
Chapter 11 Nicole Chase After the Thief

At the same time, at the gate of the hospital.

Darwin parked the car in front of the hospital and looked at his watch. He was just in time to pick up Nicole.

Darwin got out of the car and headed to the hospital.

For some reason, Darwin kept thinking about Nicole and decided to check on her.

However, he waited for a long time and still didn't see Aunt Shannon. Realising that something was wrong, Darwin hurried his steps.

As soon as he arrived at the ward, a woman stopped him in his tracks.

Darwin stopped and took a look, the woman looked familiar.

"Madam, can I help you?"

"Darwin, it's me! Don't you remember me? I'm Nicole's mother!"

"Oh, really?" Darwin looked at her up and down, he vaguely remembered her.

Out of respect, he asked, "Mom, do you come to the hospital to pick up Nicole today?"

"Yes, haha, you can say that." Janae's attitude was as strange as ever, and she did not dare to look Darwin in his eyes.

Darwin frowned, feeling that Janae was hiding something.

"Auntie, where is Nicole?"

"Don't even talk about it, I'm still mad. Just now Nicole went to take out some money but a thief stole her bag! I was so angry and I asked Nicole to chase after him."

"You asked her to go after the thief alone?" Darwin's face gloomed. Nicole was so thin and tiny, she was definitely no match for a thief.

"I'll go and have a look."

Ignoring Janae, who was still rambling on, Darwin darted towards the lobby downstairs, trying to find Nicole.


In the police station.

Nicole went to the police station to file a report. Seeing that it was getting late, Nicole had to rush back to the hospital and give her mother the money. Before leaving, she went to thank the man who had helped her.

"Sir, thank you so much today. I'm sorry you have to come to the police station with me."

"It's okay. I couldn't just stand by and watch it happen." Aaron smiled and his beautiful eyes slightly curved. "I heard you telling the police that your name is Nicole Francis. Hey, I'm Aaron Matthews."

"Mr. Matthews, you're too kind. I should buy you dinner today, but I still have some urgent matters to attend to. I'll find a chance to treat you a meal someday."

"Why so urgent? You can't even spare time for dinner?" Aaron took a step forward and blocked Nicole's way.

Nicole was in a dilemma. Her brother was still waiting for the money, but Aaron looked sincere. He probably just wanted to make friends.

Nicole didn't want to let him down, Aaron just helped her after all. "Mr. Matthews, we..."

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

Just as Nicole was thinking about how to get out of this, a deep and familiar voice came from above her head.

Before she could turn around, the man pulled Nicole into his arms.

Nicole looked up in shock and saw Darwin's cold face.

"Why are you here?"

"I saw your mother in the hospital. She told me that you chased after the thief, so I came to check on you."

Darwin sounded indifferent, but he looked Nicole up and down.

After making sure that she was not injured, Darwin's gaze fell on Aaron.

Darwin reached out his hand after a moment and said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Nicole's husband. Thank you for helping my wife catch the thief."

"Husband? Ms. Francis, are you married?"

Aaron was surprised. Nicole looked like she had just graduated from university. She looked too young to be married.

"Yes, Mr. Matthews, I've been married for three years."

Nicole showed him the wedding ring on her ring finger. This was the first time Darwin introduced himself as her husband.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we really have to leave now. We can talk about your reward later."

Darwin nodded politely and handed his business card to Aaron, then he took Nicole to the car.

"By the way, how did you know I was in the police station?"

Nicole got in the car and asked cautiously.

"A passerby saw you guys here."

Darwin answered coldly with no expression on his face.

"Is that so..."

Nicole lowered her head in disappointment, she could still feel the warmth of Darwin's hand on her shoulder.

She thought Darwin was worried about her.

She thought too much.

Darwin started the car and asked, "Your mother told me everything. Do you need money?"

Nicole ignored her own safety and ran after the thief just to get her money back. Fortunately, someone was there to help her. If Nicole were to face him alone, or if the thief had weapons on him...

Darwin dared not imagine what would happen.

Nicole lowered her head and didn't say anything.

The car was suddenly filled with silence. After a long time, Darwin said, "If you really need money, you can tell me. I will give you money."

"It's okay, I don't need your money." Nicole refused his offer unexpectedly.

Although she really needed money now, Nicole didn't want to ask for help.

Especially not from Darwin.