turning way more darker than before he walked over to her eyeing her down.

" Who told you I came to save you" He laughed at her face " I would have done the same for any girl. it just that you are someone I know that why I didn't let them enjoy some hot piece of cake this hot afternoon"

Light stared at her hand feeling broken and hurt as he spoke out mean words.

" who placed that dum thought in your head that I was running from you. you are funny you make me laugh, who are you light wale is it because i made you feel like somebody you her nothing you don't come close to girls have been with." He leaned whispering into her ears smiling wickedly as she stood frozen.

" Do you know what I do to church girls like you mostly virgins" He moaned in her ears " I ask my guys to bring them to me and do more worst things than what those guys would have done to you their screaming and begging is what makes it more satisfying. so if you want to know what is good for you stick to what your good at your God and you type because am not one of them " He straightened is posture storming out they place living light to stand thier alone not looking back at her.

Light knees gave in fall down she cried loudly feeling the pain hite her heart in a rush she bite her lips.

" Fine if that what you want I will stay away as far as you want Anthony"

thank you all for reading enjoying writing and listening to music byeee guys 🥰🥰