
My Chaotic Xianxia Harem Life

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The_Procrastinator · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 Crucible

A week had swiftly passed in Silver Cloud City, yet the tranquil streets buzzed with an unexpected revelation: the abrupt cancellation of Nolan and Samantha's marriage engagement.

"I can honestly say that I was not surprised by this at all," remarked Mrs. Jenkins, a prominent figure in the city's social circles.

"It's like a toad wanting to eat the meat of a swan," chimed in Mr. Thompson, nodding sagely.

"I'm just happy that young Miss Samantha has been enlightened this early," Mrs. Cartwright added with a knowing smile.

The news spread like wildfire among the townsfolk, who gathered in small groups to discuss the implications. Some expressed relief, believing the match to be ill-suited from the start. Others shook their heads in disbelief, questioning the wisdom of the Darkmoon Clan's decision to arrange such a union.

In the bustling market square, merchants paused their transactions to exchange gossip, while in the serene gardens of the city park, elderly couples whispered theories about the reasons behind the cancellation.

Rumors flew through the air like autumn leaves, painting different pictures of Nolan and Samantha's brief courtship.

Despite the formidable influence of the Darkmoon Clan, the majority of Silver Cloud City seemed to support the decision. Samantha's family, known for their own wealth and influence, was not to be underestimated in local affairs.

While the city continued to discuss the canceled engagement, little did they know that Nolan had already begun moving forward with his life. His carriage, a familiar sight in the streets of Silver Cloud, now made its way towards the imposing main house that served as the Darkmoon Clan's true stronghold. Nolan's presence within the clan's inner sanctum was restricted; he could visit, but not reside there.

As he approached the main gates, guarded by stoic sentinels clad in the Darkmoon colors, Nolan reflected on the unique aura of this place. Here, only the clan's most promising and talented members were allowed to dwell. They were nurtured with an intensity and dedication that bordered on fanaticism, groomed to uphold the Darkmoon legacy with unwavering loyalty.

Inside the main house, corridors echoed with the footsteps of those who bore the crest of the Darkmoon Clan. Ornate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of valor and triumph from the clan's storied history. The air was thick with an atmosphere of reverence and expectation, as if every corner of the ancestral home whispered secrets known only to those deemed worthy.

Nolan navigated through these hallowed halls with a mixture of nostalgia and excitement.

It would be untrue to deny his deep-seated desire to reside within the hallowed halls of the Darkmoon Clan's main house. Nolan's aspirations soared beyond mere residency; he harbored ambitious dreams of ascending through the ranks of his family. He envisioned himself as the future clan head, wielding authority and guiding the clan with wisdom and strength. Beyond that, he dared to dream of founding his own sect, a legacy that would extend far beyond the confines of Silver Cloud City.

These ambitions, once mere fantasies gleaned from xianxia novels he had avidly read in the past, now burned brightly in his heart. The prospect of experiencing these lofty goals firsthand ignited a fire within him, propelling him forward with a sense of purpose and determination.

"I urgently need to speak with my father. Please inform him that I bear a message of the utmost importance—a message that could sway the very destiny of our clan," Nolan asserted, his tone carrying a weight of seriousness as he hinted at a foreboding prophecy. His father, the current clan head, was renowned for his ceaseless obligations, leaving Nolan little option but to employ persuasion.

The guards stationed at the entrance exchanged apprehensive glances, silently deliberating the gravity of Nolan's words. After a brief moment, one of them nodded reluctantly, recognizing the urgency in Nolan's request.

"Remain here, Young Master Nolan. I shall convey your message directly to the clan head," the guard assured Nolan before hastening inside the imposing main house. It was clear from the guard's demeanor that Nolan's proclamation had resonated deeply, compelling swift action.

Five minutes passed before the same guard returned, his demeanor respectful yet composed.

"You may enter, young master. The clan head eagerly awaits your presence," the guard announced, gesturing for Nolan to proceed. With a nod of gratitude, Nolan passed through the ranks of guards, each clad in the Darkmoon Clan's distinguished attire, and ventured deeper into the heart of the clan's ancestral home.

Navigating the labyrinthine corridors that resonated with echoes of centuries-old secrets and whispered ambitions, Nolan felt the weight of his lineage pressing upon him. The Darkmoon Clan's presence in Silver Cloud City spanned generations, its roots intertwined with the city's very foundations.

After what seemed like an eternity of winding through passages adorned with ancient tapestries depicting heroic deeds and historic battles, Nolan arrived at the threshold of a grand hall. The hall itself seemed to breathe with the essence of power and authority, its vaulted ceilings soaring high above a mosaic-tiled floor that had witnessed countless deliberations and decisions shaping the clan's destiny.

At the forefront of the hall stood a figure who bore a striking resemblance to Nolan himself. Youthful yet commanding, with eyes that reflected both wisdom and resolve, this was none other than Nolan's father—the current clan head. Despite his youthful appearance, his presence exuded an aura of authority that commanded respect from all who gathered in the hall.

To Nolan's surprise and awe, his father was not alone. Flanking him were the elders of the Darkmoon Clan, their presence denoted by the intricately carved chairs they occupied, each symbolizing decades of leadership and guidance. These elders, with their weathered faces and piercing gazes, represented the collective wisdom and experience that guided the clan through times of prosperity and adversity alike.

As Nolan approached, a hushed silence fell over the assembly. His father's gaze met his own, a mixture of annoyance and disappointment evident in the depths of his eyes. Surrounding them, the elders observed Nolan with a mix of curiosity and scrutiny, their expressions unreadable yet undoubtedly assessing the young man who stood before them.

"Greetings, Father. I had expected our meeting to be private, as the guard surely informed you that what I'm about to discuss concerns the fate of our clan," Nolan began with a tone that carried both urgency and respect.

"Preposterous! You, who have brought nothing but shame to our clan! What good can you possibly do, wasting your life in mediocrity and frivolity?" an elder interjected loudly, his words laced with disdain.

Nolan chose not to dignify the elder's harsh words with a response. Instead, he turned his gaze towards his father, recalling memories of a fair and loving man. He remembered how, despite his initial difficulties, his father had spared no effort in trying to unlock Nolan's spiritual potential, just as he had done for his siblings. Even if he had not succeeded, Nolan knew his father had tried, and that effort meant everything to him.

Nolan's father regarded his son with a contemplative silence, weighing the gravity of Nolan's presence and purpose in the hall.

"Leave us," the clan head commanded firmly, his voice cutting through the tension in the room.

"But what about our scheduled agenda for today? Surely that takes precedence over a mere wastrel like your son," the elder challenged, his tone defiant.

"There will be other days for that. I will summon you all again once I have concluded my business with my son," Nolan's father replied calmly, unruffled by the elder's provocations. His patience, honed through years of leadership, remained steadfast.

With a dismissive snort, the elder was the first to exit the hall, followed by the rest of the council of elders. As they departed, the atmosphere in the grand hall shifted, leaving Nolan and his father in a rare moment of solitude amidst the weight of their clan's expectations and Nolan's own aspirations.

For Nolan, standing before his father in that pivotal moment, it was not just about delivering a message—it was about forging a path that would define his own legacy within the venerable Darkmoon Clan.