
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Urbain
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20 Chs



Truly excruciating!

My body is in so much pain!

The subconscious realm, supposed to be comforting and calming, feels like floating in a sea full of whispers, then suddenly the world shatters into pieces. In his blurred consciousness, Fanden feels his body tossed about in confusing darkness. Unusual stabbing sensations crawl along his nerves, creating unbearable agony. Like a sharp knife stabbing repeatedly, the pain seeps through every muscle fibre, forcing his consciousness to grapple with the enveloping darkness.

This feeling is so painful... I want to wake up...

In his unconsciousness, he tries to twist his body, grasping for an understanding of what's happening around him. However, the effort is futile, like struggling against an invisible current. Every movement feels like his last effort, his deepest desire choked by suffocating darkness and confusion.

Why is all this happening? What is happening to me? His thoughts, his inner voice almost drowned out by the roar of relentless pain.

Sinking into the sea of dreams, his body adrift without a clear direction. Like a wanderer trapped in the labyrinth of his own thoughts, he feels stuck in an endless state. Perhaps he feels awake now, but perhaps it's just an illusion in the deceptive world of dreams.

Fanden, amidst the relentless unseen attacks, struggles to find his focus. However, all attempts to break free from the shackles imposed on him by darkness and confusion feel like chasing unattainable shadows. His mind is adrift in an unordered sea of thoughts, without a clear direction, constantly surging amidst the tormenting pain.

In the enveloping darkness, unanswered questions continue to pass through his mind. Why does his body suddenly feel pain beyond limits in the silent midnight? Is this due to overwork? Or is there an unbeatable supernatural force controlling him? Or perhaps an evil spell? The endless swirl of unanswered questions only adds to the darkness surrounding his consciousness.

However, even though trapped in the maze of confusion and unimaginable pain, Fanden finds strength within himself. Slowly, he begins to gather intangible strength, rousing himself from the unconscious state that envelops him. With tireless effort, he eventually manages to open his eyes, freeing himself from the mysterious bondage that surrounds him.

Suddenly, Fanden feels his body pulled by an unknown gravity, urging him to focus his cluttered mind and full of excruciating pain. His gaze stops at a strange sight; the bathroom floor is wet with water, blue-tiled walls, and a classic bathtub in the corner of the room.

However, his vision is still blurry as faint yellow colours filter into his mind. Only the dark wooden tile floor can he see in front of him, and his consciousness is soon filled with new questions as he realizes he is in an unfamiliar place. Drenched by the water soaking the floor, his clothes add to the confusion enveloping him.

"A bathtub? A bathroom? Where am I?" he mutters, startled by the unfamiliar surroundings. His body feels wet, making him aware of the strangeness of the situation he faces.

Unconsciously, his eyes look up, revealing a more surprising sight. In the sky, a palace towers above a floating island, shining brightly white under the full moon's light. It looks like something from a fairy tale, but an unspoken fear gnaws at his heart as he tries to stand, only to be halted by the pain relentlessly striking him.

However, before he can fully stand upright, the pain creeps in, causing him to fall hard onto the wet floor. The pain, although not severe, spreads to every muscle fibre, hitting him with unexpected force. But that's only the beginning of his misery, as suddenly he feels an unbearable wave of nausea filling his stomach.

Out of nowhere, an unbearable wave of nausea hits his stomach, forcing Fanden to rush to the toilet. In worsening condition, he feels the nausea and stabbing pain piercing his abdomen.

Fanden rushes his face into the toilet, violently vomiting out the contents of his stomach. Thick green liquid spews out, piercing his nose with a stinging pain. It feels like fire consuming every tissue in his throat, leaving an unforgettable bitter taste in his mouth.

"Ugh, this is too awful," he sighs, feeling the acid burning in his throat.

Taking deep breaths, Fanden tries to calm himself in this strange situation. However, as he stands up again, his gaze is fixed on the amount of green liquid that has come out of his body. How could so much fluid come out of him? Is this a sign of poisoning or perhaps something even more mysterious?

While trying to make sense of the surrounding situation, in a state of confusion and pain, Fanden tries to understand his surroundings. He examines every corner of the room carefully, trying to find any clues that could explain the strangeness he is experiencing.

The bathroom, not too large, adorned with wall mirrors and scattered hooks on the wall. Amidst all the confusion and tormenting pain, the more he seeks answers, the more he feels trapped in endless mystery. And when he finally looks at the mirror in front of him, he finds himself trapped in a body that is strange and unfamiliar to him.